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baton-sentinel-one Go Reference main ci

baton-sentinel-one is a connector for SentinelOne built using the Baton SDK. It communicates with the SentinelOne API to sync data about users, service users, sites, roles and accounts. Check out Baton to learn more about the project in general.

Getting Started


  1. Access to SentinelOne management console.
  2. API key and the management console url.
  • management console url is used to call API endpoints to fetch data from SentinelOne. E.g
  • to create an API key go to your management console, click on your name in top right corner then select My User - Actions - Api Token Operations - Generate API Token


brew install conductorone/baton/baton conductorone/baton/baton-sentinel-one

BATON_API_TOKEN=sentinelOneApiToken BATON_MANAGEMENT_CONSOLE_URL= baton-sentinel-one
baton resources


docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/out -e BATON_API_TOKEN=sentinelOneApiToken BATON_MANAGEMENT_CONSOLE_URL= -f "/out/sync.c1z"
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/out -f "/out/sync.c1z" resources


go install
go install

BATON_API_TOKEN=sentinelOneApiToken BATON_MANAGEMENT_CONSOLE_URL= baton-sentinel-one
baton resources

Data Model

baton-sentinel-one will pull down information about the following SentinelOne resources:

  • Accounts
  • Users
  • Service users
  • Sites
  • Roles

Contributing, Support and Issues

We started Baton because we were tired of taking screenshots and manually building spreadsheets. We welcome contributions, and ideas, no matter how small -- our goal is to make identity and permissions sprawl less painful for everyone. If you have questions, problems, or ideas: Please open a Github Issue!

See for more details.

baton-sentinel-one Command Line Usage


  baton-sentinel-one [flags]
  baton-sentinel-one [command]

Available Commands:
  completion         Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help               Help about any command

      --api-token string                API token for your management console used to authenticate with SentinelOne API. ($BATON_API_TOKEN)
      --client-id string                The client ID used to authenticate with ConductorOne ($BATON_CLIENT_ID)
      --client-secret string            The client secret used to authenticate with ConductorOne ($BATON_CLIENT_SECRET)
  -f, --file string                     The path to the c1z file to sync with ($BATON_FILE) (default "sync.c1z")
  -h, --help                            help for baton-sentinel-one
      --log-format string               The output format for logs: json, console ($BATON_LOG_FORMAT) (default "json")
      --log-level string                The log level: debug, info, warn, error ($BATON_LOG_LEVEL) (default "info")
      --management-console-url string   Your management console url. ($BATON_MANAGEMENT_CONSOLE_URL)
  -v, --version                         version for baton-sentinel-one

Use "baton-sentinel-one [command] --help" for more information about a command.