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FSL Programming Guide

manaskulkarni edited this page Feb 28, 2025 · 3 revisions

Forge Shader Language 2 (FSL 2) Guide


Modern games are aiming to launch on as many platforms as possible at once to reduce the cost of art asset and gameplay development.

To streamline the development of shaders, a cross-platform shader system is necessary to compile and run on a wide range of platforms originating from one shader source file.

The Forge Shader Language (FSL 2) is a system that can generate shaders for PC, macOS, iOS/Android, all major consoles (XBox, Playstation, Switch), and Steam Deck platforms.

The FSL translator is an external tool to existing compilers such as DXC and other platform specific compilers.

Due to the on-going lack of reliability of DXC and SPIR-V code generation and translations, existing complex compiler based systems are lacking the practical ability to cross-compile or translate shaders.

Even the basic compilation of native shaders with these shader compilers is error prone and quite often generates inefficient code.

To be able to circumvent broken and inefficient compilers, the FSL translator can be extended quickly to support other compilers and platforms.

Integrating a new platform with a new native shader compiler or adding support for newly released features to existing platforms can be done with very little effort, compared to an approach of adding a new shader language/feature to DXC and/or SPIR-V.

FSL 2 is designed to be integrated into existing build systems, and can invoked as a pre build step, which can be integrated in visual studio or xcode or any build system. FSL IDE integration is implemented on projects inside of TheForge.

Manual Cross-Platform Shader Maintenance

When targeting multiple platforms for game development, it is crucial to share as much CPU and GPU code between platforms as possible.

Shader code bases can quickly bloat into a sizeable number of source files.

Maintaining separate shaders to target different languages can be achieved for small projects to a small extent, but quickly the overhead of keeping separate implementations in sync is not justifiable nor practical.

System overview

The purpose of FSL 2 is to allow the creation of a single shader source file that is used to generate native hlsl/pssl/vk-glsl/metal shader code and can also seamlessly integrate with C++, reducing the iteration time and overall development cost for all platforms.

FSL 2 supports vertex, pixel, and compute shaders.

The Forge Framework alongside FSL 2 unifies the root signature, eliminating the need to manage them from C++.

There is only one graphics and one compute root signature shared across all shaders in a given project. This improves performance by reducing the number of costly runtime root signature switches and avoids the complexity of multiple shader pipelines having to manage their own root signatures. It also allows the same descriptor sets to be shared between different graphics and compute pipelines.

This unified approach streamlines the shader resource management process, improving both performance and code maintainability.

A central enhancement in FSL 2 over FSL is the introduction of the global Shader Resource Table (SRT), which eliminates the need for runtime shader reflection and facilitates the efficient linkage of shader resources to C++ code by declaring resources in a consistent manner for both shader code and C++ code.

This guide is explores FSL 2, the underlying principles of the SRT system, how resources are declared in FSL, and how these resources are integrated with C++ code.

Will also explain the macros that drive this system and highlight an advanced use case demonstrating how these features can be leveraged for complex shader workflows.

FSL 2 Syntax

FSL 2 syntax is generally kept close to hlsl, with some modifications added to top to increase functionality.

We define a range of macros to both ease code transformation and let the preprocessor handle the necessary modifications.

FSL 2 macros are all uppercase letter separated by underscores

Macro usage should span a single line.

Root signature declarations

Explicit declaration of root signatures for graphics or compute are required preceeding shader entry points using the macro : ROOT_SIGNATURE, which needs to be passed in a name


ROOT_SIGNATURE : macro to declare a root signature.

DefaultRootSignature / ComputeRootSignature : variable names given to the root signatures.

Shader entry

The shader entry point is the main function that defines the input and output interface. It requires annotations and needs to be referenced at runtime during pipeline state object creation.

Entry points are declared using the macros:

VS_MAIN : for vertex shader

PS_MAIN : for pixel shader

CS_MAIN : for compute shader

The first line in the main function body should be:


The translation step replaces INIT_MAIN and inserts in its place target language specific initialization.

At the end main function, the RETURN macro is used.


RETURN(); // for void main function
float4 Out = (...);
RETURN(Out); // for main function with return type

The translation steps expands the RETURN macro to insert target language specific exit code.

Shaders which return a result need to return it as paramater to the RETURN macro.

Shaders which do not return a value need to have the RETURN macro without parameters as last line.

Parameter Modifiers

FSL 2 supports the usual in, out and inout type modifiers, to allow pass by reference semantics

void fn( in(float) param_in,  out(float) param_out,  inout(float) param_inout ) 

In this example the function fn, takes as parameter the float param_in as read only input, writes a value to the float param_out, and can read and write to the float param_inout

Vectors and Matrices

FSL 2 matrices are column major.

Matrices declared inside constant buffers, or structure buffers are initialized from memory in column major order.

Explicit constructors and accessors are provided.


f3x2 M = make_f3x2_rows(r0, r1, r2); 

Initializes a 3 cols by 2 rows matrix M from three 2-component rows.

setElem(M, 0, 1, 42.0f); 

Sets the element from matrix M at col 0, row 1 to 42

float3 col0 = getCol0(M);
float2 row1 = getRow1(M);

Gets column 0 from matrix M into the 3 component vector col0 and row 1 from matrix M into 2 component vector row1

f2x2 M = make_f2x2_rows( 0, 1,
                         2, 3 );

Create a 2x2 matrix M from the scalars 0, 1, 2, 3 provided in row-major order

We also provide overloaded Identity constructors and helpers to initialize vectors with identical components:


f4x4 id = Identity();

Creates a 4x4 matrix id and initializes it as an Identity

float4 color = f4(1); 

Create a vector of 4 floats named color, initializing all them to 1.

Shader Resource Table (SRT)

The Shader Resource Table (SRT) in FSL 2 serves as a global registry that defines all the shader resources for an application. These resources are grouped into sets, each corresponding to how often they get updated, and this is calculated at compile time.

The SRT system enables a consistent method for declaring and managing resources, and eliminates the need for overhead of runtime reflection.

