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term-keys: Fix shifted keys on Qt applications (Konsole)
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CyberShadow committed Feb 10, 2022
1 parent 48e80b3 commit 220bc89
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Showing 2 changed files with 111 additions and 96 deletions.
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion term-keys-konsole.el
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -91,7 +91,10 @@ an existing Konsole .keytab file."
(not (elt term-keys/konsole-modifier-map n))))
(number-sequence 0 (1- (length mods))))) ; 0..5
(format "key %s%s : \"%s\"\n"
(elt keymap 3) ; key name
(or ; Apply shift
(and (elt mods 0) ; With Shift?
(elt keymap 9)) ; Use shifted column
(elt keymap 3)) ; Use non-shifted column
(lambda (n)
(if (elt term-keys/konsole-modifier-map n)
Expand Down
202 changes: 107 additions & 95 deletions term-keys.el
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,98 +48,98 @@ file."

(defcustom term-keys/mapping
;; Emacs X11 TTY Qt macOS Emacs shifted X11 shifted GLFW winit

'(["<escape>" "Escape" 1 "Esc" #x001B nil nil "ESCAPE" "Escape" ]
["<f1>" "F1" 59 "F1" #xF704 nil nil "F1" "F1" ]
["<f2>" "F2" 60 "F2" #xF705 nil nil "F2" "F2" ]
["<f3>" "F3" 61 "F3" #xF706 nil nil "F3" "F3" ]
["<f4>" "F4" 62 "F4" #xF707 nil nil "F4" "F4" ]
["<f5>" "F5" 63 "F5" #xF708 nil nil "F5" "F5" ]
["<f6>" "F6" 64 "F6" #xF709 nil nil "F6" "F6" ]
["<f7>" "F7" 65 "F7" #xF70A nil nil "F7" "F7" ]
["<f8>" "F8" 66 "F8" #xF70B nil nil "F8" "F8" ]
["<f9>" "F9" 67 "F9" #xF70C nil nil "F9" "F9" ]
["<f10>" "F10" 68 "F10" #xF70D nil nil "F10" "F10" ]
["<f11>" "F11" 87 "F11" #xF70E nil nil "F11" "F11" ]
["<f12>" "F12" 88 "F12" #xF70F nil nil "F12" "F12" ]
["<print>" "Print" 99 "Print" #xF710 nil nil "PRINT_SCREEN" "Snapshot" ]
["<Scroll_Lock>" "Scroll_Lock" 70 "ScrollLock" nil nil nil "SCROLL_LOCK" "Scroll" ]
["<pause>" "Pause" 119 "Pause" nil nil nil "PAUSE" "Pause" ]

