Fork of image_pipeline
This package fills the gap between getting raw images from a camera driver and higher-level vision processing.
This Fork adds Tegra and fisheye support:
- camera_calibration_fisheye( A calibration tool for fisheye cameras. It uses OpenCV >3, NO CUDA support needed.
- image_proc_tegra(
- A camera rectification package for camera rectification with OpenCV >3 and CUDA support. Tested in Tegra cores. Faster than image_proc since it uses CUDA for rectification
- It also implements a Nodelet for Fisheye cameras rectification, if calibrated with camera_calibration_fisheye( It uses OpenCV >3 with CUDA suport
- image_proc_fisheye ( Rectification package for platforms without CUDA. Same as image_proc( but for fisheye cameras calibrated with camera_calibration_fisheye( It uses OpenCV >3. NO CUDA support needed