An Html/JS web app that projects earnings for node systems.
Form explanation
the 2 grey buttons on right auto fill some of the form for either SRX or STRONG
1 = months to project
2 = nodes you started with usually more than 1
3 = amount of tokens you own in advance.
4 = the name of token (if you press buttons its autofilled for SRX or Strong)
5 = minimum stake of node, currently I have 4k for srx, 10 for strong.
6 = price of 1 token (if you press buttons its autofilled for SRX or Strong)
7 = monthly node reward (750 for srx, 2.76 for strong)
8 = cost of a new server, and monthly cost for server
9 = does node do daily rewards (leave unchecked for SRX)
10 = rewards yourself a monthly allowance.
11 = prioritize node creation above earning monthly allowance. (does nothing if monthly allowance is off)
12 = month into projection to beging earning monthly allowance.
13 = amount in USD of monthly allowance
if monthly allowance is turned on along with node priority. the monthly allowance needs a minimum of 30 days to be rewarded. some months it will skip a monthly allowance and prioritize creation of nodes .
theres 2 reasons this happens 1 is you can create a node before the 30 days the montly allowance is due thus making it take loner. 2 is I add a minimum balance needed to get the allowance when node priority is on. this balance needed is the allowance amount you entered plus the cost of one node. the reason for this is so you can compare charts with and without node priority so you can see how many poterntial nodes you "sacrificed" for a monthly allowance.
Monthly payout Preview
The following is a preview of what the chart looks like when a node has been purchased for the month(the last row). (above it is a month where one wasnt able to be afforded.) on the far right with the red background is what you actually made for that month. if you notice the one above doesnt have one because earnings hadnt changed. the ones under it are updated projected earnings. to the right of that is new node count. everything else is pretty self explanitory due to the labels.
Daily Reward Preview
The following is a preview of daily reward style chart. the first month no nodes were able to be purchased, second month one was able to be purchased. the infomation showed is how much strong you had from previous month, how much you earned this month , minus the cost of a node and server if paid right then and there.
on months where 2+ nodes can be purchased the node purchases will be listed as shown below. one after another showing the days into the month when to purchase
Allowance Preview
the following is how monthly allowance is shown on the monthly (top) and daily (bottom) charts. just look for the yellow background color.