Database based queue system
Application deploy needs this:
"hazelcast": {
"clusterName": "${HAZELCAST_CLUSTER}",
"mapConfig": {
"known_queues": {
"ttl": "PT72H",
"maxIdle": "PT24H",
"sizePerNode": 1000,
"format": "BINARY",
"backupCount": 0,
"asyncBackupCount": 0,
"nearCache": {
"ttl": "PT24H",
"maxIdle": "PT24H",
"sizePerNode": 100,
"format": "OBJECT"
And a headless dns name for the service... and payara network-policies.
Configuration is in: src/main/resources/pg-queue-endpoint-config.json
"dataSource": "jdbc/<datasource>",
"jobLogMapper": "<package>.<class>.<static-instance of JobLogMapper type>",
"systemName": "<service> - queue admin",
"diagPercentMatch": <collapsing queue error match ie 70>
Throttle syntax is a comma separated list of: /[]TIMEUNIT[!]
- number of failures for throttle to go into effect
- in a given period (defaults to 1)
- defaults to 1
- takes one of
- ms
- s
- m
- h
- should this throttle persist even if a successful result is registered
eq. thread rule, when job starts and job status
- 1/2s!,5/m
- 0s fail
- 2s fail
- 4s fail
- 6s fail
- 8s fail
- 60s fail
- 62s fail
- 1/2s!,5/m
- 0s fail
- 2s success
- 2s fail
- 4s fail
- 1/2s!
- 0s fail
- 2s success
- 2s fail
- 4s fail
- 1/2s!
- 0s fail
- 1s success (other thread)
- 2s fail
- 4s fail
- 1/2s
- 0s fail
- 1s success (other thread)
- 1s fail
- 3s fail