Comet server is written in C++, for storing data using MySQL.
In the project has implemented all the functions that the author intended. The project is not dead, bug-reports and requests for new functionality are accepted as before.
Comet technology – allows sending arbitrary messages to client through server initiative
- Api for more then 9 languages. CometQL API allows you connect to server by mysql protocol.
- Good documentation in Russian and English languages
- Supports users authenticating on the server
- Allow sending a private message to users
- Allows you to send public messages to users via channels
- Allows subscription from JavaScript to changing other user’s status
- Allows subscription to updates of online users list in real-time
- Sending messages to channel from JS
- Allows get information when users were online
Report about load testing of 64,000 connections online
Documentation in Russian and English languages
- How to build and run EN or RU
- CometQL API documentation EN or RU (To connect to the comet server api from any server-side language is used CometQL)
- JavaScript API documentation EN or RU (To connect to the server from JavaScript API use file from api/CometServerApi.js )
- ( One of the simplest way to create php websockets chat with CppComet )
- ( Creating a simple chat using CppComet )
For testing CppComet without install on vps you can use free cloud service with same api. In the all examples I will use demonstration access from for those who could not or were too lazy to deploy the server on their vps.
For demo access use credentials:
Login: 15
Example of connecting to cometQL api from console using mysql-client:
mysql -h -u15 -plPXBFPqNg3f661JcegBY0N0dPXqUBdHXqj2cHf04PZgLHxT6z55e20ozojvMRvB8 -DCometQL_v1 --skip-ssl
On this gif animation you see how send message to web chat from CppComet api.
We connect to CppComet by mysql protocol and send CometQL query.
For connect to demo server use this command:
mysql -h -u15 -plPXBFPqNg3f661JcegBY0N0dPXqUBdHXqj2cHf04PZgLHxT6z55e20ozojvMRvB8 -DCometQL_v1 --skip-ssl
For send message to demo chat use this query:
INSERT INTO pipes_messages (name, event, message)VALUES("web_MainPageChat", "", '{ "text":"My text","name":"My name"}' );
As the author of CppComet and an engineer with expertise in FullStack, DevOps, Kubernetes, and cloud architecture, I offer:
- 🔧 Consultations.
- 🚀 Guidance for building multi-tenant SaaS solutions.
- 💡 Best practices for cluster management and CI/CD pipelines.
🚀 U-store - cloud SaaS store template