A typical SRT consists of multiple resource sets, each corresponds to its update frequency:

  1. Persistent Set: Resources that do not change during the lifetime of the application.
  2. Per Frame Set : Resources that are updated once per frame.
  3. Per Batch Set : Resources that are updated for each batch of draw calls.
  4. Per Draw Set : Resources that are updated for each individual draw call.

SRT Macros

  • BEGIN_SRT(TableName) / END_SRT(TableName) : marks the beginning and end of a shader resource table, name of the SRT should be passed as parameter
  • BEGIN_SRT_SET(Freq) / END_SRT_SET(Freq) : marks the beginning and end of a shader resource set, Freq is the name of the set which may correspond to how often it may be updated

Resource declarations

declaring resources inside the SRT set is done a set of macros which takes the general form:

DECL_XXX( SetName, Type, Name )
DECL_ARRAY_XXX( SetName, Type, Name, Count )
  • SetName : name of the enclosing set in which this resource is being declared.
  • Type : type of the resource, which can be sampler, buffer, constant buffer, structured buffer or a texture
  • Name : variable name of the resource, used on shaders and C++ side interchangeably
  • Count : For array resources (Buffers of Textures) the count param defines the number of resources in the array

This table lists the SRT macros and their possible values for parameters:

Macro Type DataType Array Notes
DECL_SAMPLER SampleState / SamplerComparisonState N/A No First set only
DECL_BUFFER ByteBuffer/Buffer(DataType) uint/float/float4/struct No
DECL_RWBUFFER RWByteBuffer/RWBuffer(DataType)/RWCoherentBuffer(DataType) uint/float/float4/struct No Read-Write
DECL_TEXTURE Tex1D / Tex2D / Tex2DMS / Tex2DArray / Tex3D / TexCube / Depth2D / Depth2DMS uint/float/float2/float3/float4 No
DECL_RWTEXTURE RWTex2D/RWTex2DArray/RTex2D/RWTex3D/RTex3D uint/float/float2/float3/float4 No Read-Write
DECL_ARRAY_BUFFERS ByteBuffer/Buffer(DataType) uint/float/float4/struct Yes
DECL_ARRAY_TEXTURES Tex1D / Tex2D / Tex2DMS / Tex2DArray / Tex3D / TexCube / Depth2D / Depth2DMS uint/float/float2/float3/float4 Yes
DECL_ARRAY_RWTEXTURES Tex1D / Tex2D / Tex2DMS / Tex2DArray / Tex3D / TexCube / Depth2D / Depth2DMS uint/float/float2/float3/float4 Yes Read-Write
DECL_ARRAY_RWBUFFERS RWByteBuffer/RWBuffer(DataType)/RWCoherentBuffer(DataType) uint/float/float4/struct Yes Read-Write

Samplers :

Samplers are declared inside the SRT using the macro DECL_SAMPLER :

DECL_SAMPLER(SetName, Type, Name)
  • SetName : name of the enclosing set
  • Type : type of the sampler, which can be SamplerState or SamplerComparisonState
  • Name : variable name of the sampler

Example :

DECL_SAMPLER(Persistent, SamplerComparisonState, gShadowSampler)

This declares the sampler named gShadowSampler, which is a comparison sampler used for shadow mapping, and it is in the persistent set

Samplers can only be declared inside the first set in the SRT.

Textures :

Textures are declared inside the SRT using the macro DECL_TEXTURE :

DECL_TEXTURE(SetName, TextureType(PixelDataType), Name)
  • SetName : Name of the enclosing set.
  • TextureType : Type of the textures, which can be : Tex1D / Tex2D / Tex2DArray / Tex3D
  • PixelDataType : Type of each pixel in the textures which can be uint / half / float / float2 / float3 / float4.
  • Name : Name of the texture.

Textures types map to hlsl Texture#D types, glsl texture#D and metal texture#d<T, access::sample> types.


DECL_TEXTURE(PerDraw, Tex2D(float4), gNormalMap)

This declares the 2D texture gNormalMap, which can change per draw call.

DECL_TEXTURE(Persistent, TexCube(float4), gSkybox)

This declares the persistent cube texture gSkyBox.

Constant Buffers:

Constant buffers are declared inside the SRT using the macro DECL_CBUFFER :

DECL_CBUFFER(SetName, CBUFFER(StructType), Name)
  • SetName : Name of the enclosing set.
  • StructType : name of the struct type used for the constant buffer, the struct type should be declared on top of the SRT.
  • Name : Name of the constant buffer.

Example :

DECL_CBUFFER(PerFrame, CBUFFER(PointLight), gLight)

This declares a constant buffer gLight, which is of the structure type PointLight, and is updated per frame


Read only buffers are declared inside the SRT using the macro DECL_BUFFER :

DECL_BUFFER(SetName, BufferType(DataType), Name)
  • SetName : Name of the enclosing set.
  • BufferType : Type of the buffer, which can be : ByteBuffer or Buffer with a data type.
  • DataType : For non byte buffers, this can be the data type of element of the buffer, which can be a basic data type int/uint/float or a struct type.
  • Name : Name of the buffer.

Example :

DECL_BUFFER(PerFrame, Buffer(uint), gLightClusters)

This declares the buffer gLightClsuters which consists of unisgned integers and is part of the set of resources which get updated on a per frame basis.

Read-Write Textures :

Read-Write Textures are declared inside the SRT using the macro DECL_RWTEXTURE :

DECL_RWTEXTURE(SetName, TextureType(PixelDataType), Name)
  • SetName : Name of the enclosing set
  • TextureType : Type of the textures, which can be : RWTex2D / RWTex3D / RWTex2DArray / RWTex1D
  • PixelDataType : Type of each pixel in the textures which can be float / float2 / float3 / float4 / uint
  • Name : Name of the texture

Read-Write textures internally map to hlsl RWTexture#D types, glsl image#D types and metal texture#d<T, access::read_write> types.


DECL_RWTEXTURE(PerDraw, RWTex2D(float), gDestinationTexture)

This declares the 2D read-write texture gDestinationTexture, which can change per draw call, and stores a single float per pixel.

