Automatic bidding for Aeternity names and auto-renewal.
is a small showcase prototype project, which is built in Elixir, by using Aeternity Elixir SDK. This application automates all the activities, needed to "hold" a name in Aeternity blockchain, this app allows a user to:
- Preclaim and claim a given name(if the name wasn't found in the blockchain and there is no current auction for it).
- Prolonging given name before the expiry by user defined number blocks.
- Monitor and automatically bid for a given name(if the name's auction is active and if the user has enough tokens for making a new bid).
- Clone the project and get the dependencies:
git clone
cd forever_aens
mix deps.get
- Now you have to start the elixir app:
iex -S mix
- Create your own keypair(if you don't have already one):
%{public: public_key, secret: secret_key} = AeppSDK.Utils.Keys.generate_keypair
- Store your private key in the keystore:
AeppSDK.Utils.Keys.new_keystore(secret_key, "123456", name: "my_keystore")
- Set
file, by providing your information. This is an example ofconfig.exs
import Config
config :forever_aens,
name: "daniela.chain", # desired name
password: "123456", # keystore password
prolong_before: 10 # will try to prolong the name if the difference between current and expiry block is less or equal to this value
# Ex. current height 100 , name's auction expiry height 109, prolong_before = 10 , so we start bidding because there are less than 9 blocks before expiry
# 5% of increasing of previous bid
increment: 1.05
config :forever_aens, :client,
key_store_path: "my_keystore",
network_id: "ae_uat",
url: "",
internal_url: "",
gas_price: 1_000_000_000,
auth: []
- Now you are ready to start the application:
NOTE: The application will automatically check name status and take actions each 5 seconds.