["`" "grave" 43 "`" ?` "~" "asciitilde" "GRAVE_ACCENT" "Grave" ]
["1" "1" 2 "1" ?1 "!" "exclam" "1" "Key1" ]
["2" "2" 3 "2" ?2 "@" "at" "2" "Key2" ]
["3" "3" 4 "3" ?3 "#" "numbersign" "3" "Key3" ]
["4" "4" 5 "4" ?4 "$" "dollar" "4" "Key4" ]
["5" "5" 6 "5" ?5 "%" "percent" "5" "Key5" ]
["6" "6" 7 "6" ?6 "^" "asciicircum" "6" "Key6" ]
["7" "7" 8 "7" ?7 "&" "ampersand" "7" "Key7" ]
["8" "8" 9 "8" ?8 "*" "asterisk" "8" "Key8" ]
["9" "9" 10 "9" ?9 "(" "parenleft" "9" "Key9" ]
["0" "0" 11 "0" ?0 ")" "parenright" "0" "Key0" ]
["-" "minus" 12 "-" ?- "_" "underscore" "MINUS" "Minus" ]
["=" "equal" 13 "=" ?= "+" "plus" "EQUAL" "Equals" ]
["<backspace>" "BackSpace" 14 "Backspace" #x007F nil nil "BACKSPACE" "Back" ]
["<tab>" "Tab" 15 "Tab" #x0009 "<backtab>" "ISO_Left_Tab" "TAB" "Tab" ]
["q" "q" 16 "Q" ?q "Q" "Q" "Q" "Q" ]
["w" "w" 17 "W" ?w "W" "W" "W" "W" ]
["e" "e" 18 "E" ?e "E" "E" "E" "E" ]
["r" "r" 19 "R" ?r "R" "R" "R" "R" ]
["t" "t" 20 "T" ?t "T" "T" "T" "T" ]
["y" "y" 21 "Y" ?y "Y" "Y" "Y" "Y" ]
["u" "u" 22 "U" ?u "U" "U" "U" "U" ]
["i" "i" 23 "I" ?i "I" "I" "I" "I" ]
["o" "o" 24 "O" ?o "O" "O" "O" "O" ]
["p" "p" 25 "P" ?p "P" "P" "P" "P" ]
["[" "bracketleft" 26 "[" ?\[ "{" "braceleft" "LEFT_BRACKET" "LBracket" ]
["]" "bracketright" 27 "]" ?\] "}" "braceright" "RIGHT_BRACKET" "RBracket" ]
["<return>" "Return" 28 "Return" #x000D nil nil "ENTER" "Return" ]
["<Caps_Lock>" "Caps_Lock" 58 "CapsLock" nil nil nil "CAPS_LOCK" "Capital" ]
["a" "a" 30 "A" ?a "A" "A" "A" "A" ]
["s" "s" 31 "S" ?s "S" "S" "S" "S" ]
["d" "d" 32 "D" ?d "D" "D" "D" "D" ]
["f" "f" 33 "F" ?f "F" "F" "F" "F" ]
["g" "g" 34 "G" ?g "G" "G" "G" "G" ]
["h" "h" 35 "H" ?h "H" "H" "H" "H" ]
["j" "j" 36 "J" ?j "J" "J" "J" "J" ]
["k" "k" 37 "K" ?k "K" "K" "K" "K" ]
["l" "l" 38 "L" ?l "L" "L" "L" "L" ]
[";" "semicolon" 39 ";" ?\; ":" "colon" "SEMICOLON" "Semicolon" ]
["'" "apostrophe" 40 "'" ?' "\"" "quotedbl" "APOSTROPHE" "Apostrophe" ]
[nil "Shift_L" 42 "Shift" nil nil nil "LEFT_SHIFT" "LShift" ]
["\\" "backslash" 43 "\\" ?\\ "|" "bar" "BACKSLASH" "Backslash" ]
["z" "z" 44 "Z" ?z "Z" "Z" "Z" "Z" ]
["x" "x" 45 "X" ?x "X" "X" "X" "X" ]
["c" "c" 46 "C" ?c "C" "C" "C" "C" ]
["v" "v" 47 "V" ?v "V" "V" "V" "V" ]
["b" "b" 48 "B" ?b "B" "B" "B" "B" ]
["n" "n" 49 "N" ?n "N" "N" "N" "N" ]
["m" "m" 50 "M" ?m "M" "M" "M" "M" ]
["," "comma" 51 "," ?, "<" "less" "COMMA" "Comma" ]
["." "period" 52 "." ?. ">" "greater" "PERIOD" "Period" ]
["/" "slash" 53 "/" ?/ "?" "question" "SLASH" "Slash" ]
[nil "Shift_R" 54 "Shift" nil nil nil "RIGHT_SHIFT" "RShift" ]
[nil "Control_L" 29 "Ctrl" nil nil nil "LEFT_CONTROL" "LControl" ]
[nil "Super_L" 125 "Meta" nil nil nil "LEFT_SUPER" "LWin" ]
[nil "Alt_L" 56 "Alt" nil nil nil "LEFT_ALT" "LAlt" ]
["SPC" "space" 57 "Space" #x0020 nil nil "SPACE" "Space" ]
[nil "Alt_R" 100 "Alt" nil nil nil "RIGHT_ALT" "RAlt" ]
[nil "Super_R" 126 "Meta" nil nil nil "RIGHT_SUPER" "RWin" ]
["<menu>" "Menu" 127 "Menu" #x0010 nil nil "MENU" "Apps" ]
[nil "Control_R" 97 "Ctrl" nil nil nil "RIGHT_CONTROL" "RControl" ]

["<up>" "Up" 103 "Up" #xF700 nil nil "UP" "Up" ]
["<down>" "Down" 108 "Down" #xF701 nil nil "DOWN" "Down" ]
["<left>" "Left" 105 "Left" #xF702 nil nil "LEFT" "Left" ]
["<right>" "Right" 106 "Right" #xF703 nil nil "RIGHT" "Right" ]

["<insert>" "Insert" 110 "Ins" #xF746 nil nil "INSERT" "Insert" ]
["<delete>" "Delete" 111 "Del" #xF728 nil nil "DELETE" "Delete" ]
["<home>" "Home" 102 "Home" #xF729 nil nil "HOME" "Home" ]
["<end>" "End" 107 "End" #xF72B nil nil "END" "End" ]
["<prior>" "Prior" 104 "PgUp" #xF72C nil nil "PAGE_UP" "PageUp" ]
["<next>" "Next" 109 "PgDown" #xF72D nil nil "PAGE_DOWN" "PageDown" ]
;; Emacs X11 TTY Qt macOS Emacs shifted X11 shifted GLFW winit Qt shifted

