This is PHP client for Factom Open API.
$endpoint = "";
$api_key = "USER_API_KEY";
$factom = new FactomOpenAPI($endpoint, $api_key);
- Get API info
// Get API version
$chains = $factom->getAPIInfo();
- Get user info
// Get user info
$user = $factom->getUser();
- Create a chain
// Creates chain on the Factom blockchain
$extIds[0] = "My new chain";
$extIds[1] = "Second ExtID";
$content = "Content of the first entry"; // optional
$chain = $factom->createChain($extIds, $content);
- Get chains
// Get all user’s chains
$chains = $factom->getChains();
// Get user's chains from 41th to 60th
$chains = $factom->getChains(40, 20);
// Get user's chains with status "queue"
// start=0, limit=0 — use defaults pagination params
// status="queue" — filter chains by status "queue" (also "processing" | "completed")
$chains = $factom->getChains(0, 0, "queue");
// Get user's chains in reverse sorting (from oldest to newest)
// start=0, limit=0 — use defaults pagination params
// status=NULL — not filter by status
// sort="asc" — sort results by createdAt ASC ("desc" is default sorting)
$chains = $factom->getChains(0, 0, NULL, "asc");
// Combine all filters and params
// start=40, limit=20, status="queue", sort="asc"
$chains = $factom->getChains(40, 20, "queue", "asc");
- Get chain
// Get Factom chain by Chain ID
$chainId = "fb5ad150761da70e090cb2582445681e4c13107ca863f9037eaa2947cf7d225c";
$chain = $factom->getChain($chainId);
- Get chain entries
// Get entries of Factom chain
$chainId = "fb5ad150761da70e090cb2582445681e4c13107ca863f9037eaa2947cf7d225c";
$entries = $factom->getChainEntries($chainId);
// Filters and params may be applied to results
// Example: start=40, limit=20, status="queue", sort="asc"
$entries = $factom->getChainEntries($chainId, 40, 20, "queue", "asc");
- Get first/last entry of the chain
$chainId = "fb5ad150761da70e090cb2582445681e4c13107ca863f9037eaa2947cf7d225c";
// Get first entry of Factom chain
$firstEntry = $factom->getChainFirstEntry($chainId);
// Get last entry of Factom chain
$firstEntry = $factom->getChainLastEntry($chainId);
- Search user's chains by external ids
// Search for chains with tag "Forum Thread"
$extIds[0] = "Forum Thread";
$chains = $factom->searchChains($extIds);
// Search for entries with 2 tags simultaneously
$extIds[1] = "v1.0.0";
$chains2 = $factom->searchChains($extIds);
// Filters and params may be applied to results
// Example: start=40, limit=20, status="completed", sort="asc"
$chains = $factom->searchChains($extIds, 40, 20, "completed", "asc");
- Search chain entries by external ids
// Search entries into Factom chain by external id(s)
$chainId = "fb5ad150761da70e090cb2582445681e4c13107ca863f9037eaa2947cf7d225c";
// Search for entries with tag "Forum Post"
$extIds[0] = "Forum Post";
$entries = $factom->searchChainEntries($chainId, $extIds);
// Search for entries with 2 tags simultaneously
$extIds[1] = "v1.0.0";
$entries2 = $factom->searchChainEntries($chainId, $extIds);
// Filters and params may be applied to results
// Example: start=40, limit=20, status="processing", sort="asc"
$entries = $factom->searchChainEntries($chainId, $extIds, 40, 20, "processing", "asc");
- Create an entry
// Create entry in the Factom chain
$chainId = "fb5ad150761da70e090cb2582445681e4c13107ca863f9037eaa2947cf7d225c";
$extIds[0] = "My new entry";
$extIds[1] = "Second ExtID";
$content = "Content of the new entry";
$entry = $factom->createEntry($chainId, $extIds, $content);
- Get entry
// Get Factom entry by EntryHash
$entryHash = "dc2160b99b5f46f156e54bdebc81aef3243884b68b2c0c05e4741910738273f2";
$entry = $factom->getEntry($entryHash);
- Generic factomd interface
// Example of factomd API call without params: 'heights'
$heights = $factom->factomd("heights");
// Example of factomd API call with params: 'chain-head'
// Params sent as JSON string (not object)
$params = "{\"chainid\":\"9b41e5213471aa7dc9bbb1e7107b5c0009d94cd0eb553629984fd07c7039c3db\"}";
$chainHead = $factom->factomd("chain-head", $params);