A Julia wrapper for CoolProp (http://www.coolprop.org)
This is not my work, and all the credit goes to the cool CoolProp contributors. I only put this together to make things easier for a friend of mine.
using Pkg
The installer downloads related libraries respect to machine OS & wordsize. Please let me know if it does not work for you. As an alternative, you can download the binaries for your OS from here
The API is described in http://www.coolprop.org/coolprop/HighLevelAPI.html.
using CoolProp
PropsSI("T", "P", 101325.0, "Q", 0.0, "Water")
For development, it is possible to include a custom wrapper from ENV["TestingPath"]
, then:
using CoolProp;
if !haskey(ENV, "TestingPath")
the default \test\CoolProp.jl
will be used.