This node returns the current Public IP Address, using (currently) the API. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported by the ipify API (IPv6 is returned; if not available, IPv4 is returned).
- 0.0.3:
- update description in package.json to reference that this is a Node-RED Node
- 0.0.2:
- add a "requesting" and "failed" status label to the node
- add a Github Actions workflow to publish package to npm
- add keywords to package.json
- set node category to "network"
- 0.0.1:
- initial release, supporting the API only (IPv4/6)
- Add more public APIs
- Allow to add custom API endpoints
- Validate responses (that a valid IP address is returned)
- Configure if requesting IPv4/6/both (currently both/autodetection)
- Add tests