A journey of mine to learn NextJs from ground level. I will be using this repository as source of documentation while I learn NextJs.
- CSR -> Client Side Rendering (Renders Content on client device)
- SSR -> Server Side Rendering (Renders Content on server and sends back to client)
- SSG -> Static Site Generation (Generates Static Sites that can be consumed directly by client like HTML files)
- CMS -> Content Management System (Stores Data and helps in managing the data)
Every daily achievements wil be logged below to recall and understand concepts touched
- Day 1(nextjs-blog) 📖 Link tag along with concepts like code spitting, pre-rendering and many more.
- Day 2(Day1 Continued) 📖 Pre-rendering and Data Fetching
- Official Next web site at www.nextjs.org
- NextJs foundation course at www.nextjs.org
- For Badges Welcome! Badges 4 README.md Profile at GitHub