A very based 1.19.3 build with some of the best visuals currently on the market.
I have entirely given up on microsoft's platform, and by proxy, the game too. Updates won't happen that often, if they even happen at all.
The client partially uses outdated techniques, and some features don't work anymore. I cannot be fucked to fix them.
Use at your own risk, and do not come crying to me when shit doesn't work. Go back to meteor if you want an updated client.
- Minecraft: Java Edition
- Fabric Mod Loader
- Get the latest release,
, from thebin
directory in this repository. - Drag
into your mods folder. - Launch Minecraft with your Fabric launcher profile.
- Get the latest dev build,
, from the latest build action's artifacts (more info below) - Drag
into your mods folder - Launch Minecraft with your Fabric launcher profile
- Click the "Actions" tab
- Click the latest entry
- Click on the "latest-dev.jar" artifact and download it
Note that you have to be logged in to download artifacts.
The ClickGUI is not bound by default. To bind it, run .bind ClickGUI
and press the desired hotkey to bind to.
To search inside of the ClickGUI, just type in the module name. The current search term will appear at the bottom right. Use esc
to clear your search query
Go to the issues page and open an issue. Make sure to attach anything related. Describe the bug as precisely as possible, and attach related crash report/log files, if available.
Go to the issues page and describe the suggestion. Make sure to specify any details you consider important. If your suggestion can benefit the client, it will be added at some point.
Fork this repository, add your code, and make a pull request. MAKE SURE TO TEST THE FEATURE BEFORE OPENING THE PULL REQUEST