After I have bought a Chinese clone of N7DDC Antenna tune ATU-100 EXT I wasn’t really satisfied. The tuner was not able to work with my QRP transmitter. Also the shown power was very inaccurate. I have seen some room for improvement in the firmware. Unfortunately the original firmware of N7DDC was written under the mikroC IDE that is not available for free. So I decided to start the project from scratch with the Microchip MPLAB X IDE.
This firmware only works with the ATU-100_EXT (7x7) hardware, the PIC16F1938 MCU and the OLED Display 128x64px. Before you start please make a backup of the original firmware and be sure that you can restore it.
- You act at your own risk!
- Function menu on display – one button operation
- 10 memory slots for tune-settings one of them as a startup setting
- Calibration function for the integrated power meter
- Configurable Auto-Tune function
- Sleep function for battery saving
- Temporary Bypass function
Button short pressed: _____ Start Tuning or select next item
Button long pressed: ______ Enter Menu or change value
- Bypass ______Temporary bypass the current tune settings
- Load Tune __ Load tune setting from memory slots
- Save Tune __ Save the current tune settings in 10 memory slots
- Reset ______ Reset the current tune settings
- Setup
- Tuning _____ Set tune parameters (Auto tune on/off)
- Sleep ______ Set sleep mode and time
- Calibrate __ Calibrate the power measurement at two points
- Test _______ Test function for each relay
- About ______ Who did it
The firmware includes a two point calibration function for the integrated power meter.
It is recommend to calibrate on the lowest (max 10W) and highest (max 100W) used power level.
For calibration you need a transmitter with adjustable TX power and a dummy load.
For programming a PICkit3 programmer is used.
When the ATU-100 is switched off, connect it in the shown way.
After that switch on the ATU-100.
If you only like to flash the firmware you can use the Microchip Integrated Programming Environment
The needed hex-file you find in the dist folder.
For development the Microchip MPLAB X IDE v6.00 was used.
The IDE is available for free on the Microchip web side.