This tool parse json file full of ethereum transaction and split them in different file based on the destination address of the transaction.
Create a .env
file in the src
directory, using .env.example
as a template or manually pass the env variable to the script.
Build the trie used by the parser for address classification
python \
--input /data/backup/eth/blocks/output_0-999999.json.gz \
--output trie_dump/trie.trie \
Generate the csv for both model A and model B for neo4j import
python \
-i /run/media/daniele/Dati/Università/Informatica/Tesi/eth_dumps/dump0_0-999999.json.gz \
-o ./output \
-s -1 \
--format csv \
--start-block 0 \
--end-block 2000000 \
--trie-path trie_dump/trie.trie
For full import change incremental argument 'incremental' with 'full' and remove --force --stage
bin/neo4j-admin database import full \
--verbose \
--delimiter="," \
--array-delimiter=";" \
--skip-duplicate-nodes \
--skip-bad-relationships \
--report-file=report-model1.txt \
--nodes=Block=import/output/model1-data/headers/block_node_headers.csv,import/output/model1-data/nodes/blocks.\* \
--nodes=Account=import/output/model1-data/headers/account_node_headers.csv,import/output/model1-data/nodes/account.\* \
--nodes=Transaction=import/output/model1-data/headers/txs_node_headers.csv,import/output/model1-data/nodes/txs.\* \
--nodes=Log=import/output/model1-data/headers/log_node_headers.csv,import/output/model1-data/nodes/log.\* \
--relationships=SENT=import/output/model1-data/headers/sent_rel_headers.csv,import/output/model1-data/rel/sent.\* \
--relationships=CREATED=import/output/model1-data/headers/creation_rel_headers.csv,import/output/model1-data/rel/creation.\* \
--relationships=EMITTED=import/output/model1-data/headers/log_rel_headers.csv,import/output/model1-data/rel/emitted.\* \
--relationships=INVOKED=import/output/model1-data/headers/invocation_rel_headers.csv,import/output/model1-data/rel/invocation.\* \
--relationships=TRANSFERRED=import/output/model1-data/headers/transfer_rel_headers.csv,import/output/model1-data/rel/transfer.\* \
--relationships=TO=import/output/model1-data/headers/unk_rel_headers.csv,import/output/model1-data/rel/unk.\* \
--relationships=CONTAINED=import/output/model1-data/headers/contain_rel_headers.csv,import/output/model1-data/rel/contained.\* \
--relationships=CHILD_OF=import/output/model1-data/headers/block_child_rel_headers.csv,import/output/model1-data/rel/child-of.\* \
bin/neo4j-admin database import full \
--verbose \
--delimiter="," \
--array-delimiter=";" \
--skip-duplicate-nodes \
--overwrite-destination=true \
--report-file=report-model2.txt \
--nodes=Account=import/output/model2-data/headers/account_node_headers.csv,import/output/model2-data/nodes/account.\* \
--relationships=CREATED=import/output/model2-data/headers/creation_rel_headers.csv,import/output/model2-data/rel/creation.\* \
--relationships=INVOKED=import/output/model2-data/headers/invocation_rel_headers.csv,import/output/model2-data/rel/invocation.\* \
--relationships=TRANSFERRED=import/output/model2-data/headers/transfer_rel_headers.csv,import/output/model2-data/rel/transfer.\* \
--relationships=TO=import/output/model2-data/headers/unk_rel_headers.csv,import/output/model2-data/rel/unk.\* \
# | Descrizione | Model A | Model B |
Q1 | Conta le transazioni di qualsiasi tipo | MATCH (n: Transaction) RETURN COUNT(*) |
MATCH (s:Account)-[r]->(d) RETURN COUNT(*) |
