Table of Contents
- ALGOSUP_2022_Project_3_A | Sound Synthesizer
- Project documentation
- Features in development
- Getting Started
- Basic structure
- Modifying and printing default values
- Reading files
- Writing to files / Saving
- Playing music
- Dealing with stereo
- Creating audio data
- Finding frequencies from notes and octaves
- Creating silence
- Cutting audio
- Superposing audio data
- Composing
- Preview
- Frequency analysis
- Filters
- Footnotes
The project was proposed by Algosup and Robert Pickering. Its objective is to create a Sound Synthesizer capable of opening, modifying, createing and saveing sounds using in F#.
Ivan Molnar
Clement Caton
Louis de Choulot
Théo Diancourt
Mathieu Chaput
Léo Chartier
MP3 features are still in developpement. We are supposed to be able to compress and decompress MP3 files. It is already possible look at audio data in mp3 files and check the progress inside the mp3-compression branch
Download .NET 6.0 or newer
You can simply download our latest build through the NuGet platform with this command :
dotnet add package Synthesizer
To interact with the library you'll have to mainly interact with the Synth
This object functions as a sort of API towards the rest of the library.
The synthesizer can be initialysed as follows :
let synth = Synth()
The reasoning behind using a type
instead of a module
for our library was to enable default values.
Values such as the samplerate2, the bpm3 or the default waveform1 are needed everywhere but tend to stay the same.
These values can be accesed and modified directly from the object.
Example :
let synth = Synth() // Init Synth()
printfn "%A" synth // Print default values
let oldSampleRate = synth.sampleRate // Save the current sampleRate into an external variable
synth.sampleRate <- 50000. // Change default sampleRate
print $"{synth}" // Print default values with new default sampleRate
print $"{oldSamplRate}" // Print old sampleRate
The above example prints :
sampleRate: 44100
bpm: 90
default wave type: Sin
sampleRate: 50000
bpm: 90
default wave type: Sin
You can extract data from a wav file in the default /Output/
folder using synth.ReadFromWav (fileName:string)
You can open it from your own path using synth.readFromWavWithPath (filePath:string)
These functions return a tuple containing the soundData:list<list<float>>
, duration:float
, sampleRate:int
and the bitsPerSample:int
Example :
let inOutputData, inOutputDuration, inOutputSampleRate, inOutputBPSampleRate = synth.ReadFromWav "yourFileName.wav" // get everything from a file in the Output folder
let fromPathData, _, fromPathSampleRate, _ = synth.readFromWavWithPath "/yourPath/yourFileName.wav" // get only the sound data and the sample rate from a predefined path
You can save files by writing data into them with the function synth.WriteToWav name music
. This function will put files in the folder "./Output".
Example :
synth.WriteToWavWithPath "name.wav" sound // This will save the sound in the file from the path "./Output/name.wav".
You can also save files by writing data into them with the function synth.WriteToWavWithPath path fileName music
. This function will put files in "path/fileName".
Example :
synth.WriteToWavWithPath "./folder/" "name.wav" sound // This will save the sound in the file from the path "./folder/name.wav".
Your Os is automatically detected to use either SFML on windows or afplay on Mac, this function does not support Linux yet.
You can play music from the code synth.PlayWav offset data
Example :
synth.PlayWav 0. data // This will play the sound in the variable data with an offset of 0 second.
You can also play music from a file with synth.PlayWavFromPath offset (filePath:string)
Example :
synth.PlayWavFromPath 0. "./Output/name.wav" // This will play the sound in the file from the path "./Output/name.wav" with an offset of 0 second.
Each sound will be played one by one. For the next sound to be played (or to end the program if there aren't any more sounds) you need to press the enter key.
Working with stereo4 is rather simple.
Whenever data is getting written the input needs to be a list of lists and every time we read data the output will also be a list of list.
Each of the inner lists represent the audio data in a different channel.
For example if we want to write a .wav file with two channels that would look like this :
let synth = Synth() // Init
let channel1 = synth.SoundWithEnveloppe 440. (Seconds 2.) Sin 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 // First audio
let channel2 = synth.SoundWithEnveloppe 440. (Seconds 2.) Sin 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 // Second audio
synth.WriteToWav "stereo.wav" [channel1; channel2] // Writing file with two channels
This will create the following audio file :
You can create some basic audio using synth.Sound (frequency:float) (duration:Duration) (waveType:BaseWaves)
Example :
let newSound = synth.Sound 440. (Seconds 1.) Sin // Create a 1 second sinusoidal wave with a frequency of 440Hz.
let newSound2 synth.Sound (synth.getNoteFreq 3 Note.F) Half Triangular // Create a triangular F3 half note.
