Ethereum Classic development actively underway by a decentralized community development initiative run by volunteers. It is an open organization where people are judged solely on the quality of their contributions.
Are you interested in volunteering your time to help the development of Ethereum Classic? Post in the issues section, tell us about yourself and we will try to help you find a place you can contribute to Ethereum Classic development.
If you are interested in community organizing, you can find more information about volunteering with other community organizers here:
Invitation link
Channels: #development #website-design #dapps
Server, channel #etc-dev
I propose we operate our development in a similar fashion to Angel volunteer system found at CCC events. Existing volunteers will do their best to help new volunteers, but there is no strict leadership heirachy. Instead of a chain of command, I propose we operate on a merit system, you are judged only on your code & discussion contributions, not your age, race, gender, sex, nationality or anything else, just the what you contribute. You do not even need to own any Ethereum classic, if you have a good idea or a well reasoned contribution, that is all that matters.
If you see anything that needs to be fixed and you are capable, please fix it. Create a local fork, make the change and submit a pull request. Everyone is currently working in a volunteer capacity, the fastest way to enact changes is to create pull requests.
If you want to make fundamental changes to the system please consult with your peers, have them review your code, and make sure we have consensus. If the issue is contentious we should work to include the input of the wider community.
Any donations received will be fairly distributed among active volunteers.
Our primary priority is maintaining existing clients currently maintained by the ICO backed Ethereum Foundation with DAO hard fork code removed to ensure easy access to the original/classic Ethereum network. We do this by keeping up with upstream patches for every major client and provide an alternative which does not require the user to use a special flag to run a node on the original/classi Ethereum network.
As more people volunteer we can shift our focus, begin to close issues shared by both ourselves and the upstream developers. In my opinion, we should first start with restoration and access to the original/classic Ethereum network and move to a focus on security oriented updates while the growing developer community discusses and builds a roadmap for future updates to the system and which clients and projects we should support with community development.
A wide variety of projects need assistance, regardless of your experience, if you are interested, you should volunteer. A diversity of perspectives is important and anything you don't yet know, you can learn over time.
Ethereum Classic Clients public board
Build Server (TeamCity)
Process of client restoration
Go language implementation of the original/classic design of the Ethereum protocol. Go-ethereum is currently restored and under active development, other clients are in the restoration process or require volunteers to contribute to their restoration.
Contacts: IRC Server, channel #etc-dev, contact @whatisgravity
Bomb Defusal
Public board
Related issue ethereumproject/go-ethereum#11
Contacts: IRC Server, channel #etc-dev @whatisgravity, Slack @dontpanicburns
Mist browser & wallet
Mist wallet associated projects:
- Dapp-styles -
- Meteor-dapp-wallet -
- Meteor-package-accounts -
- Meteor-package-blocks -
- Meteor-package-tools -
- Meteor-package-elements -
- Ether wallet -
- Mist - IRC Server, channel #etc-dev, contact @whatisgravity
- Ether Wallet - Slack @jsmith_dev, @elaine, @dontpanicburns
EthereumJ - Java implementation of the Ethereum Classic
Contacts: Slack - @splix, @bart
PyEthereum - Original/Classic version of the next generation cryptocurrency network
Contacts: Slack - @eric.somdahl, @avempace
Cpp-Ethereum - Ethereum C++ client
Contact: Slack - @igetgames
Etherjar - Lightweight Java client to Ethereum blockchain
Contacts: Slack @splix, @eric.somdahl
Blockchain Explorer
ETC Block Explorer public board - In response to none of the existing major Ethereum blockchain explorers being open source, as a community we have decided to develop a quality open source block chain explorer. Providing an open source solution which allows for easy verification of contracts supports increased contract complexity within the ecosystem.
Contacts: Slack @elaine, @sianyu, @dontpanicburns
Social Fork Analysis - A citizen journalism project doing social network analysis with the goal of creating an easy to use data set for journalists and researchers.
Contacts: IRC Server, channel #etc-dev, @whatisgravity
Open Oracle Project - Open Oracle project is a public utility to inject web/API data into the Ethereum Classic Blockchain to trigger smart contracts easily, securely and cheaply. Looking for volunteers that would like to be a part of this project.
Key skills/expertise required:
- API's
- Backend
- Smart Contracts / Solidity
- Consensus Mechanisms/Algorithms
Contact: Slack @avtarsehra
Multisig Trust Contract
A contract to serve as a trust for development and general enough to be repurposed for needs. This would allow donations to developers to be managed in a transparent way and access can be controlled by active developers who have built trust with the community.
Visual smart contract language
Solidity is not well understood by general people specially lawyers of the future.
A code generator that translates Ethereum Classic UML like smart contracts to Solidity language utilizing for example Acceleo and Papyrus plugins inside Eclipse would improve the issue. That is basically a model to text transformation whereas the model is UML and the text is Solidity code.
In the end a model to text transformation powered by Acceleo Engine would be running to compile that in the backstage.
Contacts: Slack @prophetdaniel
... more to come ...
We need simple, visual way to coordinate plans and assignments. To make the processes in the organization transparent we are using public Trello boards.
For those of you who is not familiar with Trello. Trello is a collaboration tool that organizes projects into boards. In one glance, Trello shows you what's being worked on, who's working on what, and where something is in a process. It is an easy way for volunteers to quickly find tasks they can immediately work on.
These boards are public and everyone can see the progress. Write access can be granted after a established track record of activity in Ethereum Classic Project.
- Ethereum Classic Clients public board
- ETC Block Explorer public board