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Slim Skeleton - CodelineRed

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Install Skeleton


  • PHP 8.0
  • MySQL 5.7 (pdo_mysql)

Open console on your OS and navigate to your project folder. Download zip if you don't have git or composer on your OS.

+++++ ZIP VERSION +++++
$ (unix) wget -O
$ (unix) unzip
$ (win10) curl -L -o
$ (win10) tar -xf
$ cd slim-skeleton-production
$ (optional) cp config\additional-settings.dist.php config\additional-settings.php
$ ---- Open "config\additional-settings.php" and change everything you have to change ----
$ php composer insall --no-dev
$ php doctrine dbal:run-sql "CREATE DATABASE slim_skeleton"
$ php doctrine orm:schema-tool:update --force
$ php doctrine dbal:import sql/all-records.sql
+++++ GIT VERSION +++++
$ git clone
$ cd slim-skeleton
$ git checkout production
$ (optional on unix)  rm -rf .git
$ (optional on win10) rmdir .git /s
$ (optional) cp config\additional-settings.dist.php config\additional-settings.php
$ ---- Open "config\additional-settings.php" and change everything you have to change ----
$ php composer insall --no-dev
$ php doctrine dbal:run-sql "CREATE DATABASE slim_skeleton"
$ php doctrine orm:schema-tool:update --force
$ php doctrine dbal:import sql/all-records.sql
$ php composer create-project codelinered/slim-skeleton slim-skeleton "dev-production" --no-dev
$ cd slim-skeleton
$ php doctrine dbal:run-sql "CREATE DATABASE slim_skeleton"
$ php doctrine orm:schema-tool:update --force
$ php doctrine dbal:import sql/all-records.sql

Default Website login: user = user, pass = password If you need PHP, MySQL, Composer and Adminer, see below ⇓.

Install PHP, MySQL, Composer and Adminer (optional)


Open console on your OS and navigate to the unziped/ cloned app folder.

$ (unix)    systemctl docker start
$ (windows) "c:\path\to\Docker Desktop.exe"
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker-compose run composer install --no-dev
$ (unix)    docker inspect slim-db | grep "IPAddress"
$ (windows) docker inspect slim-db | findstr "IPAddress"
$ ---- Add IPAddress as Doctrine "host" in "config\additional-settings.php" ----

Open localhost:7705 for Website or localhost:7707 for Adminer.

DB Login Adminer
Server IP from IPAddress
Username root
Password rootdockerpw

Path generation with Locale code and Generic locale code

  • Mode 1 - = 'process' => \App\Utility\LanguageUtility::LOCALE_URL | \App\Utility\LanguageUtility::DOMAIN_DISABLED,
  • Mode 2 - = 'process' => \App\Utility\LanguageUtility::LOCALE_URL | \App\Utility\LanguageUtility::DOMAIN_ENABLED,
  • Mode 3 - (de-DE session) = 'process' => \App\Utility\LanguageUtility::LOCALE_SESSION | \App\Utility\LanguageUtility::DOMAIN_DISABLED, (default)

It depends on your configuration what will be returned.

Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3
locale code de-DE de-DE xx-XX
generic locale code de-DE xx-XX xx-XX
Twig PHP Twig Example PHP Example
locale code {{ lc }} LanguageUtility::getLocale() {{ path_for('user-register-' ~ lc) }} $this->router->pathFor('user-register-' . LanguageUtility::getLocale())
generic locale code {{ glc }} LanguageUtility::getGenericLocale() {{ path_for('user-login-' ~ glc) }} $this->router->pathFor('user-login-' . LanguageUtility::getGenericLocale())

How to create further localisations

  • Duplicate one existing file in folder locale/ (e.g. copy de-DE.php to fr-FR.php)
  • (if you use Mode 1 or 2) Duplicate one existing file in folder config/routes/ (e.g. copy de-DE.php to fr-FR.php)
  • (if you use Mode 1 or 2) Change route prefix from /de/ to /fr/ in config/routes/fr-FR.php
  • You can also define paths like /fr-be/ (locale/fr-BE.php/ config/routes/fr-BE.php) for example
  • If you want to show language in langswitch, add fr-FR and domain in locale => active (config/additional-settings.php)
  • (if you use Mode 1 or 2) Add case for fr/ in src/localisation.php

How to switch between different url modes

Mode 1


Mode 2

Example: or

Mode 3 (default)


ACL settings

With Geggleto ACL, routes are protected by role the current user has. By default every new route is not accessable until you give the route roles. Routes are defined in the route files (e.g. config/routes/de-DE.php). Any other resource is defined in config/settings.php. Inside the Twig templates you can use ACL functions has_role and is_allowed. Inside controllers you can also use this ACL functions and many more (e.g. isAllowed()).


Error 1

In some cases you'll get the error message "Internal Server Error".

If this happened, go to public/.htaccess and enable RewriteBase /.

If project is in sub directory then RewriteBase /project/public/.

Error 2

Message: is not resolvable File: /var/www/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/CallableResolver.php

If this happened, your Doctrine host in config\additional-settings.php is wrong.