Alternatively, it is possible to directly create a note with the synth.Note (duration:Duration) (mNote:Note) (octave:int)
Example :
let newNote = synth.Note Quarter Note.D 5 // Create a D5 quarter note.
In order to create a sound with an envelope you need to use synth.SoundWithEnveloppe (frequency:float) (duration:Duration) (waveType:BaseWaves) (sustain:float) (attack:float) (hold:float) (decay:float) (release:float)
We are using a basic AHDSR5 envelope6 :
Example :
let synth = Synth()
let sound = synth.SoundWithEnveloppe 440. (Seconds 3.) Sin 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 // Create sound with envelope
The above example creates the following sound :
* Please note : when creating a new sound with this method, the release adds data at the end of the normal data.
Its possible to create sounds with more esoteric envelopes using the Synth.SoundWithCustomEnveloppe (frequency:float) (duration:Duration) (waveType:BaseWaves) (dataPoints: List<float * float>)
The dataPoints
variable refers to a list of coordinates for which the envelope will "nudge" the sound towards.
It contains a list of tuples, each tuple represents a point in time first and an amplitude second.
For the shake of an example, lets create a simple envelope that only rises up from 0 to 1 and than back again to 0 :
First of all, a simple sound without an envelope so we'll have a point of reference :
let synth = Synth() // Init
let basicSound = synth.Note (Seconds 1) Note.A 4
synth.WriteToWav "basic.wav" [basicSound]
This, of course, leaves us with a straight blob of a sinusoidal sound wave with a duration of 1 second :
Now if we do the same thing but with our envelope that would look like this:
let synth = Synth() // Init
let custEnvSound = synth.SoundWithCustomEnveloppe (synth.GetNoteFreq Note.A 4) (Seconds 1) Sin [(0., 0.); (0.5, 1.); (1., 0.)]
synth.WriteToWav "custEnvSound.wav" [custEnvSound]
The output already looks a bit more interresting :
A better way of doing this would be to outright create a function for the new envelope :
let synth = Synth() // Init
let exampleCustomEnvelope (note:Note) (octave:int) (duration:float) =
synth.SoundWithCustomEnveloppe (synth.GetNoteFreq note octave) (Seconds duration) Sin [(0., 0.); ((duration/2.), 1.); (duration, 0.)]
let custEnvSound1 = exampleCustomEnvelope Note.A 4 1.
let custEnvSound2 = exampleCustomEnvelope Note.B 6 2.
let custEnvSound3 = exampleCustomEnvelope Note.D 3 3.
synth.WriteToWav "custEnvSound1.wav" [custEnvSound1]
synth.WriteToWav "custEnvSound2.wav" [custEnvSound2]
synth.WriteToWav "custEnvSound3.wav" [custEnvSound3]
This way the new, completely personalized, envelope can easily be applied to a large number of notes.
A chord is a superposition of multiple notes, generally forming a nice sound in the ear.
There are currently only two types/qualities of chord possible: Minor
and Major
While a minor chord has, going upward in frequencies, a spacing of 3 then 4 and sounds "sad", a major chord has spacing of 4 then 3 and sound "happy".
For example, to create a Am3
, you may use
let Am3 = synth.Chord Quarter Note.A Minor 3
which is the equivalent of this
let Am3 = synth.Add [
synth.Note Quarter Note.A 3
synth.Note Quarter Note.C 4
synth.Note Quarter Note.E 4
see the Add
definition thereafter
A more simplified way to find the sound you are looking for is through musical octaves7 and notes8.
To call on this form of notation you'll have to use the synth.GetNoteFreq (note:Note) (octave:int)
function to get the right frequency.
Example :
let Note = synth.GetNoteFreq Note.C 4 // This returns the frequency of the C4 note
Alternatively, you could directly create a SinWave using the synth.Note (duration:Duration) (note:Note) (octave:int)
Example :
let Note = synth.Note Half Note.C 4 // This returns the frequency a half duration of the C4 note
In most cases, the frequency of a note is calculated from a default frequency (mostly, 440Hz for the A4 note).
