- PHP>=5.4 (PDO~)
- MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sqlite, etc.
- composer 'dhtmlx/scheduler-helper'
- just download the files from this repository '[email protected]:DHTMLX/scheduler-helper-php.git'
require_once "./SchedulerHelper.php";
use DHTMLX_Scheduler\Helper;
In order to create a helper object you should call the class constructor DHTMLX_Scheduler\Helper([$connectorDataArray]):
$helper = new Helper(
"dbsm" => "mysql", // optional, "mysql" by default
"host" => "localhost", // optional, "localhost" by default
"db_name" => "scheduler_helper_db",
"user" => "root",
"password" => "root",
"table_name" => "events_rec" // name of the table that contains data of recurring events
In the helper a standard set of fields for working with a table is defined:
helper::FLD_ID => "event_id",
helper::FLD_START_DATE => "start_date",
helper::FLD_END_DATE => "end_date",
helper::FLD_TEXT => "text",
helper::FLD_RECURRING_TYPE => "rec_type",
helper::FLD_PARENT_ID => "event_pid",
helper::FLD_LENGTH => "event_length"
To redefine the helper and create new fields, you should use the method 'setFieldsNames([$fieldsDataArray])':
$helper::FLD_RECURRING_TYPE => "my_recurring_type_field", // redefining the field 'FLD_RECURRING_TYPE'.
"my_property_field" // initialization of a new field
For getting only fields that have set, you need just to set 'true' like second parameter in the function 'setFieldsNames([$fieldsDataArray], true)'
$helper::FLD_RECURRING_TYPE => "my_recurring_type_field", // redefining the field 'FLD_RECURRING_TYPE'.
"my_property_field" // initialization of a new field
), true);
For setting weather server time zone will be considered you should use server_date config(false by default). If true helper will use server time, else will use dates as it goes from database.
$helper->config["server_date"] = true;
For setting weather if recurring occurrence date is saved in UTC in database "occurrence_timestamp_in_utc" config can be used (false by default). If true helper processes exceptions dates as UTC.
$helper->config["occurrence_timestamp_in_utc"] = true;
To save data to the database, use the method 'saveData([dataArray])':
// To save data of the field 'FLD_RECURRING_TYPE', you can use a data array or a string in the format 'week_2_____1,3#10'.
$newRecurringTypeArray = array(
"each" => "week",
"step" => 2,
"days_of_week" => "monday,wednesday", // if the field 'week_number' is set, the field 'days_of_week' must contain only one value
// "week_number" => 2,
"repeat" => 10
// $helper::FLD_ID => "20", // if you pass this field for saving, data in the database will be updated by this value, otherwise new data will be written
$helper::FLD_RECURRING_TYPE => $newRecurringTypeArray,
$helper::FLD_START_DATE => "2015-09-30 00:00:00",
$helper::FLD_END_DATE => $helper->getRecurringEndDateStr($newRecurringTypeArray, "2015-09-30 00:00:00", 500), // to count the end date of the recurring series, you can use the function 'getRecurringEndDateStr'
$helper::FLD_LENGTH => 500,
"my_property_field" => "Any data..." // new fields defined by the user must be presented in this way
To delete data from the database, you should use the method 'deleteById([ID])':
$helper->deleteById(48); // will delete data by the field 'FLD_ID'.
To get data of the recurring events, use the method 'getData([$startDateStr], [$endDateStr])':
$helper->getData("2015-02-10 09:00:00", "2020-01-02 07:00:00");
// The function will return recurring events from the defined range taking into account exclusion of events series
// The result will look as follows:
// array(
// "start_date" => "2015-02-13 00:00:00",
// "end_date" => "2015-02-15 00:00:00",
// "text" => "Second Friday",
// ...
// ),
// ....
In order to run tests:
Install PHPUnit following this instruction https://phpunit.de/manual/current/en/installation.html
Configure DB settings in tests/TestConfig.php
Enter repository folder and execute
phpunit --bootstrap SchedulerHelper.php tests/SchedulerHelperTest
The MIT License
Copyright (c) 2015 DHTMLX
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.