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The ISIS3 Attached Spice Format

Jesse Mapel edited this page Apr 29, 2019 · 30 revisions


Running the spiceinit application with attach=true will attach all of the SPICE data required by the camera model directly to the Cube. There are 6 locations information is added to the Cube:

  • The Kernels group
  • The NaifKeywords group
  • The InstrumentPointing Table
  • The InstrumentPosition Table
  • The BodyRotation Table
  • The SunPosition Table

The following sections outline what is stored in each of these locations. The spiceinit application documentation shows what textual information is added to these locations.

The Kernels Group

Before spiceinit

The Kernels group is already a part of the Cube label after ingestion (it is nested under the IsisCube object). Usually, the only information it contains after ingestion is the NaifFrameCode keyword. The NaifFrameCode keyword contains the NAIF code for the instrument. So, information about the instrument will be stored as INS{NaifFrameCode}_{Some property} in the NAIF kernels. For example the NaifFrameCode for Kaguya Terrain Camera 2 is -131371. So, the focal length for Kaguya Terrain Camera 2 is stored as INS-131371_FOCAL_LENGTH. Usually, the NAIF ID for the instrument is also the NAIF ID for the sensor reference frame. If this is not the case, then there will be also be a NaifCkCode keyword in the Kernels group that contains the NAIF ID for the sensor reference frame.

After spiceinit

All of the kernels used will be added to the Kernels group under the following keywords:

  • LeapSecond
  • TargetAttitudeShape
  • TargetPosition
  • InstrumentPointing
  • Instrument
  • SpacecraftClock
  • InstrumentPosition
  • InstrumentAddendum

If a shapemodel is is used, then that shapemodel will also be specified by the ShapeModel keyword. The InstrumentPositionQuality and InstrumentPointingQuality keywords will specify the quality of the kernels used for the InstrumentPositon and InstrumentPointing Tables.

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