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Rebecca Leggett edited this page Aug 30, 2019 · 1 revision

HiRISE Anaglyphs

Using Stereo Observations: RED CCD[0-9]

Note : This anaglyph procedure is recommended for lowerlatitude coverage; Polar region stereo coverage is more complicated and has not been ‘stream-
lined’ yet.

Preparation - SPICE

  • Select two stereo observations
  • Begin with calibrated images
  • Geometric control is an option (ccd-to-ccd)
  • Run spiceinit on all RED CCD’s0-9 for both observations
    • Default to system shape model
    • Kernels Group with loaded SPICE keywords
 Group = Kernels 
  NaifIkCode = -74699
  LeapSecond = $base/kernels/lsk/naif0008.tls  
  TargetAttitudeShape = $base/kernels/pck/pck00008.tpc
  TargetPosition = Table 
  InstrumentPointing = Table
  Instrument = Null 
  SpacecraftClock = $mro/kernels/sclk/MRO_SCLKSCET.00021.65536.tsc
  InstrumentPosition = Table 
  Frame = $mro/kernels/fk/
  InstrumentAddendum = $mro/kernels/iak/hiriseAddendum003.ti 
  ShapeModel = $base/dems/molaMarsPlanetaryRadius0001.cub

Run spicefit on all Red CCD’s 0-9 for both image observations

  • spicefit from=psp_red0.cub...
  • Take ‘an’ approach to figure out the map information
 maptemplate fromlist=img1_0-9.lis proj=EQUIRECTANGULAR clat=0.0 clon=0.0 rngopt=CALC resop=CALC 
 maptemplate fromlist=img2_0-9.lis proj=EQUIRECTANGULAR clat=0.0 clon=0.0 rngopt=CALC resop=CALC 
  • Evaluate the information within and
  • Figure out the map values that will satisfy the coverage of both observations
    • latitude range, longitude rangecenter latitude, center longitude
    • average pixel resolution

Retrieve the “local radius”

  • The default system shape model will be referenced (spiceinit)
  • Specify the center of each observation
 campt from=psp_red5_img1.cub samp=1 line=(nlines/2) to=red5_pt1.dat 

 getkey from=red5_pt1.dat grpnname=GroundPointkeyword=LocalRadius 

 campt from=psp_red5_img2.cub samp=1 line=(nlines/2) to=red5_pt2.dat  

 getkey from=red5_pt2.dat grpname=GroundPointkeyword=LocalRadius 
  • Calculate the average “local radius” value
  • Convert the average value from meters to kilometers
  • Build a NAIF-format text file with the average local radius (km)
  • “LocalRad3391.97.tpc”contents
 BODY499_RADII       = ( 3391.97   3391.97 3391.97)

Modify Labels

  • For both observations; all Red CCD’s0-9
  • Remove ShapeModel reference from labels
 editlab from=psp_red0_img1.cub options=modkeygrpname=Kernels keyword=ShapeModel value=Null 
  • Now add the “new” NAIF .tpcfile with the local radius to the Kernels group
 editlab from=psp_red0_img1.cub options=modkeygrpname=Kernels keyword=Instrument keyvalue= LocalRad3391.97.tpc 
  • Note : We are temporarily using an ‘unused’ keyword (Instrument) for the local radius .tpcfile; this keyword follows the main “TargetAttitudeShape”keyword which MUST retain reference to the original NAIF .tpcfile (we are mimicking a ‘search’ list for radius value).

Kernels Group with modified keywords

 Group = Kernels
  NaifIkCode = -74699 
  LeapSecond = $base/kernels/lsk/naif0008.tls
  TargetAttitudeShape = $base/kernels/pck/pck00008.tpc  
  TargetPosition = Table
  InstrumentPointing = Table  
  Instrument          = LocalRad3386.70.tpc
  SpacecraftClock = $mro/kernels/sclk/MRO_SCLKSCET.00021.65536.tsc 
  InstrumentPosition = Table
  Frame               = $mro/kernels/fk/ 
  InstrumentAddendum = $mro/kernels/iak/hiriseAddendum003.ti
  ShapeModel = Null 
  • Hirise_local_radius_both_high_and_low.png
    Local Radius retains both high and low frequency stereo data

  • Local_Radius_bad_example.png
    The mapping results for left/right views are too far apart

  • Hirise_stereo_information_removed.png
    All stereo information removed

  • Hirise_low_freq_removed_gentle_slopes.png
    Low frequency stereo information is removed; (e.g., gentle slopes across the scene)

Map Projection - Template

  • Build a Map Template for cam2map
  • Specify the Ellipsoid values for Mars Contents:
 Group = Mapping
  ProjectionName = Equirectangular 
  CenterLongitude = 353.18
  CenterLatitude = 8.06 
  TargetName = mars
  EquatorialRadius = 3396190.0 <meters> 
  PolarRadius = 3376200.0 <meters>
  LatitudeType = Planetocentric 
  LongitudeDirection = PositiveEast
  LongitudeDomain = 360 
  PixelResolution = 0.28 <meters/pixel>

Map Projection

  • Run cam2map on both observations
    • all Red ccd’s[0-9]
 cam2map from=psp_red0_img1.cub map=equi.mapto=psp_red0_eq.cub pixres=map defaultrange=camera 
  • OR Use the -batchlist option
 cam2map –batchlist=all_reds.lis from=\$1.balance.cub to=\$1.eq.cub pixres=map defaultrange=camera 
  • all_reds.lis should not include file extensions
  • Allow cam2map to figure out the lat/lon boundaries of each individual ccd

Create Two Red[0-9] Mosaics

  • Create a list of cam2map output files for each observation
  • Mosaic the projected Red CCD’s
  • Specify the same latitude/longitude boundaries for the output mosaics
 automos fromlist=img1_eq.lis mosaic=img1_RedMos.cub grange=user minlat=  maxlat=  minlon=  maxlon= 
 automos fromlist=img2_eq.lis mosaic=img2_RedMos.cub grange=user minlat=  maxlat=  minlon=  maxlon=
  • Refer to the camptoutput files that was executed previously
 getkey from=red5_pt1.dat grpnname=GroundPointkeyword=SubSpacecraftLongitude 
 getkey from=red5_pt2.dat grpnname=GroundPointkeyword=SubSpacecraftLongitude 
  • The observation image whose SubspacecraftLongitude is the farthest West, is the “Left Look”
    • (subspc1 < subspc2) or (subspc2 < subspc1)


  • Observation pair has a longitude range within 0 –360 longitude
  • LongitudeDomain= 360
  • Neither image pair crosses the 0 and/or the 360 longitude boundary
  • cam2map defaults to reassigning the LongitudeDomain if the image crosses a 0/360/180 boundary

Stack Left/Right Observations

  • Create a text file for cubeit
 ls left_redmos_img.cub > c.lis
 ls right_redmos_img.cub >> c.lis 
  • cubeit list=c.lis to=anag.cub
  • Display anag.cub with qview
 Band1 = Red
 Band2 = Green 
 Band2 = Blue

Local_Radius_bad_example.png View (436 KB) Ian Humphrey, 2016-05-31 04:22 PM

Hirise_stereo_information_removed.png View (258 KB) Ian Humphrey, 2016-05-31 04:22 PM

Hirise_low_freq_removed_gentle_slopes.png View (377 KB) Ian Humphrey, 2016-05-31 04:22 PM

Hirise_local_radius_both_high_and_low.png View (829 KB) Ian Humphrey, 2016-05-31 04:22 PM

Gullies_MOLA_Stereo_Profile.png View (123 KB) Ian Humphrey, 2016-05-31 04:23 PM

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