- Automated TimeTracking Tool
- PyQt5 Window with System Tray Intergration
- Reminder after regular Workingtime
- Reminder 15 min before max. time (10:45h)
- Python: 3 Recommended version: 3.8
- Run install.bat
First download everything and install required pip packages (cmd into the Folder):
$ pip install pip --trusted-host pypi.org --trusted-host files.pythonhosted.org -r requirements.txt
After Installation run Zeitwaechter.ps1 with PowerShell:
- Right Click on File → Run with Powershell
This File contains your Shutup Time for today. If you do not want to execute this File every day:
- Open task scheduler: WIN+R → taskschd.msc (or search for Task Scheduler)
- Create a new Task:
If Task Scheduler fails, change Path in Zeitwaechter.ps1:
Instead of $ Get-Eventlog -Logname System -InstanceId 2147489654,2147489653 -Source Eventlog -after ([datetime]::Today) | Export-Csv -Path StartTime.csv -NoTypeInformation
$ Get-Eventlog -Logname System -InstanceId 2147489654,2147489653 -Source Eventlog -after ([datetime]::Today) | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Users\platau\Documents\05_Projekte\ArbeitszeitTool\Zeitwaechter\StartTime.csv" -NoTypeInformation
- Run start.vbs
Create a Shortcut of start.vbs to this Folder:
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Important: Do not copy start.vbs to the folder → Creat a Shortcut