However, in some cases, you might need to find a note from a different starting frequency.
This can be done using the synth.GetNoteFreqOffset (note:Note) (octave:int) (aFourFreq:Float)
Example :
let Note = synth.GetNoteFreqOffset Note.C 4 444. // This returns the frequency of the C4 note calculated from the starting point 444Hz at the A4 note
Creating silence is as simple as calling the synth.Silence (duration:Duration)
let Silence = synth.Silence (Seconds 2) // Returns 2 seconds of silence
Cutting audio is simple. You can use the following functions
synth.CutStart (time:float) (data:List<float>)
: Cuts the start of the audio data returning the end part -
synth.CutEnd (time:float) (data:List<float>)
: Cuts the end of the audio data returning the first part -
synth.CutMiddle (timeStart:float) (timeEnd:float) (data:List<float>)
: Cuts out the middle of the audio data and returns the edges merged together -
synth.CutEdge (timeStart:float) (timeEnd:float) (data:List<float>)
: Cuts of both ends of the audio data and returns the middle part
Example :
let a = synth.Note (Seconds 1) Note.A 4
let b = synth.Note (Seconds 1) Note.B 4
let c = synth.Note (Seconds 1) Note.C 4
let d = synth.Note (Seconds 1) Note.D 4
let full = synth.Compose [a; b; c; d;] // Complete sound, takes 4 second and plays 4 different notes
let lastThree = synth.CutStart 1. full // Cuts first note, leaving last 3
let firstThree = synth.CutEnd 1. full // Cuts last note, leaving first 3
let edges = synth.CutMiddle 1. 1. full // Cuts out the 2 middle notes, leaving the first and the last ones
let second = synth.CutMiddle 1. 2. full // Cuts the first and the last 2 notes, leaving the second one
You can superpose different sounds together to get a 3rd that is the result of the operation. You have different functions to superpose sounds to help you to easily get what you want.
There is the function synth.Add sounds
. The variable sounds is a List<List<float>>
containing the list of sounds that will be superposed together. This function will superpose the sounds together and average the values depending on the number of waves superposed.
Example :
let sound1 = synth.Compose [synth.Note Eighth Note.C 5]
let sound2 = synth.Compose [synth.Note Eighth Note.B 8]
let sound3 = synth.Compose [synth.Note Eighth Note.A 1]
let added = synth.Add [sound1;sound2;sound3]
There is the function Utility.AddFactor (map:List<Tuple<List<float>, float>>)
. The variable map contains a list of tuple containing the sounds the user wants to superpose together and the ratio for each of the sound.
Example :
let sound1 = synth.Compose [synth.Note Eighth Note.C 5]
let sound2 = synth.Compose [synth.Note Eighth Note.B 8]
let sound3 = synth.Compose [synth.Note Eighth Note.A 1]
let added = Utility.AddFactor [(sound1,0.2);(sound2,0.5);(sound3,0.3)]
It is recommended that the total ratios the user uses is equal to 1. Otherwise the user can use the function Utility.Maximize data
. This function will take the data of a sound and modify it so that the amplitude goes from -1 to 1.
There is the function AddSimple (sounds:list<list<float>>)
. This function will return the highest absolute value of the data.
Example :
let sound1 = synth.Compose [synth.Note Eighth Note.C 5]
let sound2 = synth.Compose [synth.Note Eighth Note.B 8]
let added = Utility.AddSimple [sound1;sound2]
One thing you have to be aware of is the CutCorners
When we first created the compose function we encountered a strange, small chaotic sound between each end every note.
This sound was caused by the notes which ending was a not-zero amplitude.
The solution was to add in a filter that gradually lowers the amplitude of the notes start and end to 0.
Before cutCorner | After cutCorner |
![]() |
![]() |
* for the sake of the example, the filter has been exaggerated |
Therefore; the synth.Compose (sounds:List<float>)
function has a default cutCorner value of 100 (this means it cuts away from the first and last 100 bytes from each note).
