is a web application inspired by YouTube for users to stream and share videos. WatchTube allows users to upload their own videos and comment on any other video as well.
WatchTube is a personal project by Daniel Chang.
- User accounts along with secure authentication
- Image attachments (avatars) for each user
- Streaming videos with controls
- Uploading videos
- Adding comments to any video
- Editing and deleting own comments
- Searching for videos
WatchTube was designed and built in two weeks.
A proposal was prepared in order to provide a timeline for the development stage.
A database schema, sample state, and api-endpoints were written up to aid the design process.
WatchTube is a single-page application built using Ruby on Rails and React/Redux.
- Video persistence
- User pages
- Tags on videos
- Likes for videos and comments
- Search for users by username
- Playlists
- Nested comments