This script is used to take a brand new NetScaler and apply a base configuration. All that needs to be done on the NetScaler is configure the NSIP/Netmask/Gateway. Once that is done, you can run the script to configure the NetScaler.
You use the nsAutoCfg.json file to specify the configuration. Check out the file for what all you can do to configure the NetScaler. A high level overview of this configuration file is below.
NetScaler(s) 10.1 or up
The NetScaler Python SDK, can download from a NetScaler 10.5 or up
Python module requirments: paramiko, requests (Install both via "pip install MODULENAME")
Run from the Nitro SDK root or install the Nitro SDK (installation instructions in the SDK)
In the same directory you need your license file and the config.json referenced below.
Run Script via:
ns # This node is an array of netscalers to config, you specify multiple here. In my example file I have two. and
config # the config node is an item that is used to specify the configuration, most of these are required
ips # This node is a way to add SNIPs/MIPs/ect... Any type of NetScaler IP types can go here (I only have one, but you
can specify multiple)
type # SNIP/MIP/ECT...
mgmt # True or False, enables all of the managment nodes or not
dns # This node specifies DNS for the NetScaler, can specify multiple nameservers
nameserver # IP address for your nameserver
tz # Timezone (Same timezone you see in the dropdown, I use New York (Eastern Time))
localLicFileLoc # Specify where your license file is on your machine running the script
features # Enable or disable multiple features here
feature # Use the same CLI names (lb, cs, ssl, ect...)
enable # true to enable, false to disable
modes # Enable or disable multiple modes here
mode # Use the same CLI names (l2, l3, usnip, ect...)
enable # true or false
services # Specify services to add here, takes multiple.
type # Use CLI name: (http, ssl, dns, ect...)
lbvs # Specify lbvservers to add here, takes multiple
servicetype # CLI Name: (http, ssl, ect)
ipv46 # VIP IP, v4 or v6
presistance type
services # Add services to bind here
servicename # Matches the service name above
hanode # Specify all your HA Nodes here. Note this is a new node from ns at the top
id # HA ID
mode # primary or secondary * If you specify primary, when configuring we will set the others a STAYSECONDARY for the initial configuration to ensure configuration stays with the primary
hastatus # Specify the final hastatus: ENABLED, STAYPRIMARY, STAYSECONDARY, ect...
primary # Specify the primary HA Node for this netscaler here, if you are the primary then specify your own IP