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Connor Elsea edited this page Apr 12, 2015 · 2 revisions

Issue Usage

In this project, Github Issues are used not only to track issues and bugs relative to this project, but also the creation, suggestion, and completion tracking of features. A feature is added to Github Issues and can by closed and marked complete when the feature is fully implemented into the program.



This indicates that the issue is a feature. It's description should explain what the feature is, why it is needed, and what generally needs to be done to implement this feature into the program.

Feature Parent

This is a more broad feature that usually has sub-features, labeled with the feature label, that need to be completed before this feature can be completed as a whole.


This is a tag used for features. It indicates that a feature has been chosen to be included in the program eventually, but the implementation of this feature has not begun.


This is a tag use for features. It indicates that a feature has been chosen to be included in the program and that the implementation of this feature has begun, but has not yet been completed.


This is a tag used for features. It indicates that a feature has been chosen to be included in the program, has had its implementation started, and finished. These features are completely usable and fully implemented in the program. Once a feature issue or a feature parent issue is marked completed it is typically closed.

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