Q2 | Conta tutte le transazioni che hanno trasferito 0 ether | MATCH (n: Transaction) WHERE n.value = 0 RETURN COUNT(*) |
MATCH (s:Account)-[r]->(d) WHERE r.value = 0 RETURN COUNT(*) |
Q3 | Selezionare tutte le transazioni dell'account con indirizzo 0x54daeb3e8a6bbc797e4ad2b0339f134b186e4637 | MATCH (a:Account)-[:SENT]->(t:Transaction) WHERE a.address = "0x54daeb3e8a6bbc797e4ad2b0339f134b186e4637" RETURN t |
MATCH (a:Account {address: "0x54daeb3e8a6bbc797e4ad2b0339f134b186e4637"})-[r]->() RETURN r |
Q4 | Conta gli account che hanno effettuato trasferimenti verso se stessi (loop nel grafo) | MATCH (a:Account)-[r:SENT]->(t: Transaction)-[r2]->(b: Account {address: a.address}) RETURN COUNT(r) |
MATCH (a:Account)-[r]->(b: Account {address: a.address}) RETURN COUNT(r) |
Q5 | Trova tutti gli account che non hanno fatto nessuna transazione, ma che sono solo destinatari di trasferimenti | MATCH (account: Account) WHERE NOT (account)-[:SENT]-(:Transaction) RETURN account |
MATCH (account:Account) WHERE NOT (account)-[]->(:Account) RETURN account |
Q6 | Numero medio di transazioni effettuate da ogni account | MATCH (account:Account)-[:SENT]->(t:Transaction)-[:TRANSFERRED]->() WITH account, COUNT(t) as numTransazioni RETURN AVG(numTransazioni) AS mediaTransazioni |
MATCH (a:Account)-[:TRANSFERRED]->(:Account) WITH a, COUNT(*) as numTransazioni RETURN AVG(numTransazioni) AS mediaTransazioni; |
Q7 | Conta il numero di transazioni che hanno emesso l'evento con firma 0xf63780e752c6a54a94fc52715dbc5518a3b4c3c2833d301a204226548a2a8545 | MATCH (e:Event) WHERE ANY(topic in e.topics where topic = '0xf63780e752c6a54a94fc52715dbc5518a3b4c3c2833d301a204226548a2a8545') RETURN COUNT(*); |
MATCH (n)-[r]->(c) WHERE ANY(topic in r.logs_topic WHERE topic =~ '.*0xf63780e752c6a54a94fc52715dbc5518a3b4c3c2833d301a204226548a2a8545.*') RETURN COUNT(*) |
Q8 | Ritorna tutte le transazioni del blocco con hash 0x890158751fc766ad90d9abebde93830f66e8d503a99f5d25c8dbf8bffeeba388 | MATCH (t:Transaction)-[:CONTAINED]->(b:Block {hash: '0x890158751fc766ad90d9abebde93830f66e8d503a99f5d25c8dbf8bffeeba388'}) RETURN t; |
MATCH (a:Account)-[r]->(b) WHERE r.block_hash = '0x890158751fc766ad90d9abebde93830f66e8d503a99f5d25c8dbf8bffeeba388' RETURN r; |
Q9 | Numero medio di transazioni per blocco | MATCH (b:Block)<-[:CONTAINED]-(t:Transaction) WITH b, COUNT(t) AS numTransazioni RETURN AVG(numTransazioni) |
MATCH (a)-[t]->(b) WITH t.blockHash as block, COUNT(t) as numT RETURN AVG(numT) |
Q10 | Conta tutte le transazioni dirette verso l'indirizzo nullo 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | MATCH (t:Transaction)-[r]->(n:Account {address: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'}) RETURN COUNT(*); |
MATCH (a: Account)-[t]->(b: Account) WHERE b.address = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' RETURN COUNT(*); |
Q11 | Ritorna per ogni blocco, il numero di transazioni al suo interno | MATCH (block:Block)<-[:CONTAINED]-(transaction:Transaction) WITH block, COUNT(transaction) AS numTransactions ORDER BY numTransactions DESC RETURN block, numTransactions |
MATCH ()-[t]->() WITH t.block_hash AS blockHash, COUNT(t) AS numTransactions RETURN blockHash, numTransactions ORDER by numTransactions DESC |
Q12 | Media numero nodi vicini di ogni EOA | MATCH (a:Account)-[:SENT]-(t:Transaction)-[:TRANSFERRED]->(b) WITH b, COUNT(b) AS numNeighbors RETURN AVG(numNeighbors) |
