Model: QmW3dTa1QZxnZzpF9TDuHKN7GDKaJDVoQys4u38xmdAGHF
The service offsets CO2 footprint by burning VCU tokens
1 MWh of non-renewable electricity produces 1 ton of C02. 1 t of C02 is covered by consuption of 1 VCU.
The payment token is DAI. 1 DAI token is $1
- A user sends a demand message with the amount of electricity written in objective and the name of the country. The cost is
- The service calculates the price and sends an offer back
- If the user agree, a new offer with the price is sent
- After a liability is created, the service converts the electricity to the amount of VCU tokens and burns it
- the name of the country/power_kwh
- the amount of the electricity power in kHw
For more information have a look at the example
nix build -f release.nix
By default the agent is set up to work in (sidechain)[] network. To run in a different network change the following properties in the agent.launch file
<param name="model" value="QmW3dTa1QZxnZzpF9TDuHKN7GDKaJDVoQys4u38xmdAGHF" />
<param name="token" value="0x7cfd3337F9e423751C9314f9C80cbA57CA2844FE" />
To launch manually run:
source result/setup.zsh (bash)
roslaunch complier_service agent.launch
or as a NixOS service add the following lines to /etc/nixos/configuration.nix: = {
requires = [ "roscore.service" ];
after = ["roscore.service" ];
wantedBy = [ "" ];
script = ''
source /root/complier_service/result/setup.bash \
&& roslaunch complier_service agent.launch
serviceConfig = {
Restart = "on-failure";
StartLimitInterval = 0;
RestartSec = 60;
User = "root";
and apply changes:
nixos-rebuild switch