is an R package to comparing the similarity between
multiple RNA or DNA sequences. This tool can use to compare the
difference between wild type gene (as an reference) and mutated type of
genes. This package can also be used for computing difference among
multiple dot-bracket form RNA sequences. A plot can also be generated to
make data easier to look at.
To install the latest version of the package:
devtools::install_github("Deemolotus/gscVisualizer", build_vignettes = TRUE)
To run the ShinyApp:
contains 7 functions to compute the difference among
genes. The seqCompareAsInput function will takes in numbers of
gene sequences as arguments and compute the difference between each gene
sequence with the reference gene. seqCompareInPair function will
takes in number if gene sequences as argument and calculate the
difference between each pair of genes. seqCompareAsFile function
will takes in a .fa file and convert the .fa file to dataframes, then do
the difference comparison between every gene sequence with the reference
sequence. seqCompareAsFilePair function do the similar thing as
seqCompareInpair but get all data from .fa file instead of input
arguments. dotComp function will takes in two dot-bracket sequence
and then compute the difference between two RNA structure.
checkSeq function will takes in one sequence and make sure the
dot-bracket seequence is valid.
An overview of the package is illustrated below:
Alternatively, the Shiny app can also be used for generating the final result
The package tree structure is provide below
- gscVisualizer
|- gscVisualizer.Rproj
|- data
|- dotCompExample.rda
|- ExampleSequence.rda
|- inst
|- extdata
|- randomSeq.fa
|- seqCompareAsFileTest.fa
|- seqCompareAsInputExample.rds
|- test.fa
|- shiny.png
|- workflow.png
|- workflow1.png
|- shiny-scripts
|- app.R
|- man
|- checkSeq.Rd
|- dotComp.Rd
|- dotCompExample.Rd
|- ExampleSequence.Rd
|- plotter.Rd
|- runGscVisualizer.Rd
|- seqCompareAsFile.Rd
|- seqCompareAsFilePair.Rd
|- seqCompareAsInput.Rd
|- seqCompareInPair.Rd
|- R
|- data.R
|- dotComp.R
|- plotter.R
|- runGscVisualizer.R
|- seqCompareAsInput.R
|- vignettes
|- Introduction_to_gscVisualizer.Rmd
|- shinyAppGscVisualizer.Rmd
|- dotComp.png
|- dotCompResult.png
|- guide1.png
|- guide2.png
|- guide3.png
|- guide4.png
|- guide5.png
|- Rplot.png
|- seqCompareAsFile.png
|- seqCompareAsFilePair.png
|- tests
|- testthat.R
|- testthat
|- Rplots.pdf
|- test-checkSeq.R
|- test-dotComp.R
|- test-plotter.R
|- test-seqcompareAsFile.R
|- test-seqcompareAsFilePair.R
|- test-seqCompareInPair.R
|- test-test-seqCompareAsInput.R
For tutorials and plot interpretation, refer to the vignette:
gscVisualizer introduction:
instruction for the shiny app:
Tan, Z. (2020) gscVisualizer (Gene sequence comparison visualizer): an R package for comparing the difference in gene sequences, then visualize the result by plotting. URL
The author of this package is Zhiwen Tan. All of seqCompareAsInput, seqCompareInPair, seqCompareAsFile and seqCompareAsFilePair functions makes use of s2c and translate functions from seqinr R package to convert the DNA or RNA sequences to amino acid. Those two functions also makes use of needles function from NameNeedle R package to calculate the difference between different gene sequences. The NameNeedle R package is also been used in dotComp function. The seqCompareAsFile and seqCompareAsFilePair function also makes use of readRNAStringSet function from Biostrings to extract information from .fa file to make a list of dataframes. The plotter function makes use of the graphic R package.
Charif D, Lobry J (2007). “SeqinR 1.0-2: a contributed package to the R project for statistical computing devoted to biological sequences retrieval and analysis.” In Bastolla U, Porto M, Roman H, Vendruscolo M (eds.), Structural approaches to sequence evolution: Molecules, networks, populations, series Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering, 207-232. Springer Verlag, New York. ISBN : 978-3-540-35305-8.
Kevin R. Coombes (2020). NameNeedle: Using Needleman-Wunsch to Match Sample Names. R package version 1.2.6/r51.
Pagès H, Aboyoun P, Gentleman R, DebRoy S (2020). Biostrings: Efficient manipulation of biological strings. R package version 2.58.0,
Wickham, H. and Bryan, J. (2019). R Packages (2nd edition). Newton, Massachusetts: O’Reilly Media.
Kozomara, A., & Griffiths-Jones, S. (2011). miRBase: integrating microRNA annotation and deep-sequencing data. Nucleic acids research, 39(Database issue), D152–D157.
Steipe B., ABC project (.utility 4.07) A Bioinformatics Course: Applied Bioinformatics
Zhiwen. T, Sijie Xu (2020) miRNA Motif Analysis
This package was developed for BCB410H: Applied Bioinformatics, University of Toronto, Toronto, CANADA.