- Updated Coffee Client and added stuff
- Install The .jar
- Download Fabric Loader From https://fabricmc.net
- Run 1.19.4 Vanilla
- Run the Fabric Loader and Pick Version 1.19.4 (Default)
- Click Win + R and put %appdata% in the text box
- Navigate to the ".minecraft" folder then "mods"
- Add the .jar to the mods folder and Run Minecraft 1.19.4 Fabric
Your Done Now The Client Should be working as expected! If Not Please Join this discord ( https://discord.gg/8JtwkTPnRE ) and we will be happy to help!
For instructions please see the fabric wiki page that relates to the IDE that you are using.
Build the Jar from Source directly
WARNING: Dev builds a unstable.
Fabric Utility Mod. Hack Client.
For educational purposes only. Use at your own risk.
Coffee Client