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Topicmappr Usage Guide

Jamie Alquiza edited this page Mar 4, 2021 · 8 revisions

Topicmappr has two primary commands: rebuild and rebalance.

  topicmappr [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  rebalance   Rebalance partition allotments among a set of topics and brokers
  rebuild     Rebuild a partition map for one or more topics
  version     Print the version

  -h, --help               help for topicmappr
      --ignore-warns       Produce a map even if warnings are encountered [TOPICMAPPR_IGNORE_WARNS]
      --zk-addr string     ZooKeeper connect string [TOPICMAPPR_ZK_ADDR] (default "localhost:2181")
      --zk-prefix string   ZooKeeper prefix (if Kafka is configured with a chroot path prefix) [TOPICMAPPR_ZK_PREFIX]

Use "topicmappr [command] --help" for more information about a command.



rebuild is used for:

  • replacing brokers
  • removing / draining brokers (scaling down or preparing a broker to be decommissioned)
  • adding brokers (scaling up or replacing one broker with one or more brokers)
  • isolating one or more topics to a specific set of brokers
  • building optimized shard placements from scratch (by partition count or by storage bin-packing)
  • updating replication factors



rebalance is used for:

  • targeted broker storage rebalancing*
  • incremental scaling

*In contrast to storage rebalancing in rebuild (which requires that 100% of partitions for a targeted topic are relocated), rebalance is used for partial partition rebalancing from most to least storage utilized brokers.



scale is used for:

  • Introducing additional, new brokers
  • Redistributing data among existing and new brokers, yielding even storage balance across the board
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