'(["<escape>" "Escape" 1 "Esc" #x001B nil nil "ESCAPE" "Escape" nil ]
["<f1>" "F1" 59 "F1" #xF704 nil nil "F1" "F1" nil ]
["<f2>" "F2" 60 "F2" #xF705 nil nil "F2" "F2" nil ]
["<f3>" "F3" 61 "F3" #xF706 nil nil "F3" "F3" nil ]
["<f4>" "F4" 62 "F4" #xF707 nil nil "F4" "F4" nil ]
["<f5>" "F5" 63 "F5" #xF708 nil nil "F5" "F5" nil ]
["<f6>" "F6" 64 "F6" #xF709 nil nil "F6" "F6" nil ]
["<f7>" "F7" 65 "F7" #xF70A nil nil "F7" "F7" nil ]
["<f8>" "F8" 66 "F8" #xF70B nil nil "F8" "F8" nil ]
["<f9>" "F9" 67 "F9" #xF70C nil nil "F9" "F9" nil ]
["<f10>" "F10" 68 "F10" #xF70D nil nil "F10" "F10" nil ]
["<f11>" "F11" 87 "F11" #xF70E nil nil "F11" "F11" nil ]
["<f12>" "F12" 88 "F12" #xF70F nil nil "F12" "F12" nil ]
["<print>" "Print" 99 "Print" #xF710 nil nil "PRINT_SCREEN" "Snapshot" nil ]
["<Scroll_Lock>" "Scroll_Lock" 70 "ScrollLock" nil nil nil "SCROLL_LOCK" "Scroll" nil ]
["<pause>" "Pause" 119 "Pause" nil nil nil "PAUSE" "Pause" nil ]

["`" "grave" 43 "`" ?` "~" "asciitilde" "GRAVE_ACCENT" "Grave" "~" ]
["1" "1" 2 "1" ?1 "!" "exclam" "1" "Key1" "!" ]
["2" "2" 3 "2" ?2 "@" "at" "2" "Key2" "@" ]
["3" "3" 4 "3" ?3 "#" "numbersign" "3" "Key3" "#" ]
["4" "4" 5 "4" ?4 "$" "dollar" "4" "Key4" "$" ]
["5" "5" 6 "5" ?5 "%" "percent" "5" "Key5" "%" ]
["6" "6" 7 "6" ?6 "^" "asciicircum" "6" "Key6" "^" ]
["7" "7" 8 "7" ?7 "&" "ampersand" "7" "Key7" "&" ]
["8" "8" 9 "8" ?8 "*" "asterisk" "8" "Key8" "*" ]
["9" "9" 10 "9" ?9 "(" "parenleft" "9" "Key9" "(" ]
["0" "0" 11 "0" ?0 ")" "parenright" "0" "Key0" ")" ]
["-" "minus" 12 "-" ?- "_" "underscore" "MINUS" "Minus" "_" ]
["=" "equal" 13 "=" ?= "+" "plus" "EQUAL" "Equals" "+" ]
["<backspace>" "BackSpace" 14 "Backspace" #x007F nil nil "BACKSPACE" "Back" nil ]
["<tab>" "Tab" 15 "Tab" #x0009 "<backtab>" "ISO_Left_Tab" "TAB" "Tab" nil ]
["q" "q" 16 "Q" ?q "Q" "Q" "Q" "Q" nil ]
["w" "w" 17 "W" ?w "W" "W" "W" "W" nil ]
["e" "e" 18 "E" ?e "E" "E" "E" "E" nil ]
["r" "r" 19 "R" ?r "R" "R" "R" "R" nil ]
["t" "t" 20 "T" ?t "T" "T" "T" "T" nil ]
["y" "y" 21 "Y" ?y "Y" "Y" "Y" "Y" nil ]
["u" "u" 22 "U" ?u "U" "U" "U" "U" nil ]
["i" "i" 23 "I" ?i "I" "I" "I" "I" nil ]
["o" "o" 24 "O" ?o "O" "O" "O" "O" nil ]
["p" "p" 25 "P" ?p "P" "P" "P" "P" nil ]
["[" "bracketleft" 26 "[" ?\[ "{" "braceleft" "LEFT_BRACKET" "LBracket" "{" ]
["]" "bracketright" 27 "]" ?\] "}" "braceright" "RIGHT_BRACKET" "RBracket" "}" ]
["<return>" "Return" 28 "Return" #x000D nil nil "ENTER" "Return" nil ]
["<Caps_Lock>" "Caps_Lock" 58 "CapsLock" nil nil nil "CAPS_LOCK" "Capital" nil ]
["a" "a" 30 "A" ?a "A" "A" "A" "A" nil ]
["s" "s" 31 "S" ?s "S" "S" "S" "S" nil ]
["d" "d" 32 "D" ?d "D" "D" "D" "D" nil ]
["f" "f" 33 "F" ?f "F" "F" "F" "F" nil ]
["g" "g" 34 "G" ?g "G" "G" "G" "G" nil ]
["h" "h" 35 "H" ?h "H" "H" "H" "H" nil ]
["j" "j" 36 "J" ?j "J" "J" "J" "J" nil ]
["k" "k" 37 "K" ?k "K" "K" "K" "K" nil ]
["l" "l" 38 "L" ?l "L" "L" "L" "L" nil ]
[";" "semicolon" 39 ";" ?\; ":" "colon" "SEMICOLON" "Semicolon" ":" ]
["'" "apostrophe" 40 "'" ?' "\"" "quotedbl" "APOSTROPHE" "Apostrophe" "\"" ]
[nil "Shift_L" 42 "Shift" nil nil nil "LEFT_SHIFT" "LShift" nil ]
["\\" "backslash" 43 "\\" ?\\ "|" "bar" "BACKSLASH" "Backslash" "|" ]
["z" "z" 44 "Z" ?z "Z" "Z" "Z" "Z" nil ]
["x" "x" 45 "X" ?x "X" "X" "X" "X" nil ]
["c" "c" 46 "C" ?c "C" "C" "C" "C" nil ]
["v" "v" 47 "V" ?v "V" "V" "V" "V" nil ]
["b" "b" 48 "B" ?b "B" "B" "B" "B" nil ]
["n" "n" 49 "N" ?n "N" "N" "N" "N" nil ]
["m" "m" 50 "M" ?m "M" "M" "M" "M" nil ]
["," "comma" 51 "," ?, "<" "less" "COMMA" "Comma" "<" ]
["." "period" 52 "." ?. ">" "greater" "PERIOD" "Period" ">" ]
["/" "slash" 53 "/" ?/ "?" "question" "SLASH" "Slash" "?" ]
[nil "Shift_R" 54 "Shift" nil nil nil "RIGHT_SHIFT" "RShift" nil ]
[nil "Control_L" 29 "Ctrl" nil nil nil "LEFT_CONTROL" "LControl" nil ]
[nil "Super_L" 125 "Meta" nil nil nil "LEFT_SUPER" "LWin" nil ]
[nil "Alt_L" 56 "Alt" nil nil nil "LEFT_ALT" "LAlt" nil ]
["SPC" "space" 57 "Space" #x0020 nil nil "SPACE" "Space" nil ]
[nil "Alt_R" 100 "Alt" nil nil nil "RIGHT_ALT" "RAlt" nil ]
[nil "Super_R" 126 "Meta" nil nil nil "RIGHT_SUPER" "RWin" nil ]
["<menu>" "Menu" 127 "Menu" #x0010 nil nil "MENU" "Apps" nil ]
[nil "Control_R" 97 "Ctrl" nil nil nil "RIGHT_CONTROL" "RControl" nil ]