Read-write Buffers

Read-write buffers are declared inside the SRT using the macro DECL_RWBUFFER :

DECL_RWBUFFER(PerFrame, BufferType(ElementType), Name)
  • SetName : Name of the enclosing set.
  • BufferType : Type of the buffer, which can be : RWByteBuffer or RWBuffer with a data type.
  • ElementType : For non byte buffers, this can be the data type of element of the buffer, which can be a basic data type int/uint/float or a struct type.
  • Name : Name of the buffer.

Example :

DECL_RWBUFFER(PerBatch, RWBuffer(uint), gIndirectDrawClearArgsRW)

This declares the read-write buffer gIndirectDrawClearArgsRW, which can change on a per batch basis, and stores a single unisgned integer per element.

Arrays of textures :

Arrays of textures are declared inside the SRT using the macros DECL_ARRAY_TEXTURES:

DECL_ARRAY_TEXTURES(SetName, TextureType(PixelDataType), Name, Count)
  • SetName : Name of the enclosing set.
  • TextureType : Type of the textures, which can be : Tex1D / Tex2D / Tex3D.
  • PixelDataType : Type of each pixel in the textures which can be uint / half / float / float2 / float3 / float4/
  • Name : Name of the array of textures.
  • Count : Number of textures in the array.


DECL_ARRAY_TEXTURES(Persistent, Tex2D(float4), gDiffuseMaps, 256)

This declares the array of 256 2D textures named gDiffuseMaps, which is persistently bound and does not change.

Arrays of read-write textures :

Arrays of textures are declared inside the SRT using the macros DECL_ARRAY_RWTEXTURES:

DECL_ARRAY_RWTEXTURES(SetName, TextureType(PixelDataType), Name, Count)
  • SetName : Name of the enclosing set.
  • TextureType : Type of the textures, which can be : RWTex2D / RWTex3D / RWTex2DArray / RWTex1D
  • PixelDataType : Type of each pixel in the textures which can be uint / half / float / float2 / float3 / float4.
  • Name : Name of the array of textures.
  • Count : Number of textures in the array.


DECL_ARRAY_RWTEXTURES(PerDraw, RWTex2D(float4), gShadowMapTextures, 2)

This declares a array of 2 2D textures named gShadowMapTextures, which can be changed on a per draw basis

Arrays of read-write buffers

Read-write buffers are declared inside the SRT using the macro DECL_ARRAY_RWBUFFERS :

DECL_ARRAY_RWBUFFERS(PerFrame, BufferType(ElementType), Name, Count)
  • SetName : Name of the enclosing set.
  • BufferType : Type of the buffer, which can be : RWByteBuffer or RWBuffer with a data type.
  • ElementType : For non byte buffers, this can be the data type of element of the buffer, which can be a basic data type int/uint/float or a struct type.
  • Name : Name of the array of Buffers.
  • count : Number of buffers in the array.

Example :

DECL_ARRAY_RWBUFFERS(PerBatch, RWByteBuffer, gFilteredIndicesBufferRW, 2)

This declares an array of 2 read-write raw byte buffers named gFilteredIndicesBufferRW, which is updated per batch of draw or dispatch calls.

SRT Example 1:

Here’s an example of a basic SRT declaration:

        DECL_TEXTURE(Persistent, Tex2D(float4), gRightTexture)
        DECL_TEXTURE(Persistent, Tex2D(float4), gLeftTexture)
        DECL_TEXTURE(Persistent, Tex2D(float4), gTopTexture)
        DECL_TEXTURE(Persistent, Tex2D(float4), gBotTexture)
        DECL_TEXTURE(Persistent, Tex2D(float4), gFrontTexture)
        DECL_TEXTURE(Persistent, Tex2D(float4), gBackTexture)
        DECL_SAMPLER(Persistent, SamplerState, gSampler)
        DECL_CBUFFER(PerFrame, CBUFFER(UniformData), gUniformBlock)

BEGIN_SRT(SrtData)/BEGIN_SRT(SrtData): These macros mark the beginning and end of the SRT, the name SrtData is used in C++ code to reference the resources and sets

BEGIN_SRT_SET(Persistent)/END_SRT_SET(Persistent): These macros mark the beginning and end of the persistent set of resources, Which consists of a sampler and six textures used for skybox sides.

BEGIN_SRT_SET(PerFrame)/END_SRT_SET(PerFrame): These macros mark the beginning and end of the set of resources that are updated per frame, which consists of constant buffer of type UniformData, named gUniformBlock.

SRT Example 2: Using Shared Sets of resources for Multiple SRTs

Another SRT example demonstrates how the system can handle advanced scenarios.

In this case, a persistent set and a per frame updated set are declared in separate header files, this way multiple SRTs can include these shared descriptor sets.

This approach allows us to reduce the number of descriptor sets across the project by having only the third and fourth sets varying in each SRT.

    #include "PersistentSet.h"
    #include "PerFrameSet.h"
        DECL_ARRAY_TEXTURES(PerBatch, Tex2D(float), gHairDirectionalLightShadowMaps, MAX_NUM_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTS)
        DECL_CBUFFER(PerBatch, CBUFFER(DirectionalLightShadowCameras), gHairDirectionalLightShadowCameras)
        DECL_CBUFFER(PerDraw, CBUFFER(HairData), gHair)
        DECL_BUFFER(PerDraw, Buffer(float4), gGuideHairVertexPositions)
        DECL_BUFFER(PerDraw, Buffer(float), gHairThicknessCoefficients)
        DECL_RWBUFFER(PerDraw, RWBuffer(float4), gHairVertexTangents)
        DECL_RWBUFFER(PerDraw, RWBuffer(uint), gDepthsBuffer)
        DECL_RWTEXTURE(PerDraw, RWTex2DArray(uint), gDestDepthsTexture)

BEGIN_SRT(SrtHairData)/END_SRT(SrtHairData): These macros enclose the begin and end of the SRT named SrtHairData.

#include "PersistentSet.h": Include the definition of persistent resources used across multiple SRTs in the project.

#include "PerFrameSet.h": Include the definition of resources which get updated per frame and are used across multiple SRTs in the project.

BEGIN_SRT_SET(PerBatch)/END_SRT_SET(PerBatch): These macros mark the beginning and end of the set of resources that are updated per batch of draw calls.

