Dominic Koepke
Mail: [email protected]
BSL-1.0 (free, open source)
Copyright Dominic Koepke 2021 - 2022.
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
This library provides an implementation of a simple to use but versatile mathematically vector class. Due to the usage of lots of c++20 features, this library currently doesn't compile on any clang compiler.
Tested Compilers:
- msvc v143 (Visual Studio 2022)
- gcc10
- gcc11
One of the main intentions behind this vector implementation is being able to do as much during compile-time as possible, thus all functions are declared as constexpr.
/* With inclusion of this header, everything of the library will be available.*/
#include <Simple-Vector/Simple-Vector.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <ranges>
int main()
// make the Vector class locally available with less verbosity
using sl::vec::Vector;
Vector<int, 2> intVec1; // this will default construct all elements to 0
intVec1 += 2; // adds 2 to each element
Vector<int, 2> intVec2{ 1, 3 }; // constructs a new vector with x == 1 and y == 3
Vector difference = static_cast<Vector<float, 2>>(intVec1 - intVec2); // binary vector + and - arithmetic is possible as well as casting to vectors with other value types
auto distance = length(difference); // length is a free function, which is luckily available due to ADL even if it sits in the sl::vec namespace
auto tmp = difference.x(); // each vector has a .x() member function, which returns a ref to the first element
tmp = difference.y(); // vectors with two or more dimensions also have a y.() function; lastly vectors with three or more dimensions have a .z() function
tmp = difference[0]; // but users may also access the elements via operator []
for (auto el : difference) // or simply iterate over each element
std::cout << el << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
for (auto el : intVec2 | std::views::take(1)) // vectors are also fully compatible to the new ranges or the older stl algorithms
std::cout << el;
Vector doubles{ 42. }; // this will be deduced to Vector<double, 1>
auto doubles2 = static_cast<Vector<double, 3>>(doubles); // casting between different dimensions is also possible
This library can easily be integrated into your project via CMake target_link_libraries command.
This will add the the include path "<simple_vector_install_dir>/include", thus you are able to include the headers via
#include <Simple-Vector/Simple-Vector.hpp>
It is possible fetching this library via CMakes FetchContent module.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14 FATAL_ERROR)
GIT_TAG origin/vx.y.z