The Redis module implements the simpleSAMLphp data store API, so Redis can be used for backend storage, i.e. session storage.
This module requires the following
- simpleSAMLphp v. 1.14.11 (Works with older version, but you should update)
- Redis server, See for more information
First thing to do is to set up your Redis server(s). This is out side the scope of this documentation.
Next you must install this module either by either obtaining the tarball or by installing it via composer. The latter is recommended
composer.phar require colourbox/simplesamlphp-module-redis
This will automatically install "predis/predis" as a dependency for ther module. If you downloaded the module yourself, remember to add predis/predis as a dependency in your composer.json.
See for more information on how to install simpleSAMLphp modules via composer.
You can now enable the module by
touch /var/simplesamlphp/modules/redis/enable
Create /var/simplesamlphp/config/module_redis.php
and set appropriate options
for your Redis server. A configuration file template can be found in the
Redis is used as session store for simpleSAMLphp by setting the following options in config.php
'store.type' => 'redis:Redis'
Connection parameters for the underlying predis client. See connection parameters for detailsoptions
Client options for the underlying predis client. See options for detailsprefix
Key prefix for all keys stored in Redislifetime
Default lifetime for non-expiring keys in RedisoldHost
configuration for old Redis host when doing rolloverparameters
Connection parameters for the underlying predis clientoptions
Client options for the underlying predis client
$config = [
// Predis client parameters
'parameters' => 'tcp://localhost:6379',
// Predis client options
'options' => null,
// Key prefix
'prefix' => 'simpleSAMLphp',
// Lifitime for all non expiring keys
'lifetime' => 288000
The module has build in support for doing rolling update to a new Redis host. All writes are only done to the new host, but all reads will fall back to the old host if the value is not found on new host.
- Start new Redis host
- Add new host to config file (
) and add the old host tooldHost
option - Wait until max session lifetime have expired
- Remove
config - Shut down old Redis host
$config = [
// Predis client parameters
'parameters' => 'tcp://newhost:6379',
// Predis client options
'options' => null,
// Old host
'oldHost' => [
// Predis client parameters
'parameters' => 'tcp://oldhost:6379',
// Predis client options
'options' => null,
// Key prefix
'prefix' => 'simpleSAMLphp',
// Lifitime for all non expiring keys
'lifetime' => 288000