Which consists of:

  • gHairDirectionalLightShadowMaps : An array of textures used to store shadow maps for hair, used with the directional lights used in the scene.
  • gHairDirectionalLightShadowCameras : A constant buffer which contains the cameras used for the shadow maps.

BEGIN_SRT_SET(PerDraw)/END_SRT_SET(PerDraw): These macros mark the beginning and end of the set of resources that are updated per draw call.

Which consists of:

  • gHair : A constant buffer containing information for hair.
  • gGuideHairVertexPositions : A buffer containing the positions of hair vertices.
  • gHairThicknessCoefficients : A buffer containing the hair coeficients.
  • gHairVertexTangents : A read-write buffer containing the tangents of each hair vertex.
  • gDestDepthsTexture : An array of read-write depth textures.

By separating the persistent and per frame resources into their own header files and reusing them across different SRTs, we reduce the overall number of descriptor sets in the project. This approach enhances memory usage efficiency and reduces the overhead of managing multiple descriptor sets.

SRT details:

SRT Resources: buffers, textures, constant buffers and samplers are made available to shaders including the srt header and can be accessed from any function.

According to target platform, each of the resource sets is mapped to a low level container, for D3D12, they are mapped to resource tables in the root signature, for vulkan they are mapped into vulkan descriptor sets, and in case of Metal, they are mapped into argument buffers.

For Metal, argument buffers are generated for each set automatically, with the exception of samplers and read/write resources which are passed as parameters to shader entry points.

In case Argument buffers are not required, the whole SRT can be declared NO AB.


        DECL_TEXTURE(Persistent, Tex2D(float4), gTexture)
        DECL_SAMPLER(Persistent, SamplerState, gSampler)
        DECL_CBUFFER(PerFrame, CBUFFER(UniformData), gUniformBlock)

This SRT declaration consists of a persistent set that contain a texture and a sampler, and a per frame set that contains a uniform buffer, and when targeting metal, the generated shader is not going to be using argument buffers, and the resources are passed as paramaters to the shader entry point.

Additionally for metal, when the feature flags FT_RAYTRACING or FT_ICB are used, the set is forced into an argument buffer, which allows having more than 8 RW buffers, as Metal shaders are limited to 8 RWBuffers as shader params, but not when argument buffer members.

Static samplers

Shaders can directly use static samplers which are used in the common cases:

Name Sample result
gSamplerPointClamp Nearest pixel value, clamping sampling coordinates between 0 and 1
gSamplerPointWrap Nearest pixel value, wrapping around when coordinates are out of 0 to 1 range
gSamplerBilinearClamp Bilinearly intepolated pixel with its neighbours pixels, clamping sampling coordinates between 0 and 1
gSamplerBilinearWrap Bilinearly intepolated pixel with its neighbours pixels, wrapping around when coordinates are out of 0 to 1 range
gSamplerTrilinearClamp Both neighbour pixels and with nearest mip map, clamping sampling coordinates between 0 and 1
gSamplerTrilinearWrap Both neighbour pixels and with nearest mip map, wrapping around when coordinates are out of 0 to 1 range
gSamplerPointMirror Nearest pixel value, mirroring coordinate values out of 0 to 1 range
gSamplerPointBorder Nearest pixel value, returning zero when coordinates out of 0 to 1 range
gSamplerTrilinearMirror Both neighbour pixels and with nearest mip map, mirroring coordinate values out of 0 to 1 range
gSamplerTrilinearBorder Both neighbour pixels and with nearest mip map, returning zero when coordinates out of 0 to 1 range
gSamplerAnisotropic Anisotropic sampler, wrapping around when coordinates are out of 0 to 1 range

Static samplers are declared in "Common_3/Graphics/FSL/defaults.h" and they do not require management in C++ code:

Sampling Textures

FSL 2 texture are fundamentally split between 2 categories :

1 - Readonly types for sampling

  • Tex#D, Tex#DArray, Tex2DMS, TexCube, Depth2D, Depth2DMS

2 - Read-write types:

  • RTex#D (readonly), WTex#D (writeonly), RWTex#D (read-write)

Sampling types map to hlsl Texture#D types, glsl texture#D and metal texture#d<T, access::sample> types.
Read-Write types map to hlsl RWTexture#D types, glsl image#D types and metal texture#d<T, access::read_write> types.

Sampling is performed using SampleTex# functions.
Load access is performed using LoadTex# functions for sampling types, and LoadRWTex# for read-write types.
Writing is performed using Write#D functions.

This table list the texture sampling functions:

Function Parameters
SampleTex1D Tex1D, SamplerState, Coord
SampleTex2D Tex2D, SamplerState, Coord
SampleTex2DArray Tex2DArray, SamplerState, Coord
SampleTex2DProj Tex2D, SamplerState, Coord
SampleTexCube TexCube, SamplerState, Coord
SampleUTexCube TexCube, SamplerState, Coord
SampleITexCube TexCube, SamplerState, Coord
SampleTex3D Tex3D, SamplerState, Coord
SampleCmp2D Tex2D, SamplerComparisonState, Coord
SampleGradTex2D Tex2D, SamplerState, Coord, Dx, Dy
SampleLvlTex2D Tex2D, SamplerState, Coord, Level
SampleLvlTex3D Tex3D, SamplerState, Coord, Level
SampleLvlTex2DArray Tex2DArray, SamplerState, Coord, Level
SampleLvlTexCube TexCube, SamplerState, Coord, Level
SampleLvlTexCubeArray TexCubeArray, SamplerState, Coord, Level
SampleLvlOffsetTex2D Tex2D, SamplerState, Coord, Level, Offset
SampleLvlOffsetTex2DArray Tex2DArray, SamplerState, Coord, Level, Offset
SampleLvlOffsetTex3D Tex3D, SamplerState, Coord, Level, Offset


float4 value = SampleLvlTexCube( gSkyboxTexture, gSkyboxSampler, float3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), 0 );
Write3D(gDstTexture, int3(0,0,0), value);

Thie code samples from a cube texture gSkyboxTexture using the sampler gSkyboxSampler and writes the result to an read write array of 2D textures gDstTexture

Texture dimensions can be retrieved using GetDimensions


int2 size = GetDimensions( gTextureA, gSampler );

int2 size2 = GetDimensions(gTextureB, NO_SAMPLER);

This code gets the dimensions of a texture using a sampler, and the dimensions of another texture without using a sampler.

