Adds "Telemazer" snipes to Planetary Annihilation
- The MLA Commander can build the "Microwave Laser Generator" unit for 30,000 metal
- Both MLA and Legion Commanders can spend 30,0000 energy (up to 10,000 energy per second) to activate "Mass Teleport" to any location anywhere in the system.
- The Commander can bring up to 5 Microwave Laser Generators with it when uses Mass Teleport.
- Microwave Laser Generators must be within 30 radius (Commander green/fab range circle)
- Mass Teleport sets the Commander and accompanying Microwave Laser Generators to 50% health
- They cannot act for 5 seconds as their health is restored to normal values.
- The Commander can bring up to 5 Microwave Laser Generators with it when uses Mass Teleport.
- The Commander's Uber Cannon and Mass Teleport share an energy charging bar in the UI, which makes the Uber Cannon charging bar unreadable.
- The Commander's Mass Teleport can take any unit that has unit types that match
CmdBuild & LaserPlatform
- The Microwave Laser Generator does not currently have its own model; this may come in the future.
- Legion may possibly get its own Microwave Laser Generator in the future.