- Used Devise to implement registration and login.
- Please navigate to config/database.yml to set up your environment's user for mysql.
- The 'oliouser' is there already so you need a user called 'oliouser' in mysql.
- Upon registration, the app will load the home page where users can see a button to navigate to view all Articles.
- In Articles, all the records will be pulled from the given server.
- This server only allows GET requests, therefore the app can only pull info not write to it.
- In this page, users can see a like button on every row, where they can like an Article only once.
- Alternatively, users can click on any Article title to navigate to see more details. (more details can be added. For the coding test purposes I have included Title, Description and like count) Here you can like the article as well.
- However you can only like the Article, not unlike. (This will be an improvement I will try myself to do outside the coding test, as liking was the only requirement on the test)
- The article ID and the like count is persisted and updated in the database as it is not possible to write to the server.
- Therefore the article infor will be pulled from the given server where as the like count will be pulled from the app DB.
- Lastly, the frontend is done with Bootstrap 5.