Example :
let C4 = synth.Note Half Note.C 4 // init
let D4 = synth.Note Half Note.D 4 //
let Silence = synth.Silence Quarter //
let B5 = synth.Note Half Note.B 5 //
let Music = synth.Compose [ C4; C4; D4; Silence; B5 ] // Returns a single, large sound composed of the smaller sounds given to it
In certain cases, one might need to set a custom value to the cutCorner function.
This can be done with synth.ComposeCutCorner (limit:int) (sounds:List<float>)
let Music = synth.ComposeCutCorner 1000 [
Alternatively, one might want to compose without the cutCorners filter.
This can be done either by giving it a 0 value or by using the synth.ComposeCutCorner (corner:int) (sounds:List<float>)
With zero value :
let Music = synth.ComposeCutCorner 0 [ C4; C4; D4; Silence; B5 ]
Or with synth.ComposeNoCutCorner (sounds:List<float>)
let Music = synth.ComposeNoCutCorner [ C4; C4; D4; Silence; B5 ]
These two are equivalents.
It is possible to create a preview of an audio loaded into the filter using the synth.Preview (title:string) (sound:List<float>)
function with Xplot.Plotly9.
Example :
let basic = synth.Note Whole Note.A 2 // Creating a basic note
let cut = Utility.CutCorners 5000 basic // Making it look a bit more interesting
synth.Preview "Example" cut |> ignore // Launch preview
The above example automatically opens the browser with the following image :
Tools to zoom in/zoom out are also present on the page.
It's possible to do frequency analysis by using a Fourier transform on an audio file using :
Synth.Fourier (data:List<float>)
Example :
let A345 = synth.Add [
synth.Note Whole Note.A 3
synth.Note Whole Note.A 4
synth.Note Whole Note.A 5
let analysis = synth.Fourier A345
synth.PreviewMap "Analysis of A3, A4, A5" analysis
The above example automatically opens the browser with the following graph :
Note : Tools to zoom and move are present on the page.
To extract the main harmonics from the analysis, use FrequencyAnalyser.LocalMaxValuesIndices (threshold: float) (map: Map<float, float>)
For example, with the previous code, running
let frequencies = FrequencyAnalysis.LocalMaxValuesIndices 0.2 analysis
printfn "Frequencies: %A" frequencies
will output Frequencies: [220.0457771; 440.0915541; 879.8466468]
To complement your music, its possible to add filters to your audio data :
Amplitude changer : Changes the amplitude of a given sound.
Echo : Repeats and periodically scales down the sound, creating an echo like effect.
Reverb : Repeats the sound similarly to the echo effect, but does it so before the sound could finish playing, creating a more vibrant sound.
Flanger : Adds a sweeping sound effect to the audio.
Envelope : Modifies the way the amplitude of the sound changes over time.
LFO10 AM : Amplitude modulation using a low frequency oscillator.
LFO FM : Frequency modulation using a low frequency oscillator.
Low Pass : Cuts off frequencies above a given threshold.
High Pass : Cuts off frequencies under a given threshold.
BandPass/RejectBand : Cuts off frequencies both above and under the given thresholds and inverse.
You can use this function to apply multiple filters at once like so :
let MusicWithFilters = synth.ApplyFilters [
synth.ChangeAmplitude 0.5
synth.LowPass 400.
synth.Echo 4 0.7 1.5] music
To change the amplitude of a sound, use the Synth.ChangeAmplitude (amplitude:float)
filter like so :
let MusicWithAmplitude = synth.ChangeAmplitude 0.5 Music
The repeater filter does exactly what it says on the tin.
It repeats the input data with an offset and add it to the original sound.
This filter is the basis on which we built the Reverb and Echo filters.
The function looks like this : Synth.Repeater (nbEcho:int) (decay:float) (delay:float) (dryData:List<float>)
The variables inputted are :
- nbEcho : The number of times the original sound gets repeated.
- decay : Each time the sound is repeated we adjust the amplitude of the sound using this value
- delay : The offset added to the echo (multiplies accordingly to the echo ex : echo 1 will have 1x this value, echo 2 will have 2x this value, etc..)
- dryData : The original sound
Example :
let basicSound = synth.SoundWithEnveloppe 440. (Seconds 3.) Sin 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 // Creating a basic sound with an envelope to make it interesting
let repeated1 = synth.Repeater 5 0.6 2.5 basicSound
let repeated2 = synth.Repeater 5 0.9 4. basicSound
The above examples give the following outputs :
The echo filter repeats the same sound with a delay between delays and continuously weakens the the new sounds creating an echo effect.
synth.Echo (nbEcho:int) (decay:float) (delay:float) (dryData:List<float>)
In this case, the delay is the time period between two echos, and NOT the delay from the start of the sound.
