CodeDocs course 101
Registration link - will be posted soon on the website
Date and Timings - the timings would most probably be after college hours but we will update the same after confirmation.
Venue - some lecture halls in A-block.
This course is oriented to teach you and help you learn Web Development, Android Development and other essential and relevant skills needed for any path. Topics include algorithms, data structures, resource management, cloud, software engineering, web and android development. Languages include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, JAVA (JAVA and JavaScript are different 😝 ) and covering GIT version control system, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Android Studio, etc. Problems sets and assignments are inspired from basic domains. The course is designed for every rank of student (any branch, semester).
You are expected to:
- attend all the lectures or classes
- complete all problem sets and modules before test
- submit the final project
- take at least one test or quiz
- bring your own laptop
- it would be better if you have any Linux OS
The final grades or scores will be based on your problems sets and final test and project.
we will post links to referred books (purchase and free pdf) here soon.
the links will be added soon.
There would not be any fees or subscription charges
There would be 7-8 lectures, each of around 60-70 minutes twice a week. The classes will be taught by CodeDocs team only, no other lecturer or trainer would join.
Lecture | Week | Topics | Day and Date |
Lecture 0 | Week 0 | Getting started with the web | Tuesday |
Lecture 1 | Week 0 | HTML - Structuring the web | Friday |
Lecture 2 | Week 1 | CSS - Styling the web | Tuesday |
Lecture 3 | Week 1 | JavaScript | Friday |
Lecture 4 | Week 2 | Dynamic client-side scripting | Tuesday |
Lecture 5 | Week 2 | Server side website programming | Friday |
Lecture 6 | Week 3 | Browser APIs and Third party APIs | Tuesday |
Lecture 7 | Week 3 | Introduction to frameworks, libraries and essential tools | Friday |
Lecture | Week | Topics | Day and Date |
Lecture 0 | Week 0 | Getting started with Android and Android architecture | Tuesday |
Lecture 1 | Week 0 | Basics of JAVA | Friday |
Lecture 2 | Week 1 | Setting up Android SDK and First Project | Tuesday |
Lecture 3 | Week 1 | Building a basic Android app | Friday |
Lecture 4 | Week 2 | Activities | Tuesday |
Lecture 5 | Week 2 | Services and UI of Android | Friday |
Lecture 6 | Week 3 | Data Storage in Android | Tuesday |
Lecture 7 | Week 3 | Android APIs and JSON parsing | Friday |
Lecture | Week | Topics | Day and Date |
Lecture 0 | Week 0 | Git and Github | Wednesday |
Lecture 1 | Week 3 | Progressive Web Apps | Wednesday |
Lecture 2 | Week 4 | Instant Apps | Wednesday |
We will conduct office hours every week for 1-2 hours where you can ask and get your problems solved with us. And we will help you with hands-on on your project.
Problem sets with basic webpages and android activities will roll out with every class and has to be done before next class.
The climax of this course is its final project. The final project is your opportunity to take your newfound savvy with programming out for a spin and develop your very own piece of software. So long as your project draws upon this course’s lessons, the nature of your project is entirely up to you. You can choose your own final project or also help solving college's problems and building for college or other Open Source organization
2-3 test will be conducted for you to map your progress and compete in standings. We will try bringing you some goodies.
if you have any suggestions or queries, feel free to raise an issue.