You'll need a Clever Cloud account and Clever Tools to deploy this application, using our Python image now including uv
git clone
cd python-django-uv-example
clever create -t python
clever env set CC_RUN_COMMAND "uv run -- uvicorn --host --port 9000 myDjango.asgi:application"
clever deploy && clever open
To create the same app as this one on a machine with uv
installed, you can use the following commands:
uv init myDjango --no-readme # Create a new uv project
cd myDjango && rm # Enters the project and clean it
uv add django uvicorn # Adds Django and Uvicorn to dependencies
uv run django-admin startproject myDjango . # Creates the Django project in the current directory
Edit myDjango/
in this example), change secret key, etc. Commit changes to the local git repository, and then you can create and deploy this app on Clever Cloud as mentioned above.