Example :
let basicSound = synth.SoundWithEnveloppe 440. (Seconds 1.) Sin 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 // Creating a basic sound with an envelope to make it interesting
let echo = synth.Echo 3 0.6 0.25 basicSound
The above examples give the following outputs :
Similarly to echo, reverb repeats and play the same sound with a delay. Except, reverb does so with a delay that is shorter than the original sound.
Synth.Reverb (delayRatio:float) (minAmpRatio:float) (decay:float) (dryData:List<float>)
Instead of a fixed time, we are using ratio between the delay and the length of the sound. This way, we can just simply input a value between 0 and 1, in which the filter gets more and more pronounce towards 1 instead of needing to pay attention to the length of the sound.
Example :
let basicSound = synth.SoundWithEnveloppe 440. (Seconds 1.) Sin 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 // Creating a basic sound with an envelope to make it interesting
let reverb = synth.Reverb 0.4 0.3 0.8 basicSound
The above examples give the following outputs :
The flange filter is used to add kind of sweeping sound to the audio.
Synth.Flanger (delay:float) (speed:float) (dryData:List<float>)
Example :
let synth = Synth() // Init
let basicSound = synth.SoundWithEnveloppe 440. (Seconds 1.) Sin 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 // Creating a basic sound with an envelope to make it interesting
let flanger = synth.Flanger 20. 0.4 basicSound //Adding filter
synth.WriteToWav "basic.wav" [basicSound]
synth.WriteToWav "flanger.wav" [flanger]
The results are :
Just like when we create a sound, we can make an envelope to make the amplitude of a given audio data follow certain patterns.
We are still using a basic AHDSR envelope :
Synth.Envelope (sustain:float) (attack:float) (hold:float) (decay:float) (release) (data:List<float>)
Example :
let synth = Synth()
let basic = synth.Note (Seconds 3.) Note.A 4
let env = synth.Envelope 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 basic
synth.WriteToWav "basic.wav" [basic]
synth.WriteToWav "env.wav" [env]
The above example creates the following sound :
* Please note : when adding an envelope on top of an already existing sound using this method, the release is accounted into the already existing data and the length of the data does not change.
Just like on creation, it is rather simple to insert a custom pattern into the anvelope.
This is done using the Synth.CustomEnvelope (dataPoints0: List<float * float>) (data:List<float>)
For example, to create a simple filter that starts at 0 then rises to the maximum amplitude at the middle of the sound, then falls back to 0bn :
let synth = Synth() // Init
let exampleCustomEnvelope (data:List<float>) =
Filter.CustomEnvelope [(0., 0.); ((float data.Length / synth.sampleRate / 2.), 1.); ((float data.Length / synth.sampleRate), 0.)] data
let custEnvSound1 = exampleCustomEnvelope (synth.Note (Seconds 1) Note.A 4)
let custEnvSound2 = exampleCustomEnvelope (synth.Note (Seconds 2) Note.B 4)
let custEnvSound3 = exampleCustomEnvelope (synth.Note (Seconds 3) Note.C 4)
synth.WriteToWav "custEnvSound1.wav" [custEnvSound1]
synth.WriteToWav "custEnvSound2.wav" [custEnvSound2]
synth.WriteToWav "custEnvSound3.wav" [custEnvSound3]
This way the new, completely personalized, envelope can easily be applied to a large number of notes.
The Amplitude Modulation using a Low Frequency Oscillator (LFO AM) also called tremolo changes, as the name, implies the frequency of a sound based on a small frequency. This allows for a kind of wobble effect, alternating the amplitude between its maximum in a sinusoidal fashion.
The function takes not only the modulating frequency as parameter but also the new lower and upper bounds (usually -1. and 1.) and the music's sample rate.
Here is an usage example :
let basic = synth.Note (Seconds 10.) Note.A 4
let sound = synth.LFO_AM 60. -1. 1. basic
As the name implies, Frequency modulation alternatively increases and decreases the frequency of the input data.