Alternatively the macro NO_SAMPLER can be used when no sampler is provided.

Atomic functions

The following atomic functions are supported:

  • AtomicAdd/AtomicOr/AtomicAnd/AtomicXor
  • AtomicMin/AtomicMax
  • AtomicLoad/AtomicStore
  • AtomicExchange/AtomicCompareExchange


AtomicAdd(gBufferRW[0], 42, prev_val);

Atomic add of value 42 at location 0 of the read write buffer gBufferRW, previous value is written to last argument.

val = AtomicLoad(gBufferRW[0]);
AtomicStore(gBufferRW[0], 42);

Atomic load value at location 0 the atomic store of value 42 at location 0 of the buffer gBufferRW.

AtomicMin(gBufferRW[0], 42);
AtomicMax(gBufferRW[1], 42);

Store in location 0 of buffer gBufferRW the minimum of its value and 42, then store in location 1 the maximum of its value and 42.

Shader IO

Shader input and output structuress are declared using the STRUCT macro.

Each data member of the struct is declared using the DATA macro.


    DATA(float4, position, SV_Position);

This code declares a vertex shader input struct named VSInput, which consists of a position vector stored in 4 floats.

Datatypes are normally passed to the shader entry main function.


VSOutput VS_MAIN(VSInput In)

This line declares the main entry point for a vertex shader that takes as input In, a variable of struct type VS_Input and returns another of type VSOutput

The following semantics are supported:

SV_Target[N]          // SV_Target, SV_Target0, SV_Target1, ..., SV_Target7

For regular main entry inputs, the semantic is used as a case-insensitive decoration around the variable type.


void CS_MAIN(SV_GroupIndex(uint) groupIndex)

This is a compute shader entry function that takes an unisgned integer named groupIndex of semantic SV_GroupIndex.

Binary Declarations

Some shaders may use features not available on all devices. FSL 2 automatically compiles different shader variants for each unique feature set and creates a single unified binary that contains within the binaries of all of the variants.

This means a single "translation unit" can result in multiple binary shaders. At shader load time the correct binary will be chosen depending on the available platform/feature set.

To declare a single binary output named "myshader.frag" we use the following syntax :

#frag myshader.frag
// Code only active for myshader.frag translation

Feature Flags

Feature flags can be added to binary declarations to control the following features:

FT_PRIM_ID : Necessary for use of SV_PrimitiveID.

FT_RAYTRACING : Enables ray query extensions/headers and necessary msl/spirv/hlsl targets.

FT_VRS : Variable Rate Shading.

FT_MULTIVIEW : Necessary for multiview rendering for VR.

FT_NO_AB : Suppression of argument buffer generation for MSL.

They are inserted into the declaration as follows:

#frag FT_PRIMT_ID FT_MULTIVIEW myshader.frag

This results in a shader binary that supports both primitive id and multi view.

Non Uniform Resource Index

For accessing elements of resource arrays, special syntax is using the pair of functions BeginNonUniformResourceIndex and EndNonUniformResourceIndex which are necessary when the index is divergent:


uint index = (...);
float4 texColor = f4(0);
BeginNonUniformResourceIndex(index, 256); // 256 is the max possible index
    texColor = SampleLvlTex2D(gTextures[index], gTextureSampler, uv, 0);

This code uses an index between 0 and 256 to sample using the sampler gTextureSampler from a texture in an array of textures gTextures, using the texture coordinate uv, sampling from mipmap 0.

Implementation details:

For Vulkan, the enclosed block gets replaced based on the availability of the following extensions:

  • VK_EXT_DESCRIPTOR_INDEXING_EXTENSION: wraps the index inside the block with nonuniformEXT(...)
  • VK_FEATURE_TEXTURE_ARRAY_DYNAMIC_INDEXING: code inside the block is left untouched
  • if no extension is available, a switch construct is used

For other platforms, a loop with lane masking is being used as necessary.

Example: Skybox Vertex Shader

Below is a complete example of a vertex shader for rendering a skybox. Each line is explained in detail to highlight the use of the root signature, entry point, and shader logic.

STRUCT(VSInput) // Vertex shader input struct - an argument to the nain function
    DATA(float4, Position, POSITION); // Vertex input attributes created for each separate member

STRUCT(VSOutput) // Vertex shader output struct - the return type of the main function
    DATA(float4, Position, SV_Position);
    DATA(float4, TexCoord, TEXCOORD0);

ROOT_SIGNATURE(DefaultRootSignature)  // Declare the root signature used by this shader.

VSOutput VS_MAIN(VSInput In)  // Define the entry point for the vertex shader.
    INIT_MAIN;  // Initialize the main function for the shader.
    VSOutput Out;  // Declare the output structure.

    // Scale the input position by a factor of 9.0 to expand the skybox.
    float4 p = float4( * 9.0, 1.0);

    // Transform the position using the multi-view skybox MVP matrix if multi-view rendering is enabled.
    p = mul(gUniformBlock.skyMvp[VR_VIEW_ID], p);
    // Transform the position using the single-view skybox MVP matrix.
    p = mul(gUniformBlock.skyMvp, p);

    // Assign the transformed position to the output's position with adjusted W coordinates.
    Out.Position = p.xyww;

    // Pass through the input position as the texture coordinate for the skybox.
    Out.TexCoord = float4(In.Position.x, In.Position.y, In.Position.z, In.Position.w);

    RETURN(Out);  // Return the output structure.

Explanation of the Code:

Root Signature Declaration

  • This macro declares that the shader uses the root singature named DefaultRootSignature, which is used across all graphics shaders.

  • The root signature links the shader to the descriptor sets used for resource binding.

Shader Entry Point

VSOutput VS_MAIN(VSInput In)
  • The function VS_MAIN is the entry point for the vertex shader.

  • VSInput: Struct type which consists of the vertex attributes such as position and normal, variable name is In

  • VSOutput: Struct type that contains the processed vertex data passed to the next pipeline stage.

