$ npm i cc-metadata-handler
var MetadataHandler = require('cc-metadata-handler')
var properties = {
tracker: { // Tracker settings
udp: Boolean, // Using udp for torrent trafic or not
http: Boolean, // Using http for torrent trafic or not
ws: Boolean, // Using websockets for torrent trafic or not
hostname: String, // Our machince host name
port: Number // Port to listen as tracker
client: {
torrentPort: Number,
dhtPort: Number,
// Enable DHT (default=true), or options object for DHT
// dht: true,
// Max number of peers to connect to per torrent (default=100)
maxPeers: Number,
// DHT protocol node ID (default=randomly generated)
// nodeId: String|Buffer,
// Wire protocol peer ID (default=randomly generated)
// peerId: '01234567890123456789',
// RTCPeerConnection configuration object (default=STUN only)
// rtcConfig: Object,,
// custom storage engine, or `false` to use in-memory engine
// storage: Function,
// custom webrtc implementation (in node, specify the [wrtc](https://www.npmjs.com/package/wrtc) package)
// wrtc: {},
// List of additional trackers to use (added to list in .torrent or magnet uri)
// announce: [],
// List of web seed urls (see [bep19](http://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0019.html))
// urlList: []
// Whether or not to enable trackers (default=true)
tracker: false
folders: { // Folder structure settings
torrents: '/torrents', // Path to save torrent files to, if left empty, all the torrent references will be saved in memory and will be lost on restart
data: '/data', // Main path to where all the data is stored
capSize: '80%', // Number of MB or percent in the form of 12%
retryTime: 10000,
autoWatchInterval: 60000,
ignores: []
var handler = new MetadataHandler(settings)
- torrentHash - The torrent infoHash of the metadata.
- metadataSHA2 - The sha256 of the metadata json.
var torrentHash = '5add2b0ce8f7da372c856d4efe6b9b6e8584919e'
var metadataSHA2 = '6ed0dd02806fa89e25de060c19d3ac86cabb87d6a0ddd05c333b84f4'
handler.getMetadata(torrentHash, metadataSHA2, function (err, metadata) {
if (err) return console.error(err)
console.log(metadata) // Will print the json file of the metadata
You can also use this method together with an event listner like this:
// You can listen for the channel of the torrentHash to get the metadata
handler.on('downloads/'+torrentHash, function (metadata) {
console.log(metadata) // Will print the the metadata parsed to json
// Starting the proccess of getting the metadata from the torrent network.
handler.getMetadata(torrentHash, metadataSHA2, importent)
- metadata - A new metadata json we just created and we plan on sharing with other people.
// Creates the torrent file and sha2 for the metadata.
// Saves the metadata as a local torrentHash.dat file.
// Saves the torrent file called torrentHash.torrent for future use.
// Returns the torrentHash and sha2 created.
handler.addMetadata(metadata, function (err, hashes) {
if (err) return console.error(err)
console.log(hashes.torrentHash) // Will print BitTorrent hashing scheme using sha1 as the hashing algorithem
console.log(hashes.sha2) // Will print the sha256 of the raw metadata file
- torrentHash - The torrent info hash of the metadata we want to share with other people
// You can listen for the channel of the torrentHash to get the metadata
handler.on('uploads/'+torrentHash, function (peer) {
console.log(peer) // Will print information about the latest peer that is trying to download the metadata from your client
handler.shareMetadata(torrentHash, function (err) {
if (err) console.log(err) // Returns error if there is problem with sharing the file
Remove torrent from BitTorrent client. Destroy all torrent connections to peers, delete all saved data.
- torrentHash - The torrent info hash of the metadata we want to remove
handler.removeMetadata(torrentHash, function (err) {
if (err) throw err
console.log('successfully deleted torrent')
// Receives the latest metadata we finished downloading
handler.on('downloads', function (metadata) {
console.log(metadata) // Will print the the metadata parsed to json
// Receives the latest peer that is trying to get a file from our client and the file it's trying to get
handler.on('uploads', function (peer) {
console.log(peer.info) // Will print info about the peer
console.log(peer.file) // Will print info about the file
// If any error occurs
handler.on('error', function (err) {
$ cd /"module-path"/cc-metadata-handler
$ mocha