Synth.LFO_FM (modWave:List<float>) (multiplicator:float) (data:List<float>)
The modWave
stands for an input wave which the function will follow to modulate the input data.
The multiplier
is there to help control how strong the effect of the filter is.
Example :
let synth = Synth() // Init
let basic = synth.Note (Seconds 2.) Note.A 4 // Creating a basic note
let modWave = synth.Sound 100. (Seconds 2.) Sin // Creating a modWave of 100Hz
let fm = synth.LFO_FM modWave 2. basic // Applying the LFO FM filter
synth.WriteToWav "basic.wav" [basic]
synth.WriteToWav "modWave.wav" [modWave]
synth.WriteToWav "fm.wav" [fm]
The output is :
These are 4 filters applicable to the audio data.
They are used to cut off frequencies above a given threshold, below a given threshold, both above and below a given threshold, or both above and below a given threshold then inversed.
They are used like so :
let musicLowPass = synth.LowPass cutOffFreq Music
let musicHighPass = synth.HighPass cutOffFreq Music
let musicBandPass = synth.BandPass lowCutOffFreq highCutOffFreq Music
let musicRejectBand = synth.RejectBand lowCutOffFreq highCutOffFreq Music
The musical notes available are :
,Cs / Db
,Ds / Eb
,Fs / Gb
,Gs / Ab
,As / Bb
Wave functions1
The wave types available are :
- The
value has a value of(float -> float -> float -> float -> float -> float)
. This is because the wave functions need to be written as :
let WaveFunc (frequency:float) (amplitude:float) (verticalShift:float) (phaseShift:float) (timeLength:float)
The note durations11 available are :
- The Seconds value takes a float as argument.
- The Custom value takes a float as its argument. This translates using the formula
value *4.* 60. / bpm
. - The tempo of the music can be changed by changing the value
(default 90).
The tests can be found in the Synthesizer.Test project. To run them you'll have to be located in the project folder and run the dotnet test command.
Info on .mp3 files
Info on .Wav files
Link to our Trello
Link to our Functional Specifications
Link to our Technical Specifications
Link to our Software Architecture Design Choices
Basic Waves functions :
A wave function is a mathematical function which can create a wave of a predefined pattern frequency, amplitude, etc.. In the scope of this project we are using the four basic waveforms: Sinusoidal, Square, Triangular and Saw.
The four basic waves are ->
The sin wave = the simplest wave with a formula of sin(2 π frequency / sampleRate)
The square wave = a wave made with an sgn of a sinwave with a formula of sgn(sinwave)
The saw wave = has a form close to a triangle, it has a right angle at the end of its decreasing part 2(t/p - [1/2+t/p]
The triangle wave = this wave has the most complicated formula period/π arcsin[sin(π x)] ↩ ↩2 ↩3 -
Sample rate : The sampling rate refers to the number of samples of audio recorded every second. ↩
beat : Beats is a sort of rythm; 2 beat per second is like a tempo, it will happen twice in a second ↩ ↩2
Stereo : Stereo in opposition to mono, is a sound using multiple audio source (usually 2) to recreate a multi-directional / 3D-sound. ↩
An Envelope parameters ->
Attack is the time taken for initial run-up of level from nil to peak, beginning when the key is pressed.
Hold time allows you to adjust the time that the peak amplitude level is held before the decay stage of the envelope begins.
Decay is the time taken for the subsequent run down from the attack level to the designated sustain level.
Sustain is the level during the main sequence of the sound's duration, until the key is released.
Release is the time taken for the level to decay from the sustain level to zero after the key is released ↩ -
Envelope : The envelope is the way a sound change over time. It usually enables you to control the wave forms with the AHDSR parameters. ↩
Octave : A series of eight notes occupying the interval between (and including) two notes, one having twice or half the frequency of vibration of the other. ↩
Xplot.Plotly : Is a nuget which allowsto view data in the form of graphs ↩
LFO / Low frequency oscillator : Is an oscillator performing under 20Hz to create audio effects such as vibrato and phasing. ↩
Musical durations :
Musical duration is measured in beats3
Whole last 4 beats
Half last 2 beats
Quarter last 1 beat
Eighth last 1/2 beat
Sixteenth last 1/4 beat
Custom depends of the number of beat
Seconds last the number of beats in the number of seconds written