MATCH (a:Account)-[:TRANSFERRED]->(b) WITH b, COUNT(b) AS numNeighbors RETURN AVG(numNeighbors) |
Q13 | Conta i vicini Account di secondo grado (2 hop di distanza) dei primi 100 nodi che hanno fatto piu transazioni verso EOA | MATCH (n:Account)-[r:SENT]-(t:Transaction)-[:TRANSFERRED]->(b:Account) WHERE n <> b WITH n, COUNT(r) AS numTransactions ORDER BY numTransactions DESC LIMIT 100 MATCH (n)-[*4]->(neighbor) WHERE neighbor <> n and (neighbor: Account) RETURN COUNT(neighbor); |
MATCH (n:Account)-[r:TRANSFERRED]->(b:Account) WHERE n <> b WITH n, COUNT(r) AS numTransactions ORDER BY numTransactions DESC LIMIT 100 MATCH (n)-[*2]->(neighbor) WHERE neighbor <> n and (neighbor: Account) RETURN COUNT(neighbor); |
Q14 | Conta i vicini Account di terzo grado (3 hop di distanza) dell’account che ha effettuato piu transaction verso EOA | MATCH (n:Account)-[r:SENT]-(t:Transaction)-[:TRANSFERRED]->(b:Account) WHERE n <> b WITH n, COUNT(r) AS numTransactions ORDER BY numTransactions DESC LIMIT 1 MATCH (n)-[*6]->(neighbor) WHERE neighbor <> n and (neighbor: Account) RETURN COUNT(neighbor); |
MATCH (n:Account)-[r:TRANSFERRED]->(b:Account) WHERE n <> b WITH n, COUNT(r) AS numTransactions ORDER BY numTransactions DESC LIMIT 1 MATCH (n)-[*3]->(neighbor) WHERE neighbor <> n and (neighbor: Account) RETURN COUNT(neighbor); |
Q15 | Conta i vicini Account di terzo grado (3 hop di distanza) dell’account 0x32be343b94f860124dc4fee278fdcbd38c102d88 | MATCH (a:Account {address: '0x32be343b94f860124dc4fee278fdcbd38c102d88'}) MATCH (a)-[*6]->(neighbor: Account) WHERE a <> neighbor RETURN count(neighbor) |
MATCH (a:Account {address: '0x32be343b94f860124dc4fee278fdcbd38c102d88'}) MATCH (a)-[*3]->(neighbor: Account) WHERE a <> neighbor RETURN COUNT(neighbor) |
Q16 | Conta i vicini Account di quarto grado dell’account 0x32be343b94f860124dc4fee278fdcbd38c102d88 | MATCH (a:Account {address: '0x32be343b94f860124dc4fee278fdcbd38c102d88'}) MATCH (a)-[*8]->(neighbor: Account) WHERE a <> neighbor RETURN count(neighbor) |
MATCH (a:Account {address: '0x32be343b94f860124dc4fee278fdcbd38c102d88'}) MATCH (a)-[*4]->(neighbor: Account) WHERE a <> neighbor RETURN COUNT(neighbor) |
Q17 | Ritorna tutte le transaction vicine della transazione con hash 0x4b1ebc387227fedfb5753134e9009a3e2aceb83e86aa4df12dc5531984447d34 | MATCH (t:Transaction {hash: '0x4b1ebc387227fedfb5753134e9009a3e2aceb83e86aa4df12dc5531984447d34'})-[]->(a: Account) MATCH (a)-[:SENT]->(t1: Transaction) RETURN t1 |
MATCH (a:Account)-[r {hash: '0x4b1ebc387227fedfb5753134e9009a3e2aceb83e86aa4df12dc5531984447d34'}]->(b:Account) MATCH (b)-[r2]->() RETURN r2 |
Q18 | Ritorna tutte le transazioni vicine di tutte le transazioni effettuate dall'account 0x32be343b94f860124dc4fee278fdcbd38c102d88 | MATCH (a: Account {address: '0x32be343b94f860124dc4fee278fdcbd38c102d88'})-[]-(t: Transaction)-[]-(b: Account)-[]-(t2: Transaction) RETURN t2 |
MATCH (a: Account {address: '0x32be343b94f860124dc4fee278fdcbd38c102d88'})-[]->(b)-[r2]-(c) RETURN r2 |
Q19 | Conta le transazioni vicine dei primi 10 account che hanno effettuato piu transazioni | MATCH (n:Account)-[r:SENT]-(t:Transaction)-[:TRANSFERRED]->(b:Account) WHERE n <> b WITH n, COUNT(r) AS numTransactions ORDER BY numTransactions DESC LIMIT 10 MATCH (b)-[]->(t1: Transaction) RETURN COUNT(r1) |