Main Function Initialization

  • This macro initializes the main function, ensuring that all necessary internal states are set up correctly.

  • For each diffirent target platform, this declaration is translated to what fits it.

Vertex Transformation

float4 p = float4( * 9.0, 1.0);
  • Scales the vertex position by a factor of 9.0, effectively expanding the size of the skybox.

Multi-View Transformation

    p = mul(gUniformBlock.skyMvp[VR_VIEW_ID], p);
    p = mul(gUniformBlock.skyMvp, p);
  • Depending on whether multi-view rendering is enabled:
    • Transforms the vertex position using either the multi-view or single-view skybox MVP matrix.
  • gUniformBlock.skyMvp: A matrix declared in the SRT that is used for transformation.

Output Position Assignment

Out.Position = p.xyww;
  • Assigns the transformed vertex position to the output. The W coordinate is set to maintain the correct perspective in the skybox rendering.

Texture Coordinate Assignment

Out.TexCoord = float4(In.Position.x, In.Position.y, In.Position.z, In.Position.w);
  • The input vertex position is directly used as the texture coordinate for sampling the skybox texture.

Return Statement

  • The RETURN macro finalizes the output and ensures it is properly passed to the next stage of the pipeline.

Example: Pixel Shader

Below is an example of a basic pixel shader that forwards the color received as an output from the vertex shader.

STRUCT(PSOutput) // Pixel shader output struct - the return type of the main function
    DATA(float4, Color, SV_Target);

ROOT_SIGNATURE(DefaultRootSignature)  // Declare the root signature used by this shader.

PSOutput PS_MAIN(VSOutput In)  // Define the entry point for the pixel shader
    INIT_MAIN;  // Initialize the main function for the shader.
    PSOutput Out;  // Declare the output structure.
    // Forward the color received from the vertex shader output
    Out.Color = In.Color;

    RETURN(Out);  // Return the output structure.

Explanation of the Code:

Root Signature Declaration

  • This macro declares that the shader uses the root singature named DefaultRootSignature, which is used across all graphics shaders.

  • The root signature links the shader to the descriptor sets used for resource binding.

Shader Entry Point

float4 PS_MAIN(VSOutput In)
  • The function PS_MAIN is the entry point for the pixel shader.

  • VSOutput: Struct type which consists of the vertex shader output, variable name is In

  • PSOutput: return type of pixel shader, which contains a single member Color - a color in 4 components red, green, blue and alpha.

Main Function Initialization

  • Initializes main entry function, ensuring that all necessary internal states are set up correctly.

  • For each diffirent target platform, this declaration is translated to the target platform equivalent.

PSOutput Out;
Out.Color = In.Color;
  • The RETURN macro returns the same color that was calulated in the vertex shader and came into pixel shader as input.

Example Compute Shader: Screenshot Processing

Code Example

ROOT_SIGNATURE(ComputeRootSignature) // Define the root signature for compute resources.
NUM_THREADS(8, 8, 1) // Configure thread group size: 8x8 threads per group.

void CS_MAIN(SV_DispatchThreadID(uint3) DTid) // Entry point for the compute shader.
    INIT_MAIN; // Initialize the shader's internal state.

    // Fetch input texture dimensions.
    uint2 inputDims = uint2(GetDimensions(gInputTexture, NO_SAMPLER));

    // Skip threads outside the valid input dimensions.
    if (DTid.x >= inputDims.x || DTid.y >= inputDims.y)
        RETURN(); // Exit the thread early if it's outside bounds.

    // Calculate UV coordinates for sampling the input texture.
    float2 uv = float2(float(DTid.x + 0.5f) / inputDims.x, float(DTid.y + 0.5f) / inputDims.y);
    float4 color = SampleLvlTex2D(gInputTexture, gSamplerPointClamp, uv, 0); // Sample the texture.
    uint offset = DTid.x + DTid.y * inputDims.x; // Compute linear offset for output storage.

    // Optional: Flip red and blue channels based on constants.
    if (gScreenShotConstants.flipRedBlue > 0)
        float temp = color.r;
        color.r = color.b;
        color.b = temp;

    // Optional: Convert color to sRGB space if required.
    if (gScreenShotConstants.convertToSrgb > 0) 
        color = linear4ToSrgb4(color);

    // Save output as HDR or packed color based on configuration.
    if (gScreenShotConstants.saveAsHDR > 0)
        uint4 uintColor = asuint(color);
        StoreByte(gOutputBuffer, (offset * 4 + 0) << 2, uintColor.r);
        StoreByte(gOutputBuffer, (offset * 4 + 1) << 2, uintColor.g);
        StoreByte(gOutputBuffer, (offset * 4 + 2) << 2, uintColor.b);
        StoreByte(gOutputBuffer, (offset * 4 + 3) << 2, uintColor.a);
        uint packedColor = packUnorm4x8(color); // Pack color into 32-bit format.
        StoreByte(gOutputBuffer, offset << 2, packedColor); // Write packed color to output.

    RETURN(); // Finalize the thread execution.

Explanation of the Code:

Root Signature Declaration

  • This macro declares that the shader uses the root signature named ComputeRootSignature, which is used across all compute shaders

  • Links resources gInputTexture, gSamplerPointClamp, and gOutputBuffer to the GPU pipeline.

Thread Group Configuration

NUM_THREADS(8, 8, 1)
  • The macro NUM_THREADS defines the thread group size as 8x8x1, meaning each thread group contains 64 threads.

  • The compute shader is executed for each thread in the group, enabling parallel processing.

Entry Point

void CS_MAIN(SV_DispatchThreadID(uint3) DTid)
  • The entry point CS_MAIN is a void function because compute shaders do not need to return a value. Their purpose is to process data directly.

  • SV_DispatchThreadID(uint3 DTid): A system-generated ID uniquely identifying the thread within the dispatch.

Early Exit for Out-of-Bounds Threads

if (DTid.x >= inputDims.x || DTid.y >= inputDims.y)
  • Ensures that threads outside the valid texture dimensions do not perform unnecessary operations.

  • Uses the RETURN() macro to terminate these threads early.

