This is a collection of Ansible roles I've used to provision my various servers.
It contains the following roles:
- Common - Installs vim and mosh, creates locales and sets timezone.
- DFBnc - Clones, builds and configures DFBnc, with a self-signed cert.
- Java8 - Adds the webupd8 team PPA and installs Java 8.
- MySQL - Installs MySQL and generates a random root password.
- Nginx - Installs NGinx
- NodeJS - Uses the setup script from, and installs nodejs.
- Python-dev - Installs packages required for Python development.
- Sentry - Installs the sentry error logging platform.
- SSHd - Configures SSHd, and deploys/revokes root SSH keys.
- Sudoers - Configures the system to look in /etc/sudoers.d for sudo config.
- Sudo-user - Sets up one user to use sudo, with or without a password requirement.
- TapChat - Installs TapChat and its dependencies.
- TeamCity Agent - Downloads, unpacks and configures a TeamCity agent.
- User - Create a user account.
- Uswgi - Installs and configures uwsgi, and adds an init script for it.