This is the BAxOPF Enhancement mod. IT contains fixes and keys for:
Additional Measurements | STEAM | GITHUB
Advanced Rappelling | STEAM | GITHUB
Advanced Towing (archived. Use ACE3 Towing!) | STEAM | GITHUB
Advanced Urban Rappeling "Reworked" | STEAM | GITHUB
Alternative Running | STEAM
BackpackOnChest - Redux | STEAM | GITHUB
BreachingCharge & Door Wedge | STEAM | GITHUB (evtl Wechsel zu Breach | STEAM | [GITHUB])
BrushClearing | STEAM | GITHUB
Fawks' Enhanced NVGs | STEAM | GITHUB
GGE: Core, Canting, Captives, NVG Animation, Weapon Swap (fixed Keysigning and slight Code CleanUp) | STEAM | [GITHUB]
GRAD Screenshot-Mode | [STEAM] | [GITHUB]
RideWhereYouLook | STEAM | GITHUB
DismountWhereYouLook | STEAM | GITHUB
Ladder Tweak Remastered | STEAM
SimpleSuppress | STEAM | GITHUB
SlingloadRigging | STEAM | GITHUB
Sonics AntiBounceSystem/ Sonics GroupManager/ Sonics TFAR-Setter Rework | STEAM
VehicleUnflipping | STEAM | GITHUB
VehicleMedical (Archived!) | STEAM | GITHUB
Have Fun!