DbWebApi Sample Server
- Added Owin Sample Server (.NET Framework 4.5);
- Updated DataBooster to automatic RefreshStoredProcedureParameters if database side change StoredProcedure interface.
Inside the DbWebApi.SampleServers.sln (in the DbWebApi.SampleServers., Each of OwinSample branch, .Net45 branch and .Net40 branch are further divided into 4 projects for - SQL Server and Oracle (ODP.NET Managed, ODP.NET Unmanaged and DataDirect providers).
- Please keep one of them as needed and exclude the rest.
Or - If you want to retain multiple/all editions, please set your Visual Studio "maximum number of parallel project builds" to 1 (in [Tools]->[Options]->[Projects and Solutions]->[Build and Run]), let Visual Studio build/rebuild the 4 projects one after the other serially, because these editions/projects share the same output bin directory.