----What is AL----
AL is a website where users can log in and create listings for automobiles, browse the main page that contains all the listings, and edit or delete their listings.
----My goal----
I put this site togher using EJS and Express. The main focus was to learn how to develop back-end with full CRUD for users and the listings they posted. I added a minimal amount of styling using bootstrap just to get the point accross and have things a bit organized at least. I also wanted to make use of an API. I found epa.gov had a very easy to use API for vehicles. I was able to use this to give users a very easy way to get all the info on their vehicle by simply being provided a Year, Make, Model, and Option. From that I could had further information provided by epa.gov.
----Future goals----
<>Get the filter working for the main page. I've got the filter populating at least but need to work on having it filter.
<>Users should be able to have a page where they can see all their listings.
<>Provide alerts to users if they've made any input mistakes, like on the register and login pages.