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Repository files navigation

Getting Started

  • npm install
  • npm install -g sequelize sequelize-cli (optional, if you have already installed it is not necessary)
  • change password in config/config.json/"password": "Your_Posgre_Password",
  • sequelize db:create
  • sequelize db:migrate
  • sequelize db:seed:all
  • npm start


Available End Points

[Get | Content : http://localhost:5000/content/data] :

Menampilkan semua data yang ada dalam tabel content, output yang dihasilkan bertipe Array Of Object.

Contoh penerapan di frontend :

useEffect(() => { const getContent = async () => { const response = await axios.get(http://localhost:5000/content/data); setContent(; }; getContent(); }, []);

[Get | Content By Id : http://localhost:5000/content/data/:id] :

Menampilkan data berdasarkan id buku yang ada dalam tabel content, output yang dihasilkan bertipe Object.

Contoh penerapan di frontend :

const { id } = useParams();

useEffect(() => { const getProductById = async () => { const response = await axios.get(http://localhost:5000/products/1); setContent(; }; getProductById(); }, [id]);

[Get | Content By Search : http://localhost:5000/content/data/search] :

Menampilkan semua data yang ada dalam tabel content berdasarkan hasil query pencarian dari frontend, output yang dihasilkan bertipe Array Of Object.

dapat menampung parameter :

  1. query : berisikan string hasil input pencarian contoh “pokemon”, bernilai default string kosong,
  2. page : angka untuk menentukan halaman dalam api optional use, bernilai default integer 0,
  3. limit : angka untuk menentukan jumlah data yang akan ditampilkan dalam api, bernilai default integer 10.

penerapan di frontend :

const [page, setPage] = useState([0]); const [limit, setLimit] = useState([10]); const [totalData, setTotalData] = useState([0]); const [keyword, setKeyword] = useState(""); const [datas, setData] = useState("");

useEffect(() => { const searchContent = async () => { const response = await axios.get( http://localhost:5000/content/data/search?query=${keyword}&page=${page}&limit=${limit} ); setData(; setTotalData(; }; searchContent(); }, [page, keyword, limit]);

Note :


[POST | LOGIN : http://localhost:5000/login] :

Membuat access token kalau data yang diinputkan sesuai dengan data yang terdapat dalam database tabel users, output yang dihasilkan bertipe Obejct.

harus memberikan data :

  1. usename
  2. password

penerapan di frontend :

const [username, setUsername] = useState(""); const [password, setPassword] = useState("");

const login = async () => { await,{ username: username, password: password }); };

[PATCH | ADD PAGE VIEWS : http://localhost:5000/pageviews] :

Memrubah jumlah page views pada buku tertentu berdasarkan id dalam tabel content.

harus memberikan data :

  1. id {bookId}

penerapan di frontend :

const [bookId, setBookId] = useState("");

useEffect(() => { const incPageViews = async () => { await,{ id: bookId, }); }; incPageViews(); }, []);

NOTE : untuk key/data yang wajib dikirimkan itu agak sensitif harus lowercase/camelcase {contoh di bagian : harus memberikan data}, kalau berbeda saat input maka tidak akan ada perubahan di database.


[POST | CREATE DATA CONTENT : http://localhost:5000/content/create] :

Membuat data content kedalam database tabel contents.

harus memberikan data :

  1. title,
  2. file,
  3. sinopsis,
  4. stories,
  5. genres,
  6. releaseDate,

penerapan di frontend :

const [title, setTitle] = useState(""); const [file, setFile] = useState(""); const [sinopsis, setSinopsis] = useState(""); const [stories, setStories] = useState(""); const [genres, setGenres] = useState(""); const [releaseDate, setReleaseDate] = useState("");

const createContent = async () => { await,{ title: title, file: file, sinopsis: sinopsis, stories: stories, genres: genres, releaseDate: releaseDate, }); };

NOTE :untuk key/data yang wajib dikirimkan itu agak sensitif harus lowercase/camelcase {contoh di bagian : harus memberikan data}, kalau berbeda saat input maka data di database akan NULL.

[PATCH | UPDATE DATA CONTENT : http://localhost:5000/content/update/:id] :

Mengupdate data content yang ada di dalam database tabel contents.

data yang dapat di update :

  1. title,
  2. file,
  3. sinopsis,
  4. stories,
  5. genres,
  6. releaseDate,

penerapan di frontend :

const [title, setTitle] = useState(""); const [file, setFile] = useState(""); const [sinopsis, setSinopsis] = useState(""); const [stories, setStories] = useState(""); const [genres, setGenres] = useState(""); const [releaseDate, setReleaseDate] = useState("");

const updateContent = async () => { await axios.patch(http://localhost:5000/content/update/1,{ title: title, file: file, sinopsis: sinopsis, stories: stories, genres: genres, releaseDate: releaseDate, }); };

NOTE :untuk key/data yang akan dikirimkan itu agak sensitif harus lowercase/camelcase {contoh di bagian : data yang dapat di update}, kalau berbeda saat input maka tidak akan ada perubahan data di database.

[DELETE | DELETE DATA CONTENT : http://localhost:5000/content/delete/:id] :

Menghapus data content yang ada di dalam database tabel contents.

data yang dibutuhkan :

  1. id {bookId}

penerapan di frontend :

const [bookId, setBookId] = useState("");

const deleteContent = async () => { await axios.delete(http://localhost:5000/products/${bookId}); };

[Get | READING LIST : http://localhost:5000/readinglist] :

Menampilkan semua data yang ada dalam tabel readinglists berdasarkan user login, output yang dihasilkan bertipe Array Of Object.

Contoh penerapan di frontend :

useEffect(() => { const getReadingList = async () => { const response = await axios.get(http://localhost:5000/readinglist); setContent(; }; getReadingList(); }, []);

[POST | CREATE DATA READING LIST : http://localhost:5000/readinglist/add] :

Membuat data reading list kedalam database tabel readinglists.

harus memberikan data :

  1. title,
  2. poster,
  3. sinopsis,
  4. stories,
  5. genres,
  6. releaseDate,
  7. id {book id}
  8. username
  9. url

penerapan di frontend :

const [title, setTitle] = useState(""); const [poster, setPoster] = useState(""); const [sinopsis, setSinopsis] = useState(""); const [stories, setStories] = useState(""); const [releaseDate, setReleaseDate] = useState(""); const [genres, setGenres] = useState(""); const [bookId, setBookId] = useState(""); const [username, setUsername] = useState(""); const [url, setUrl] = useState("");

const createContent = async () => { await,{ id: bookId, username: username, title: title, sinopsis: sinopsis, poster: poster, url: url, stories: stories, genres: genres, releaseDate: releaseDate, }); };

NOTE :untuk key/data yang wajib dikirimkan itu agak sensitif harus lowercase/camelcase {contoh di bagian : harus memberikan data}, kalau berbeda saat input maka data di database akan NULL.

[DELETE | DELETE DATA READING LIST : http://localhost:5000/readinglist/remove] :

Menghapus data reading list yang ada di dalam database tabel readinglists.

data yang dibutuhkan :

  1. id {bookId}

penerapan di frontend : const [bookId, setBookId] = useState("");

const deleteContent = async () => { await axios.delete(http://localhost:5000/readinglist/remove,{ bookid: bookId }); };


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