["<up>" "Up" 103 "Up" #xF700 nil nil "UP" "Up" nil ]
["<down>" "Down" 108 "Down" #xF701 nil nil "DOWN" "Down" nil ]
["<left>" "Left" 105 "Left" #xF702 nil nil "LEFT" "Left" nil ]
["<right>" "Right" 106 "Right" #xF703 nil nil "RIGHT" "Right" nil ]

["<insert>" "Insert" 110 "Ins" #xF746 nil nil "INSERT" "Insert" nil ]
["<delete>" "Delete" 111 "Del" #xF728 nil nil "DELETE" "Delete" nil ]
["<home>" "Home" 102 "Home" #xF729 nil nil "HOME" "Home" nil ]
["<end>" "End" 107 "End" #xF72B nil nil "END" "End" nil ]
["<prior>" "Prior" 104 "PgUp" #xF72C nil nil "PAGE_UP" "PageUp" nil ]
["<next>" "Next" 109 "PgDown" #xF72D nil nil "PAGE_DOWN" "PageDown" nil ]

;; Add new entries at the end of the list, to avoid disrupting
;; existing configurations.
Expand All @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ file."
"List of keys supported by the `term-keys' package.
Each item in the list is a 9-element vector:
Each item in the list is a 10-element vector:
0: The Emacs key name, as it occurs in `describe-key' or `kbd'.
nil can be used to indicate keys which Emacs currently does
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,7 +187,12 @@ Each item in the list is a 9-element vector:
8: The key name as it appears in the Rust winit crate's
VirtualKeyCode enumeration:"
9: The shifted Qt key name (i.e. the name when the same key
is pressed while holding Shift), if it is different from the
base name (index 3); otherwise, nil. Assumes a standard US
ASCII layout."
:type '(repeat
:tag "Key mapping"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,7 +226,14 @@ Each item in the list is a 9-element vector:
:tag "GLFW key name")
:tag "winit key name")))
:tag "winit key name")
:tag "Shifted Qt key name"
:tag "Same as non-shifted"
:tag "Shifted key name"))))
:group 'term-keys)

Expand Down

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