This repository is a Simple api that access every UFRJ course and get all the oppened disciplines and their professors. It was built using golang. If you want to see the chart you can access it: MongoDB Chart
To run this repository by yourself you will need to have the go compiler on your operational system to run the code bellow.
- '/filldatabase': This route access every UFRJ course and stores the data in a mongodb.
- '/professors/<professor_name>': This route only works after the first one.
# Clone this repository
$ git clone <>
# Access the project page on your terminal
$ cd Siga-Professor/
# Create a .env file
$ touch .env
# Create the following parameters
CONNECTION_URL="mongodb+srv://{USER}:{PASSWORD}@{HOST}/{DATABASE}?{PARAMS}" #Your MongoDB connection url
MONGODB_USER #Your MongoDB connection username
MONGODB_PASSWORD #Your MongoDB connection password
MONGODB_HOST #The database host
MONGODB_PARAMS #The params of the connection (retryWrites,w, etc...)
MONGODB_DATABASE #Your database name
# Compile the entire project
$ go run .
# The code will start in the port 8000
- Golang
- gorilla