Boundary RabbitMQ plugin extracts key performance metrics from an instance of RabbitMQ instances
The RabbitMQ plugin requires that you have python 2.6.6 or later installed on the target system.
Here are the list of metrics created when the RabbitMQ plugin is installed along with their descriptions.
Metric | Description |
Here are the list of dashboards that are created when the RabbitMQ plugin is installed with their descriptions.
Dashboard | Description |
RabbitMQ Summary | Contains summary metris related to RabbitMQ |
RabbitMQ Messages | Contains metrics related to RabbitMQ messages |
RabbitMQ Queues | Contains metrics related to RabbitMQ queues |
RabbitMQ Resources | Contains metrics related to the RabbitMQ resources |
- Login into Boundary Premium
- Display the settings dialog by clicking on the settings icon:
- Click on the Plugins in the settings dialog.
- Locate the rabbitmq plugin item and click on the Install button.
- A confirmation dialog is displayed indicating the plugin was installed sucessfully, along with the metrics and the dashboards.
- Click on the OK button to dismiss the dialog.
- Login into Boundary Premium
- Display the settings dialog by clicking on the settings icon:
- Click on the Plugins in the settings dialog which lists the installed plugins.
- Locate the rabbit plugin and click on the item, which then displays the uninstall dialog.
- Click on the Uninstall button which displays a confirmation dialog along with the details on what metrics and dashboards will be removed.
- Click on the Uninstall button to perfom the actual uninstall and then click on the Close button to dismiss the dialog.
Once the RabbitMQ plugin is install, metric collection requires that a relay is installed on the target system. Instructions on how to install a relay for linux/unix can foundhere, and for Windows here.
You must use a RabbitMQ user with monitor rights.
General operations for plugins are describe in this article
binding - Relates an exchange to a queue by a routing key.
channel - A logical connection that shares a single AMPQ connection to RabbitMQ. channels, you have the ability to create as many parallel transport layers as your app needs without being limited by TCP connection restrictions.
consumer - Attaches to RabbitMQ server and subscribes to a queue (or named mailbox).
exchange - Here come into play the different types of exchanges provided by the protocol. There are four: direct, fanout, topic, and headers. Each implements a different routing algorithm. Messages are sent to exchanges. There are three exchange types: direct, fanout, and topic. Based on the message routing key and the exchange type, the broker will decide to which queue it has to deliver the message.
producer - Create messages and publish (send) them to RabbitMQ
queue -
vhost - Within every RabbitMQ server there is an ability to create virtual message brokers or vhosts. Each one is essentially a mini-RabbitMQ server with its own queues, exchanges, bindings, and access control. Permits the paritioning of a single RabbitMQ server so that it can be used for multiple applications without worrying about applications deleting each others queues,etc.