MATCH (n:Account)-[r:TRANSFERRED]->(b:Account) WHERE n <> b WITH n, COUNT(r) AS numTransactions ORDER BY numTransactions DESC LIMIT 10 MATCH (b)-[r2]->(c) RETURN COUNT(r2) |
Q20 | Ritorna tutte le transazioni presenti nel blocco della transazione con hash 0x35165e50896a08024b760e400e84a82b46401d655509ad4b8b1694acd9966b3d | MATCH (t: Transaction {hash: '0x35165e50896a08024b760e400e84a82b46401d655509ad4b8b1694acd9966b3d'})-[:CONTAINED_IN]->(b: Block) MATCH (t2: Transaction)-[:CONTAINED_IN]->(b2: Block{hash: b.hash}) RETURN t2 |
MATCH (a: Account)-[t]->(b: Account) WHERE t.hash = '0x35165e50896a08024b760e400e84a82b46401d655509ad4b8b1694acd9966b3d' MATCH (c: Account)-[t1 {block_hash: t.block_hash}]->(d: Account) RETURN t1 |
Q21 | Ritornare tutti gli account che hanno fatto transazioni verso l'address del DAO 0xbb9bc244d798123fde783fcc1c72d3bb8c189413 | MATCH (a: Account)-[:SENT]->(t: Transaction)-[]->(b: Account {address: '0xbb9bc244d798123fde783fcc1c72d3bb8c189413'}) RETURN a; |
MATCH (a: Account)-[]->(b: Account {address: '0xbb9bc244d798123fde783fcc1c72d3bb8c189413'}) RETURN a; |
Q22 | Contare tutte le transazioni dirette verso l'indirizzo del DAO 0xbb9bc244d798123fde783fcc1c72d3bb8c189413 | MATCH (t: Transaction)-[]->(b: Account {address: '0xbb9bc244d798123fde783fcc1c72d3bb8c189413'}) RETURN COUNT(*); |
MATCH (a: Account)-[t]->(b: Account {address: '0xbb9bc244d798123fde783fcc1c72d3bb8c189413'}) RETURN COUNT(t); |
Q23 | Ritorna gli indirizzi che hanno fatto transazioni verso il DAO ordinati in modo decrescente sul numero di transazioni | MATCH (a: Account)-[]-(t: Transaction)-[]->(b: Account {address: '0xbb9bc244d798123fde783fcc1c72d3bb8c189413'}) RETURN a.address as address, COUNT(*) as tot_txs, SUM(t.value) as eth ORDER BY tot_txs DESC |
MATCH (a: Account)-[t]->(b: Account {address: '0xbb9bc244d798123fde783fcc1c72d3bb8c189413'}) RETURN a.address as address, COUNT(*) as tot_txs, SUM(t.value) as eth ORDER BY tot_txs DESC |
Q24 | Ritorna gli account che hanno fatto piu transazioni verso il DAO ordinati per ether inviati | MATCH (a: Account)-[]-(t: Transaction)-[]->(b: Account {address: '0xbb9bc244d798123fde783fcc1c72d3bb8c189413'}) RETURN a.address as address, COUNT(*) as tot_txs, SUM(t.value) as eth ORDER BY eth DESC |
MATCH (a: Account)-[t]->(b: Account {address: '0xbb9bc244d798123fde783fcc1c72d3bb8c189413'}) RETURN a.address as address, COUNT(*) as tot_txs, SUM(t.value) as eth ORDER BY eth DESC |
Q25 | Ritorna il numero di transazioni verso il DAO raggruppate per giorno | MATCH (block: Block)<-[]-(txs: Transaction)-[]->(b: Account {address: '0xbb9bc244d798123fde783fcc1c72d3bb8c189413'}) WHERE block.number >= 1400000 AND block.number <=2500000 WITH datetime({epochSeconds:block.timestamp}) as datetime, count(txs) as tot_txs RETURN date(datetime) as date, SUM(tot_txs) as day_txs ORDER BY date ASC |
MATCH (a: Account)-[t]->(b: Account {address: '0xbb9bc244d798123fde783fcc1c72d3bb8c189413'}) WHERE t.block_number >=1400000 AND t.block_number <= 2500000 WITH datetime({epochSeconds: t.block_timestamp}) as datetime, count(*) as tot_txs RETURN date(datetime) as date, sum(tot_txs) as day_txs ORDER BY date ASC |
Q26 | Ritorna il numero di ether trasferiti verso il DAO raggruppati per giorno | MATCH (block: Block)<-[]-(txs: Transaction)-[]->(b: Account {address: '0xbb9bc244d798123fde783fcc1c72d3bb8c189413'}) WHERE block.number >= 1400000 AND block.number <=2000000 WITH datetime({epochSeconds:block.timestamp}) as datetime, txs.value as eth RETURN date(datetime) as date, SUM(eth) as tot_eth ORDER BY date ASC |
