This is a maintenance release of Jargon corresponding to iRODS 4.2.2 and backwards compatible to iRODS 3.3.1. Per the https://github.com/DICE-UNC/jargon/milestone/19 Milestone
This is available on Maven
Project: Jargon-core API
Date: 01/04/2018
Release Version:
git tag:
Developer: Mike Conway
4.2.2 Compatability and maintenance
for milestone: https://github.com/DICE-UNC/jargon/milestone/19
Please go to [[https://github.com/DICE-UNC/jargon]] for the latest news and info.
Jargon-core consists of the following libraries
- jargon-core - base libraries, implementation of the iRODS protocol
- jargon-data-utils - additional functionality for dealing with iRODS data, such as building trees, storing information in iRODS on behalf of applications, and doing diffs between local and iRODS
- jargon-user-tagging - code for using free tagging and other metadata metaphors on top of iRODS
- jargon-user-profile - allows management of user profile and related configuration data in a user home directory
- jargon-ticket - support for ticket processing
- jargon-httpstream - stream http content into iRODS via Jargon
- jargon-ruleservice - support for running and managing rules from interfaces
- jargon-pool - initial implementation of commons-pool caching of iRODS agent connections. This is initially for WebDav, and will be utilized as an option in REST and cloud browser. Consider this code experimental
- Jargon depends on Java 1.8+
- Jargon is built using Apache Maven2, see POM for dependencies
- Jargon supports iRODS 4.1.0 through 4.2.2, it also maintains very reasonable backards compatability to iRODS 3.3.1 however this is no longer actively tested
Jargon-core uses Maven for dependency management. See the pom.xml file for references to various dependencies.
Note that the following bug and feature requests are logged in GForge with related commit information [[https://github.com/DICE-UNC/jargon/issues]]
Failures against 4.1.9 with neg require on server executing file.deleteWithForceOption in unit tests. #216
Fixes to flush behavior (related to #224) remaining after a switch to the SSL negotiation communication regime, corrections to behavior of flush() in client status operation send/receive in recursive delete operations
User lacks privileges to invoke the given API" when adding groups / users to groups #255
Added function to UserGroupAO with 'asGroupAdmin' variants to manipulate groups as a user type groupadmin. A few needed functions are added, with plans to add more in coming updates
add enum to indicate rule executing on chosen rule engine #259
Added code to RuleProcessingAO to indicate rule type, and do simple auto detection based on extension when running from a file. See the user guide for details on using the new rule capabilities
mysql causes spec query exception getting user perm through groups #271
Treat spec query error due to not running on a particular dbase platform as a spec query not available error during find user permission by group membership. This will be enhanced in a later release with pluggable spec queries starting with MySql.
ResourceAO findByName does not return parent resource #175
Updated resource methods for composable resource trees as part of MetaLnx development. Resource
query and listing methods now include parent resources.
change metadata behavior to 'set' versus 'add' #250
New 'set' metadata that does add or update is now supported for resorce, user, data object, and collection. See imeta set docs for details.
remove resource group from data obj query #197
Removed resource group from data obj genqueries
IRODSFileImpl rename method not overriding File.rename #2
Added appropriate method signature to conform more closely to J2SE API, keeping the present one without deprecation for now.
new behavior for dataobjao testphysical move issue, use resc id instead of resource name #192
Added resource id to DataObject along with resource name
Irods Jargon-core seems to compile and run without jglobus or com.claymore dependencies just fine #176
Remove claymore and globus dependencies. This may be reintroduced in some fashion if/when dedicated Globus integration testing happens. For now GSI is not typically used but is planned for the future.
Add version check for pam password with semicolon failing test 4.2+ #220
For iRODS 4.2+ the escaping of PAM passwords with a ; is no longer done, as iRODS itself corrects this. The patch is still in place
for iRODS 4.1 up to 4.2.