Texture Sampling

float2 uv = float2(float(DTid.x + 0.5f) / inputDims.x, float(DTid.y + 0.5f) / inputDims.y);
float4 color = SampleLvlTex2D(gInputTexture, gSamplerPointClamp, uv, 0);
  • Calculates normalized UV coordinates for sampling.

  • Samples the input texture using a point-clamp sampler.

Channel Swapping Option

if (gScreenShotConstants.flipRedBlue > 0)
    float temp = color.r;
    color.r = color.b;
    color.b = temp;
  • Conditionally swaps the red and blue channels to adjust the image format if the flipRedBlue flag is greater than 0.

optionalsRGB Conversion

if (gScreenShotConstants.convertToSrgb > 0) 
    color = linear4ToSrgb4(color);
  • Converts the linear color to sRGB format if enabled by the constants if the convertToSrgb flag is greater than 0.

Output Storage

Saving as HDR

uint4 uintColor = asuint(color);
StoreByte(gOutputBuffer, (offset * 4 + 0) << 2, uintColor.r);
StoreByte(gOutputBuffer, (offset * 4 + 1) << 2, uintColor.g);
StoreByte(gOutputBuffer, (offset * 4 + 2) << 2, uintColor.b);
StoreByte(gOutputBuffer, (offset * 4 + 3) << 2, uintColor.a);
  • Saves the output as HDR by storing each channel as a 32-bit value in the output buffer.

Saving as Packed Color

uint packedColor = packUnorm4x8(color);
StoreByte(gOutputBuffer, offset << 2, packedColor);
  • Packs the color into a single 32-bit value using packUnorm4x8 and stores it in the output buffer.

Thread Completion

  • Finalizes the thread execution without requiring a returned value.

Initializing root signature in C++

Application uses a single root signature for graphics, and another for compute.

The unified root signature needs to be created at load time.

No referencing to root signatures is required, and retreiving resource indices by name is no longer required.


/// C++ code
RootSignatureDesc rootDesc = {};
INIT_RS_DESC(rootDesc, "default.rootsig", "compute.rootsig");
initRootSignature(pRenderer, &rootDesc);

This C++ code initializes the root signatures used by the application, the macro INIT_RS_DESC populates the descriptor rootDesc with the names of the graphics and Compute root signature : default.rootsig , and the compute root signature compute.rootsig.

Then a call to initRootSignature is passed in the descriptor.

One of the most recent improvements in The Forge is the removal of the RootSignature interfaces (addRootSignature/removeRootSignature)

A call to exitRootSignature needs to be in application cleanup code.

Descriptors binding interface in C++

Descriptor binding is handled through the DescriptorSet interface.

Descriptor sets should be defined in a header that is included from both shaders that are using the resources declared inside it, and the C++ code in which the descriptor sets and created and used.

Using Descriptor sets based on update Frequencies

To optimize performance for graphics resources are grouped into descriptor sets based on the frequency at which they are updated.

In The Forge, there are 4 descriptor sets, which correspond to matching update frequencies :

  • Persistent : Consists of resources which hardly get updated in the lifetime of the application.
  • PerFrame : Consists of resources which get updated once per frame.
  • PerBatch : Consists of resources which get updated per arbitrary batch (batch is application dependent. commonly this is per material)
  • PerDraw : Consists of resources which get updated per draw call. (information which changes per draw call, ... usually with modern APIs, it is better to avoid this update frequency when not necessary)


/// included from FSL shader and C++
        DECL_TEXTURE(Persistent, Tex2D(float4), gTexture)
        DECL_SAMPLER(Persistent, SamplerState, gSampler)
        DECL_CBUFFER(PerFrame, CBUFFER(UniformData), gUniformBlock)

This header declares the SRT SrtData, which consists of :

  • A persistent set that consists of a 2D texture gTexture and a sampler gSampler.
  • A per frame set that consists of a uniform buffer gUniformBlock.

Allocating Descriptor sets

Descriptor sets are allocated using the api function addDescriptorSet and freed using removeDescriptorSet

According to target platform, a descriptor set abstracts a VkDescriptorSet in Vulkan or a D3D12_GPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE int Direct3D12, or a MTLArgumentBuffer in Metal.


/// C++ code :

#include "../../../../Common_3/Graphics/FSL/defaults.h"
#include "./Shaders/FSL/"


/// globals
DescriptorSet* pDescriptorSetPersistent = { NULL };
DescriptorSet* pDescriptorSetPerFrame = { NULL };

void addDescriptorSets()
    DescriptorSetDesc descPersisent = SRT_SET_DESC(SrtData, Persistent, 1, 0);
    addDescriptorSet(pRenderer, &descPersisent, &pDescriptorSetPersistent);
    DescriptorSetDesc descPerFrame = SRT_SET_DESC(SrtData, PerFrame, gDataBufferCount, 0);
    addDescriptorSet(pRenderer, &descPerFrame, &pDescriptorSetPerFrame);

This code includes the shared SRT header, a declaration for the persistent and per frame descriptor sets, and the function addDescriptorSets uses the macro SRT_SET_DESC to initialize the descriptor set descriptors descPersistent and descPerFrame. the descriptor sets' descriptor are then passed into the calls of addDescriptorSet with the renderer and is used to allocate the descriptor sets pDescriptorSetPersistent and pDescriptorSetPerFrame

Freeing up Descriptor sets

Descriptor sets are freed up using the api function removeDescriptorSet


/// C++ code :
void removeDescriptorSets()
    removeDescriptorSet(pRenderer, &pDescriptorSetPersistent);
    removeDescriptorSet(pRenderer, &pDescriptorSetPerFrame);

This code frees the persistent descriptor set pDescriptorSetPersistent and the per frame descriptor set pDescriptorSetPerFrame

Updating descriptor sets to link to resources

As samplers, textures and buffers are created in C++, they need to be linked to descriptor sets, the struct DescriptorData consist of a resource index mIndex and a pointer to resources ( samplers, textures or buffers ), and a count which represents the number of array elements.

The index for each resource is retreived with the macro SRT_RES_IDX, and the api function updateDescriptorSet is used to update the descriptor set elements to be linked to resources.


