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Autoenum is a recon tool which performs automatic enumeration of services discovered. I built this to save some time during CTFs and pen testing environments (i.e. HTB, VulnHub, OSCP) and draws a bit from a number of existing tools including AutoRecon (https://github.com/Tib3rius/AutoRecon), Auto-Recon (https://github.com/Knowledge-Wisdom-Understanding/Auto-Recon), and nmapautomator (https://github.com/21y4d/nmapAutomator). Could also be used in a real-life pentesting engagment. Currently has only been tested in kali. If you notice a bug or have a feature request not in to-do, please submit an issue or let know some other way(discord preferred). Thanks and enjoy autoenum!
Autoenum first runs 2 nmap scans in tandem, one scan looks specifically for service versions to run against searchsploit and the other is a scan dependent on the argument. Every scan profile checks for services running, the type of scan is the only difference. After the scans are finished, the services/ports open and operating systems along with script output (if avaliable) is extracted and further analyzed. If a certain service is found, Autoenum will begin enumerating by firing off a number of tools and create a dir for that service (i.e detecting http starts up nikto, wafw00f, gobuster, and others). If a dependency required is not detected, that dependency will be auto installed and checked if there is a new update everytime the tool is run. Autoenum outputs this information in 2 main sections(scan type and loot dirs) with sub directories branching off depending on what is found.
git clone https://github.com/Gr1mmie/autoenum.git
chmod +x autoenum/autoenum.sh
- First version, HTTP and SMB enumeration added as well as functionalized mess of code it was before
- Aggressive scan added, included nmap-to-searchsploit scan for version exploit searching
- Added getopts for argument parsing to replace patchwork position-based conditionals
- Added help menu and logic to detect dependencies
- Fixed terminal breaking issue (kinda, open to ideas if there is anything better than clearing terminal output).
- Fixed simultaneous scan issue so that both scans fire at the same time now and have a few tools for certain service enumerations to run in background as others stay in foreground to save time
- Added enumeration for various services including LDAP, SNMP, SMTP, oracle and FTP and banner
- Added file containing all commands run in case a command failed
- installs tools not detected and checks if all are up-to-date
- fixed searchsploit encoding issue where parts were being displayed as encoded when read from a text editor
- Autoenum now runs as a console tool similar to msfconsole.
- persistent shell command
- imap, mysql,redis enumeration
- Polished UI
- Cleaned up shell util errors and fixed escape keywords
- Added more scan options:
- top 1k scan
- top 10k scan
- UDP scan
- Added Combination scans (vuln scan can be added onto any other scan)
- Added Auxilary scans:
- Quick scan added
- Vuln scan added
- Fixed update throwing errors issue
- Now supports URLs and FQDNs
- Verifies the IP entered is a valid one
- aggr + reg scans now scan top 1k ports first
- Performs basic OS detecting using ttl
- searchsploit output is now sent to a JSON file for easy viewing
- nfs enum now attempts to mount discovered nfs shares
- Fixed http multiple ports not being detected issue
- Removed ports 47001 and 5985 from ports list to prevent them from being run through http enum
- added
flag when starting autoenum to set autoenum to not attempt to resolve an IP passed (this is good if a machine is blocking pings but we know its up)- Usage:
./autoenum -nr
- Usage:
Your OS may or may not have some installed by default. Not to worry, autoenum recognizes tools not installed and installs them for you, even updating if they aren't up-to-date!
- nmap
- nikto
- gobuster
- whatweb
- onesixtyone
- snmp-check
- snmpwalk
- fierce
- dnsenum
- dnsrecon
- sslscan
- uniscan
- snmp-user-enum
- oscanner
- wafw00f
- odat
- searchsploit
- rpcbind
- tput
- jq
- wpscan