Useful resources for those new to tech and coding in the Dayton area. Be sure to check out for a list of upcoming Dayton tech events.
- Girl Develop It Dayton
- Dayton Web Developers
- Dayton WordPress
- Code for Dayton
- UX Dayton
- Dayton Dynamic Languages
- Dayton Drupal
- Gem City JS
- Dayton Ruby Brigade
- Dayton Linux
- Technology First
- Build Right Maker Series
- CodePen Dayton
- Dayton Clean Coders
- Web Field Manual
- HTML Dog
- Codecademy HTML & CSS
- Treehouse Front End Web Development
- CSS-Tricks Lodge
- Dash HTML & CSS & JavaScript
- Code School HTML CSS Path
- Lynda Web Development
- Free Code Camp
- Skillcrush
- Thinkful
- Git simple guide
- Frontend Masters
- React