The temperature brick is handmade of concrete and contains an LCD screen that displays the current inside temperature, outside temperature, and the high and low for the day. Outside temperature and forecast data is collected using WQ
to query the Weather Underground API. Inside temperature is collected using a DS18B20 sensor. All data is stored in a PostgreSQL database.
- 1 x Raspberry Pi Zero W
- 1 x 16 x 2 Standard LCD
- Hook up wires
Wire your LCD screen to your Raspberry Pi Zero W using the following directions:
Clone the following repositories onto your local machine
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone
Follow these directions to setup the LCD screen.
Follow these directions to setup the indoor temperature sensor.
Install psycopg2
to be able to get recent temperatures from the PostgreSQL database.
$ pip install psycopg2-binary
Start displaying temperatures on the LCD screen
$ python