/// C++ code :
// Prepare persistent sets
DescriptorData persistentParams[2] = {};
persistentParams[0].mIndex = SRT_RES_IDX(SrtData, Persistent, gTexture);
persistentParams[0].ppTextures = &pSkyBoxTextures[0];
persistentParams[1].mIndex = SRT_RES_IDX(SrtData, Persistent, gSampler);
persistentParams[1].ppSamplers = &pSkyBoxSampler;
updateDescriptorSet(pRenderer, 0, pDescriptorSetPersistent, 2, persistentParams);

for (uint32_t i = 0; i < gDataBufferCount; ++i)
    DescriptorData perFrameParam = {};
    perFrameParam.mIndex = SRT_RES_IDX(SrtData, PerFrame, gUniformBlock);
    perFrameParam.ppBuffers = &pUniformBuffer[i];
    updateDescriptorSet(pRenderer, i, pDescriptorSetPerFrame, 1, &perFrameParam);

This code initializes an array of 2 persistent descriptors params persistentParams.

The first one uses the index to the texture, which is retreived from the macro SRT_RES_IDX by passing in the name of the SRT : SrtData, the name of the set : Persistent and the name of the resource : gTexture, then it links it to the runtime texture created in C++ : pSkyBoxTextures[0].

The second one uses the index to the sampler, which is retreived from the macro SRT_RES_IDX by passing in the name of the SRT : SrtData, the name of the set : Persistent and the name of the resource : gSampler, then it links it to the runtime sampler created in C++ : pSkyBoxSampler.

Using SRT_RES_IDX results in resolving the link between resources names and their ids happens at compilation time, which means there is no longer need to search for resouces ids using string or hashes comparisons.

Then the actual linking is done by the api call updateDescriptorSet, to which the renderer is passed, the binding index 0, the descriptor set pDescriptorSetPersistent, the number of descriptors to update which is 2 in this case, and last parameter is the array containing the 2 descriptors.

Then similarly, the per frame set is updated :

In this case there is a loop that repeats the following steps for each number of buffers per frame gDataBufferCount:

Create one data descriptor perFrameParam and set its index to uniform block which is retreived from the macro SRT_RES_IDX by passing in the name of the SRT : SrtData, the name of the set : PerFrame and the name of the resource : gUniformBlock, then it links it to the runtime buffers created in C++ in the array pUniformBuffer , each cycle in the loop taking one by index.

Then the actual linking is done by the api call updateDescriptorSet, to which the renderer is passed, the binding index i, the descriptor set pDescriptorSetPerFrame, the number of descriptors to update which is 1 in this case, and last parameter is the pointer to the descriptor data.

Binding Descriptor Sets

During command buffer generation, after binding pipelines, descriptor sets are bound using the api function cmdBindDescriptorSet.


// Graphics:
/// C++ code :
cmdBindPipeline(cmd, pGraphicsPipeline);
cmdBindDescriptorSet(cmd, 0, pDescriptorSetPersistent);
cmdBindDescriptorSet(cmd, gFrameIndex, pDescriptorSetPerFrame);
cmdBindVertexBuffer(cmd, 1, &pVertexBuffer, &pStrides, NULL);
cmdDraw(cmd, numVerts, 0);

This code is part of drawing, during command buffer cmd generation, here the pipeline pGraphicsPipeline is bound by a call to cmdBindPipeline, passing into it the command buffer and the pipeline, then the descriptor set pDescriptorSetPersistent is bound on index 0 by calling cmdBindDescriptorSet then the descriptor set pDescriptorSetPerFrame is bound on index gFrameIndex by calling cmdBindDescriptorSet then a vertex buffer is bound and a draw call is done which would be using the resources from the just bound descriptor sets.

Descriptors binding interface


void addDescriptorSet(Renderer* pRenderer, const DescriptorSetDesc* pDesc, DescriptorSet** ppDescriptorSet)

  • Allocates a descriptor set with the given description
  • Sets all the descriptor handles to their default values (default texture, default buffer, ...)

void removeDescriptorSet(Renderer* pRenderer, DescriptorSet* pDescriptorSet)

  • Frees the descriptor set

void updateDescriptorSet(Renderer* pRenderer, uint32_t index, DescriptorSet* pDescriptorSet, uint32_t paramCount, DescriptorData* pParams)

  • Updates the descriptor set at index with the provided array of descriptor data
  • Safe to call from any thread as long as the the threads are accessing different index

void cmdBindDescriptorSet(Cmd* pCmd, uint32_t index, DescriptorSet* pDescriptorSet)

  • Binds the descriptor set at index to the command buffer
  • Safe to call from any thread


SRT_SET_DESC(srt, freq, maxSets, nodeIndex)

  • Used to retreive the descriptor sets from the shared SRT headers, to pass into addDescriptorSet
  • srt : name of the SRT
  • freq : update frequency (Persistent, PerFrame, PerBatch or PerDraw )
  • maxSets : how often it is updated, should be 1 for Persistent, 2 for per frame for double buffering, for the other will be case dependant
  • nodeIndex : only applicable for multi GPU scenarios.

SRT_SET_DESC_LARGE_RW(srt, freq, maxSets, nodeIndex)

  • For Metal use only in case of RayTracing, or when more than 8 Read/Write textures are required.
  • internally maps to an argument buffer.


  • Used to link resources into descriptor set from code side.
  • Typically used to prepare params for calls to updateDescriptorSet.


  • Requied for Vulkan
  • Should be used when creating pipelines
  • Allows passing the descriptor table information when calling vkCreatePipeline which is required for Vulkan

Example :

    PipelineDesc desc = {};
    // ... fill pipelineSettings
    addPipeline(pRenderer, &desc, &pSpherePipeline);

This code creates an empty pipeline descriptor desc, sets its type to be a graphics pipeline, then uses PIPELINE_LAYOUT_DESC to initialize the desc with the descriptors layout of SrtData, passing it the descriptor set layouts for the persistent and per frame sets, and passing nulls for the 3rd and 4th as they are not used in this pipeline then populated the rest of members of desc, then calls addPipeline to allocate a new pipeline with the descriptor layouts.