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Danial Khakbaz's Portfolio

The screen-shot of the daniel's portfolio

Danial Khakbaz's portfolio built with Next.js, showcasing his skills as a Front-end developer with a journey toward becoming a Full-stack developer. This project highlights his ambition for continuous learning and crafting seamless web applications using modern technologies.

Project Overview

This portfolio website serves as a professional platform to showcase Danial’s work, skills, and personal philosophy on balanced living. It is optimized for performance and utilizes several popular tools and libraries for a smooth, interactive user experience.

Table of Contents


  • Responsive Design: Fully responsive layout with smooth animations.
  • Interactive Animations: Powered by Framer Motion.
  • MDX Support: Easily integrates Markdown with React components.
  • Theme Customization: Leveraging Chakra UI for theme flexibility.
  • View Transitions: Provides smooth transitions between pages.
  • Form Integration: Contact form connected to EmailJS for direct communication.

Technologies Used

  • Next.js - React framework for server-side rendering and static website generation.
  • React - JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Chakra UI - Component library for building accessible React applications.
  • Framer Motion - Animation library for React.
  • EmailJS - Service to send emails directly from the client-side.
  • TypeScript - JavaScript with static typing.

Folder Structure

├── app/                        # Source files for app pages(contains routing system)
│   ├── blog/                   # Blog section (page for blog posts)
│   ├── contact/                # Contact section (page for contact forms)
│   ├── experiences/            # Experiences section (page for work experience)
│   ├── projects/               # Projects section (page for showcasing projects)
│   ├── error.tsx               # Custom error page
│   ├── favicon.ico             # Favicon for the website
│   ├── layout.tsx              # Root layout component for setting up global layouts
│   ├── not-found.tsx           # Custom 404 page for handling not-found routes
│   └── page.tsx                # Main landing page component
├── features/                   # Seperated pages with all their parts
│   ├── home/                   # Home section (components for home posts)
│   │   ├── components/         # Components related to home
│   │   └── constants/          # Constants related to home
│   │
│   ├── blog/                   # Blog section (components for blog posts)
│   │   ├── components/         # Components related to blog
│   │   └── constants/          # Constants related to blog
│   │
│   ├── contact/                # Contact section (components for contact forms)
│   │   ├── components/         # Components related to contact
│   │   └── constants/          # Constants related to contact
│   │
│   ├── experiences/            # Experiences section (components for work experience)
│   │   ├── components/         # Components related to experiences
│   │   └── constants/          # Constants related to experiences
│   │
│   └── projects/               # Projects section (components for showcasing projects)
│       ├── components/         # Components related to projects
│       └── constants/          # Constants related to projects
├── shared/                     # All the pieces of codes that used throughout the app
│   ├── components/             # Components used throughout the app
│   ├── constants/              # Constants and configurations used throughout the app
│   ├── providers/              # Context providers for managing global state and data
│   ├── utils/                  # Utility function and components used throughout the app
│   └── styles/                 # Global and theme-specific styling files
│       ├── fonts/                   # Font files or font-related configurations
│       ├── theme/                  # Theme settings for design consistency (colors, typography, etc.)
│       └── globals.css             # Global CSS applied to the entire application
├── .eslintrc.json              # ESLint configuration for linting and code standards
├── .prettierrc                 # Prettier configuration for consistent code formatting
├── next.config.js              # Next.js configuration settings
├── package.json                # Project metadata, scripts, and dependencies
└──                   # Documentation file explaining the project setup and usage


To set up this project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd danielo-portfolio
  2. Install dependencies:

  3. Run the development server:

    yarn dev
  4. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to see the project.

Development Scripts

Here are some helpful scripts to assist in the development and maintenance of this project:

dev: Runs the app in development mode.

build: Compiles the app for production.

start: Starts the production server.

lint: Lints and fixes files using ESLint.

fix: Formats files using Prettier.

check-prettier: Checks the code format without making changes.