Barcode scanner project for the Raspberry Pi.
- These instructions are for Debian based systems.
- These instructions should be performed on the system which will be running the program.
- git
sudo apt-get install git
- python2.7
sudo apt-get install python2.7
- python-pip
sudo apt-get install python-pip
- gspread
- Follow the instructions on how to create an oauth key and file
- Use git to clone the project
git clone
- Download the oauth file created in the requirements
The -h
option is available to see the options:
dan@cbpp:~/documents/pi-scanner$ python -h
pi-scanner - Barcode scanner project for the Raspberry Pi.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i OAUTHFILE OAuth file.
-sn SHEETNAME The name of the excel sheet.
-ws WORKSHEET The name of the work sheet.
-sfc SEARCHFILTERCOL Column number for search filtering results.
-vfc VALUEFILTERCOL Column number for value filtering results.
To run, the following 3 command line arguments are required:
- OAuth file - this is the oauth file downloaded in the requirements section-sn
- The name of the excel sheet.-ws
- The name of the work sheet
An example run is:
python -i <path to oauth json file> -sn <excel spreadsheet name> -ws <worksheet name>
dan@cbpp:~/documents/pi-scanner$ python -i oauth.json -sn "My Excel Spreadsheet" -ws "Sheet1"
Input file is [oauth.json].
Excel sheet name is [My Excel Spreadsheet].
Work sheet name is [Sheet1].
To specify certain columns to query barcodes and values by, use the additional command line options:
dan@cbpp:~/documents/pi-scanner$ python -i /home/dan/downloads/Pi-Scanner-0cfdd60eae49.json -ws Sheet1 -sn "Test Sheet 1" -sfc 1 -vfc 3
Input file is [/home/dan/downloads/Pi-Scanner-0cfdd60eae49.json].
Excel sheet name is [Test Sheet 1].
Work sheet name is [Sheet1].
Search filtering on column [1].
Value filtering on column [3].
Once running, just enter in the barcode you would like to search for:
Enter the barcode: <input>
Barcode is <input>
If the barcode is found, it will print out the row and column:
Enter the barcode: asdf
Barcode is asdf
Barcode found at row 13 column 1
If the barcode is not found, it will insert the barcode as a new cell:
Enter the barcode: 82050004696506142016
Barcode is [82050004696506142016].
Barcode found at row [17] column [1].
Value found is [456].
Enter the barcode: 261690866007991418
Barcode is [261690866007991418].
Barcode found at row [16] column [1].
Value found is [123].
Enter the barcode: quit