MATCH (a: Account)-[t]->(b: Account {address: '0xbb9bc244d798123fde783fcc1c72d3bb8c189413'}) WHERE t.block_number >=1400000 AND t.block_number <= 2500000 WITH datetime({epochSeconds: t.block_timestamp}) as datetime, t.value as eth RETURN date(datetime) as date, SUM(eth) as tot_eth ORDER BY date ASC |
Q27 | Ritorna per i primi 100 account che hanno fatto più transazioni verso il DAO, gli indirizzi che sono più comuni (tra questi 100) ovvero gli indirizzi ai quali hanno fatto transazioni e la percentuale di quanto lo sono | MATCH (sender: Account)-[]-(txs: Transaction)-[]->(receiver: Account {address: '0xbb9bc244d798123fde783fcc1c72d3bb8c189413'}) WITH sender, receiver, count(*) as num_txs ORDER BY num_txs DESC LIMIT 100 MATCH (sender: Account)-[]-(txs2: Transaction)-[]->(common_receiver: Account) WHERE common_receiver <> receiver WITH sender, common_receiver, count(*) as tot_txs WITH common_receiver.address as common_address, count(*) as num_occurrence RETURN common_address, num_occurrence, num_occurrence * 100 / 100 as common_percentage ORDER BY num_occurrence DESC |
match (sender: Account)-[]->(receiver: Account {address: '0xbb9bc244d798123fde783fcc1c72d3bb8c189413'}) with sender, receiver, count(*) as num_txs order by num_txs DESC LIMIT 100 match (sender: Account)-[]->(common_receiver: Account) where common_receiver <> receiver with sender, common_receiver, count(*) as tot_txs with common_receiver.address as common_address, count(*) as num_occurrence return common_address, num_occurrence, num_occurrence * 100 / 100 as common_percentage order by num_occurrence DESC |
Q28 | Numero di transazioni totali verso EOA e SC e ether trasferiti per giorno fatte prima e dopo il DAO. Da blocco 1 200 000 a blocco 1 800 000 | match (block: Block)<-[]-(txs: Transaction)-[]->(b: Account) where block.number >= 1300000 and block.number <= 2000000 with datetime({epochSeconds:block.timestamp}) as datetime, sum(case when b.account_type = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as tot_eoa_txs, sum(case when b.account_type = 2 then 1 else 0 end) as tot_sc_txs, sum(txs.value) as eth return date(datetime) as date, sum(tot_sc_txs) as tot_sc_txs, sum(tot_eoa_txs) as tot_eoa_txs, sum(eth) as tot_eth order by date ASC |
match (a: Account)-[txs]->(b: Account) where txs.block_number >= 1300000 and txs.block_number <= 2000000 with datetime({epochSeconds: txs.block_timestamp}) as datetime, sum(case when b.account_type = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as tot_eoa_txs, sum(case when b.account_type = 2 then 1 else 0 end) as tot_sc_txs, sum(txs.value) as eth return date(datetime) as date, sum(tot_sc_txs) as tot_sc_txs, sum(tot_eoa_txs) as tot_eoa_txs, sum(eth) as tot_eth order by date asc |
Q29 | Numero di contratti creati nel periodo del DAO | match (block: Block)<-[]-(txs: Transaction)-[:CREATED]->(b: Account) where block.number >= 1200000 and block.number <=1800000 with datetime({epochSeconds:block.timestamp}) as datetime, count(*) as tot_txs return date(datetime) as date, sum(tot_txs) as tot_txs order by date ASC |
match (a: Account)-[t:CREATED]->(b: Account) where t.block_number >=1200000 and t.block_number <= 1800000 with datetime({epochSeconds: t.block_timestamp}) as datetime, count(*) as tot_txs return date(datetime) as date, sum(tot_txs) order by date asc |