Welcome to DenoGres! A new comprehensive ORM for PostgreSQL and Deno.
To begin, let's download DenoGres! Execute the below in the terminal - this will give you access to DenoGres's CLI functionality.
deno install --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net --allow-env --name denogres https://deno.land/x/denogres/mod.ts
After installation is complete, ensure deno is added to PATH.
Before using DenoGres in a project, run the below. In your project's root directory, a .env file, for your database connection URI, and a models folder, for your model.ts file, will be created.
denogres --init
After running the init command, update the .env file to contain your database's connection URI.
With all the set-up steps complete, you're ready to introspect your database! Database introspection will automatically create TypeScript models of your database tables in the .models/model.ts file.
denogres --db-pull
DenoGres includes some functionality that is still in development - including database sync functionality. The sync functionality:
- Identifies instances within the models/model.ts file where user updates have caused the database and TypeScript models to be out-of-sync
- Creates and executes queries to update the database so all points of reference once again align
denogres --db-sync
More information on how to use DenoGres and leverage all its wonderful abstraction functionality can be found here: https://denogres.deno.dev/